April 18, 2017
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Efrat's  Message : MessageFromPresident

Happy Spring!
Conference season is upon us, and we at Foresight are busy with several speaking events around the country. We hope you can join us in Silicon Valley, Austin or Washington DC!
Warm Regards,
Efrat Kasznik, President

Foresight's President, Efrat Kasznik, will share advice on how to build a robust business and financial model based upon realistic expectations and sound assumptions and successfully communicate your financial vision and expectations to investors. 

Insights 2017: Patent Strategies for New Entrants in Old Spaces and Old Entrants in New Spaces, April 25 at 3:30 pm CT (Austin, Texas)

Efrat is moderating an expert panel discussing best practices and strategic considerations for creating and leveraging strong IP positions for both market entrants and incumbents, looking to gain or control freedom to operate (FTO) in a new market. The panelists will share their insights on creating the right IP portfolio, buying/licensing patents for FTO in the new market, industry specific considerations, and the role of M&A as a mechanism to enter new markets. 

Efrat is moderating a keynote lunch panel of IP executives from AT&T, Microsoft, Qualcomm and Visa who will share their IoT vision, as markets are gearing to leverage on the promise of 20 billion connected devices by 2020. The panel will discuss current trends and revenue opportunities in key IoT markets, including: connected devices, automotive, fintech and healthcare.