Public Hearing and Board Meeting Summary for Monday, December 18, 2017

The Board of Education provides a "Board Meeting Summary" after each Board meeting. The summary includes a brief description of the main topics and action items. These summaries are not meant to replace minutes. The minutes for each meeting are approved and posted after the next regularly scheduled meeting. We hope these summaries provide some basic information and context around the reports, presentations and action items. For the full packet of information including presentations and reports,  Click Here.

Meetings are video streamed live online and the videos are archived on the District website, Click Here. Please note the time markers throughout the document below for your convenience.

Public Hearing on the 2017 Levy
Community members provided public comment on the 2017 Levy watch

The regular meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m.

Roll Call
President Stephanie Clark, Vice President Kurt Buchholz, Secretary Jason Loebach, Robert Bruno, Bruce Currie, Linda D'Ambrosio, Erica Nelson

Superintendent Reports | watch 
Dr. Gordon thanked community members for their comments on the levy and the staff for their hard work and dedication to the students of District 41.

Board Reports

No reports were submitted.

Public Participation  |  watch

Discussion Items  |  watch 

2018-2019 School Calendar
Dr. Gordon provided an overview of the draft 2018-2019 school calendar. He noted the calendar has been drafted in order to maximize calendar options to accommodate construction. The Board will take action on the calendar at the next board meeting.

District 41 FY 2017 Levy  - Dr. Gordon provided administration's rationale for the recommendation to maximize the levy. In addition, Assistant Superintendent of Finance, Facilities and Operations Eric DePorter provided a final overview and answered questions from the Board related to the 2017 Levy.

Action Items | watch

Consent Agenda
The December 4, 2017 regular meeting minutes were pulled from the consent agenda and considered separately.  

Personnel Report
Employment Recommendations
Finance, Facilities & Operations:
Treasurer's Report
Investment Schedule
Monthly Revenue/Expenditure Summary Report
Summary of Bills and Payroll
Vandalism Report
Disposal of Surplus Property  
FOIA Report
School District Payment Order -  November 28, 2017 - December 11, 2017
Board Meeting Minutes
December 4, 2017 - Regular Meeting Minutes
December 4, 2017 - Closed Meeting Minutes

Voted yes:  Clark, Buchholz, Loebach, Bruno, Currie, D'Ambrosio, Nelson

Board Meeting Minutes of December 4, 2017
Voted yes:  Clark, Buchholz, Loebach, Bruno, Currie, D'Ambrosio, Nelson

Superintendent Recommendations
  |   watch

Churchill Donation: The District received a donation for Churchill from an anonymous donor for a Ga-Ga Ball Play area. Board policy requires Board approval.
Voted yes:  Clark, Buchholz, Loebach, Bruno, Currie, D'Ambrosio, Nelson

Approval of Professional Services Contract for a Licensed Practical Nurse with Sunbelt Staffing Agency: The Board approved a contract for a Licensed Practical Nurse to support students who need additional medical support during the school day.
Voted yes:  Clark, Buchholz, Loebach, Bruno, Currie, D'Ambrosio, Nelson
Board Policy Revisions - Second Reading and Adoption: The Board approved board policy revisions originally discussed on November 6, 2017. Mrs. Clark read a statement acknowledging the due diligence of the Board and committee following feedback and comments of community members who expressed interest in some of the revisions.

Voted yes:  Clark, Buchholz, Loebach, Bruno, Currie, Nelson
Voted no: D'Ambrosio
Approve 2017 FY Levy: The Board approved the resolution to the 2017 Levy for 0% increase to the CPI for a total of $44,514,959.

Voted yes:  Clark, Buchholz, Currie, D'Ambrosio
Voted no: Loebach, Nelson and Bruno

Items for Consideration for Future Agenda  |   watch
- A request for a January discussion on reinstating board engagement with community.
- A request for a future discussion with the Finance Advisory Community on the specific areas to reduce in the budget.


Adjourn to Closed Session
Voted yes:  Clark, Loebach, Bruno, Currie, D'Ambrosio, Nelson
Voted no: Buchholz

Action: Resolution AFSCME/Damos Grievance
The Board did not take any action following closed session.

Upcoming Meetings
-Monday, January 8, 2018, Regular Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Central Services Office
-Monday, January 22, 2018, Regular Board Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Central Services Office