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Title Notes E-News             West Virginia Bankers Title, LLC               April 2017

Here are additional articles related to Leadership & Professional Development you may enjoy: 
A Survival Strategy for Smaller Banks
by Kevin Tynan, Liberty Bank for Savings
Key concepts Kevin reviews:
  • We're losing the battle to keep customers. Here's what we can do about it.
  • When speed and convenience is king, FIs are relegated to the position of financial utilities, generic banking monoliths existing only to process transactions and facilitate purchases.
  • Bank attempts to stem customer attrition are not working.
  • Their only solution is niche banking, a slate of limited services focused around a narrow customer segment where they can reign as market leaders.
 HERE to read the details.
Stephen Covey's Best Selling Strategy: Talk About Results, Not About Your Product
by Victor Clarke
Selling is not about you, your product, or your company. So, stop pitching along those lines. It's about results. It's about what former customers have gained, and legitimate outcomes for the prospective client.

Successful sales people no longer thrive on simple, trusted services. That's a commodity, not a differentiator. Growing businesses want innovative, expansive and-above all-solution-based vendors.
  Click  HERE  to read more.

Here are additional articles related to the   Professional Development you may enjoy: 
Why [Business] Banking Needs More Transparency
by Chris Nichols
We recently worked with a bank that was closing a multi-million dollar commercial loan. Exactly one day before the scheduled loan closing we met with the borrower to discuss the final steps to closing and funding. We were astonished to learn that the borrower did not know how the loan would be priced or what index would be used to set the rate. Except for the short commitment letter, the borrower had not reviewed any marketing materials from the bank. The borrower did not know the conditions or covenants for the loan and knew only the amortization and fixed rate terms...bankers must decide if they want to practice transparent marketing or hide their business process and pricing from clients.  Click  HERE  to read on.

Here are  additional articles related to the Business Banking you may enjoy: 
Survey Finds Mortgage Applicants Prefer In-Person Interactions
by Phil Hall
When it comes to the mortgage application process, it appears that most homeowners prefer to fill out their paperwork in person rather than online.
According to the newly released  2017 Borrower Insights Survey from Ellie Mae, 57 percent of homeowners applied for and completed their latest mortgage completely in-person with their lender, 28 percent combined online and in-person interaction when filling out their mortgage application.   Click  HERE  to read on.


**Remember to offer your borrowers Owner's Coverage on their most valuable investment. It's a one time premium with a lifetime of security. In addition, they will receive a reduced premium rate when they obtain it simultaneously with your Lender's Coverage.**

What Topics Are On Your Mind?

West Virginia Bankers Title wants to provide you with pertinent information in future E-Blasts and Webinars. What questions are on your mind regarding the real estate and mortgage lending industry? What Topics would you like addressed in future E-blasts? Send Jade Audia your thoughts.
Bob Drummond
Give us a call and let us know how we can better serve you and your team!
Vice President & Agency Manager
West Virginia Bankers Title, LLC
1547 Tulip Lane
Fairmont, WV 26554

Integrity. Security. Excellence.

At West Virginia Bankers Title, our goal is to provide security for your most valued investments, while offering exceptional customer service and delivering quality title insurance products in an accurate and timely manner.
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