April 12, 2017 ISSUE
National BBQ Association presents "The Bib" The catch all for Best in Barbecue.

Thank you to all of our sponsors for making the I AM BBQ 2017 Annual Conference & BBQ Bash a great success. 

NBBQA Monthly Special Interest Group (SIG) Call
Don't miss out!  Mark your planning calendar for our regular monthly SIG Calls.   These monthly SIG calls are your opportunity to engage in peer-to-peer learning, get answers to your questions, gain knowledge, share your own expertise, make new industry/peer connections, get involved in NBBQA and more!  

BBQ Events & Festival Organizers SIG (Chair - Kell Phelps)
2nd Tuesday of each month, 12pmET/11amCT/10amMT/9amPT

BBQ Media SIG (Chair - Angela Keaveny)
3rd Thursday of each month, 11:30amET/10:30amCT/9:30amMT/8:30amPT

Competition BBQ SIG
1st Tuesday of each month, 4pmET/3pmCT/2pmMT/1pmPT

Food Truck Operators SIG
Varies each month.  All members of this SIG receive a monthly email invite. 

BBQ Product & Supplier SIG
2nd Tuesday of each month, 10:30amET/9:30amCT/8:30amMT/7:30amPT

Restaurants & Catering SIG
2nd Tuesday of each month, 3pmET/2pmCT/1pmMT/12pmPT

BBQ Business Start Ups
Varies each month.  All members of this SIG receive a monthly email invite. 

An email invite and reminder is sent to the membership of each SIG prior to each call.  Additionally, a follow-up email is sent after the call with a link to the on-demand call audio for members who are unable to join the call. 

Not a SIG Member?  SIGs are only available to NBBQA Members.  To join NBBQA and our NBBQA SIGs, visit www.nbbqa.org.  Already an NBBQA Member and want to join one or more SIGs at no extra cost?  Log into your membership profile at www.nbbqa.org, click "Edit Profile" and then click "Custom".  

The long awaited Awards of Excellence are now up on our website,  nbbqa.org.  Click to view the full list of winners:  https://www.nbbqa.org/files/AOE%20awards1.pdf

Domestic consumption of pork could keep prices steady for hogs going into the summer and fall, market experts say.

Ways to Offer Cheerwine in Your Restaurant

2017 marks 100 years of the legendary taste of the soft drink Cheerwine. You don't get to 100 years old in a competitive beverage industry without the consistency of taste and delighting new and existing consumer's year after year. Part of that delightful consistency is the multiple ways Cheerwine can be enjoyed. Here's three key ways you too can share Cheerwine with your guests:

Cheerwine as a beverage: Barbecue restaurants all over the country that serve Cheerwine fountain find that it is usually the #1 or #2 selling carbonated soft drink. Serving Cheerwine in the iconic glass bottle is a guaranteed way to deliver your consumers the message of authenticity. What might surprise you is that Cheerwine is also a great cocktail mixer!

Cheerwine as an ingredient: Consumers and restaurants love using Cheerwine in their recipes. It's been a very popular ingredient in barbecue sauces (both from a reduction or straight syrup), but also used in cakes and pies, and frozen desserts.

Cheerwine and Ice Cream: Ice Cream Floats are more popular than ever, and you will find Cheerwine Floats on menus throughout the south! Speaking of ice cream, we are even seeing more and more restaurants using the Cheerwine syrup as an ice cream topping and to make Cheerwine shakes. Two ingredients you may already have in stock, but a new line of revenue for you, and a new treat for your customers!
One brand. Many delightful ways to serve!

Please visit Cheerwine.com for more information.

A collective of more than 120 lamb ranches in Central Texas, Capra Lamb provides only verified all-natural Dorper lamb, the most premium lamb meat available, with a mild, delicate flavor profile. With a commitment to providing better lamb, naturally, Capra Lamb supplies 100 percent pastured lamb, and is dedicated to never using antibiotics, added growth hormones or animal byproducts. 

Fort Worth became BBQ World HQ last weekend as luminaries, BBQ stars attended NBBQA national meeting
All things barbecue displaced all things urban cowboy in Fort Worth last weekend as the  National BBQ Association   took over  Billy Bob's and the Stockyards for its  annual "I Am BBQ" conference  and  BBQ Bash .

Servings: 6-8,  4 chicken breasts,  8 burger buns,  BBQ Sauce,  1 ½ cups ketchup

Their clothes smelled like smoke and maybe sported some stains and greasy splotches. Their fingers glistened from many stabs into meat plumped with rendered fat. And their stomachs may have cried uncle.
When you step inside Maynard's Battle Road Brew House, don't be surprised if you detect the sweet aroma of steeping grains. This is a working brewery as well as a spot for delicious pub fare. You can get a glimpse of the action while perched at the bar.

A silly sausage thought it would be a good idea to rob a German discounter with a barbeque implement. It was all going well until an employee got all up in his grill.

Grilling chicken is just as easy as roasting, but you'll get great barbecue flavor without the hassle of having to stand at the grill turning drumsticks and breasts to keep them from burning. Expand your grilling repertoire and impress your guests by learning how to grill a whole chicken.

Are you ready to start grilling? Here are some delicious reds for those steaks and burgers, and a couple of fine rosés to sip while the coals get hot or with your grilled salmon.

Getting an authentic barbecue flavor when cooking ribs on a gas grill can be a challenge. Gas grills are great for hot and fast cooking, but not so efficient when you need to turn a rack of ribs into tender, smoky barbecue.

New Barbecue Pop-Up Focuses on Unexpected Smoked Meats
Former La Barbecue pitmaster  Jack Zizzo  is venturing into  his own smoked meats operation  with pop-up  Birdhouse BBQ . "Everyone knows where to go for the classics," he said to Eater. "I'm trying to create something unique and special."

Of all the stunt "activations" happening at Austin's annual tech-bro bacchanalia South by Southwest, here's one that Texans might want to pretend never happened: Soylent as barbecue sauce.
When he's not working as a security guard in South Lake Union, Spencer Lindsay is cooking up sauces he sells under the Mr. Maurs brand. He's moved from in-person sales to selling his products on Amazon using a service geared to budding entrepreneurs.

There are many great  gas grills  available, and the challenge for many is finding which one is right for you. This is what our customers are asking us everyday, so we decided to put together this award list of the top gas grills to help you find one that's best fit for your needs. Choose a grill configuration below to see our award winners for best gas grills of the year.

Arrange the tortillas on a work surface. Divide the chicken, cheese, cilantro and jalapeño among the tortillas, scattering the ingredients over half of each tortilla. Sprinkle with salt and drizzle tablespoon of barbeque sauce over each. Fold the uncovered half of each tortilla over the filling to form a half-moon shape.
Boulder City - The 10th Annual Best Dam BBQ Challenge is free to the public. Watch teams compete for Grand Champion in beef, chicken pork and brisquet.  Enjoy countless fun-filled hours walking historic Bicentennial Park and participating in family-friendly activities, live entertainment, shopping, and, of course, delicious BBQ!

Food porn doesn't have to tell a good story, but the best culinary documentaries recognize that food is story. Australian director Matthew Salleh's first feature, "Barbecue," embraces that approach, careening across 12 countries in search of different approaches to the art of roasting meat with fire.

National Barbecue & Grilling Association
P.O. Box 9686  |  Naperville, IL 60567-9686
P:  1-331-444-7347  |  info@nbbqa.org

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