Seeking the risen Lord...
Dear Friends and Parishioners,
The early Christians, even though they were baptized, learned from the desert experience of Lent that they too were in need of renewal and of finding out who they were and who God was calling them to be.  During Lent, we too went into the desert to face both our gifts and our limits, a need to face ourselves, our demons, and our God.  And now we're at Holy Week.  The image of the risen Lord at Easter doesn't deny the passion and death of Jesus.  The risen Lord still bears his wounds.  We come to the tomb looking for Jesus and leave with the story of the risen Lord.  Jesus invites his followers to find him in the world, in our families, in our neighborhoods, in every place where people gather, for the risen Lord is there.
Yours in Christ Our Hope,
Father Paul Signature

Father Paul Magnano

Holy Thursday
Thursday, April 13
7:00 AM Morning Prayer
6:00 PM Young Adult Pilgrimage (at St. James Cathedral)
7:00 PM Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper
CRS Rice Bowl Collection

Good Friday
Friday, April 14
7:00 AM Morning Prayer
7:00 PM Celebration of the Lord's Passion
Holy Land Collection
Holy Saturday
Saturday, April 15
9:00 AM Morning Prayer and RCIA Retreat
8:30 PM Solemn Easter Vigil in the Holy Night

Easter Sunday 
Sunday, April 16
9:30 AM Mass
5:00 PM Mass  (en Español)
7:00 PM Mass
Music and Meditation
On Friday, April 7th, Music and Meditation: The Seven Last Words by Josef Haydn, played by The Christ Our Hope String Quartet, will provide the environment for short meditations on each of the seven phrases by our clergy (Fr. Paul and Fr. Tom Lucas) and five well-qualified parishioners (Ruth Ard, Maggie Finley, Colleen Toomey, Ed Holen and Dr. David Ard). It will be inspirational and an excellent preparation for Palm Sunday and Holy Week.

Volunteers Needed!
There are jobs both big and small for volunteers this week and for Holy week.
We need people to haul items up from storage, move the palms back into the church, assist with changing the church environment and many other tasks on Holy Saturday morning.
Please RSVP to Pam at  [email protected] and thank you!

Holy Thursday Pilgrimage for Young Adults
If you are a young adult in Western Washington anywhere between our border with Canada up north and our border with Oregon in the south, we hope you will come and join many other young adults, Archbishop Sartain and Bishop Elizondo on this journey of faith. Over the years, this program continues to develop into a faith-filed event that convenes young adults from the different cultural communities present in Western Washington, hece and while relatively simple, the program involves more than one language.
Peregrinación de Jueves Santo para Jóvenes
Invitamos a las y los jóvenes de Western Washington a la peregrinación anual para mayores de 18 años de edad. Ven y acompaña al Arzobispo Sartain, al Obispo Elizondo y cientos de jóvenes más. Este evento se ha ido convirtiendo poco a poco en una hermosa celebración que convoca y refleja la diversidad cultural existente entre nuestra juventud católica de western Washington, razón por la cual aunque sencillo, el programa se realiza en más de un idioma. 
Thursday, April 13th from 6:00 PM to 12:00 AM at St. James Cathedral.
M á s informaci ó n aqui (Facebook).

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