Next Generation Beamstops, Two New Crystallization Screens, Beamline News & More
NEW: Sentinel™ G2 Beamstops
Beamstops for beamlines and on homesources just received an upgrade, as we release the second generation in our family of Sentinel™ Real-time Intensity Monitoring Beamstops.

The Sentinel™ G2 includes an improved scintillator material (GAGG:Ce), increasing light yield and responsiveness, as well as a new high-tolerance Tungsten housing with precision dimensions, enabling smaller custom designs.
Benefits of monitoring beam intensity in real-time:
• Know exact sample radiation dose exposure
• Monitor beamline stability continuously
• Calibrate X-ray beam intensity
• Record intensity during data collection
• Micro-sized for minimum shadowing
• Record long-term photon delivery metrics
Two New Crystallization Screens:
XP Screen (Protein Crystal Glue)
(Figure adapted from [1], used by courtesy of Prof. Annette Rompel, University of Vienna, Austria)
A crystallization screen for improved crystal quality and phasing
The XP screen provides 96 of the most prominent crystallization conditions upgraded with "Protein Crystal Glue" a universal and flexible crystallization additive known as Anderson−Evans polyoxotungstate [TeW 6 O 24 ] 6−  (TEW) This additive promotes protein crystallization, even for the most challenging targets, and often improves the diffraction quality of protein crystals.
TEW was shown to
  • Covalently bind and structurally adapt to fit into protein molecules (cgAUS1, PDB code: 4Z12, 4Z13)[2]

  • Act as linker in various orientations and thereby create either smaller (abPPO4, PDB code: 4OUA) or larger (lysozyme, PDB code: 4PHI) protein-protein distances [3,4]

  • Induce heterogeneous crystallization of two different protein forms in one single crystal (abPPO4, PDB code: 4OUA)[4]
[1] Bijelic et al. (2017) Ten Good Reasons for the Use of the Tellurium-Centered Anderson-Evans Polyoxotungstate in Protein Crystallography. Acc. Chem. Res. 50:1441. 
[2] Molitor et al. (2016) In situ formation of the first proteinogenically functionalized [TeW6O24O2(Glu)]7- structure reveals unprecedented chemical and geometrical features of the Anderson-type cluster. Chem. Commun. 52:12286. 
[3] Bijelic et al. (2015) Hen Egg-White Lysozyme Crystallisation: Protein Stacking and Structure Stability Enhanced by a Tellurium(VI)-Centred Polyoxotungstate. ChemBioChem 16:233. 
[4] Mauracher et al. (2014) Latent and active abPPO4 mushroom tyrosinase cocrystallized with hexatungstotellurate(VI) in a single crystal. Acta Cryst. D 70:2301.
The Berkeley Screen

Having a difficult time getting hits?

This screen has proven to provide crystals [1] . It was developed using a statistical analysis of the Biological Macromolecular Crystallization Database, by researchers at the Berkeley Center for Structural Biology at the Advanced Light Source of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory .

These conditions have been extensively used to crystallize target proteins from the Joint BioEnergy Institute and the Collaborative Crystallography program at the Berkeley Center for Structural Biology.

Crystallography News
Photo Credit: MAX IV
Researchers from Aarhus University were upon the first to use the BioMax beamline at MAX IV. Their publication presents a new method for solving protein structures of challenging samples. The method can also be used for labeling proteins to make it possible to follow them in cells using imaging methods.
Photo Credit: MDPI
The use of synchrotron radiation has lead to an explosion of technological advances in the field of crystallography. Recent developments in beamline automation has driven the crystallography to new heights. The newly developed remote access mode at Diamond Light Source beamline I19, crystallography will enter a new era.

Universal Pucks (Uni-pucks) and Tools
Proven quality and dependability
Planning to collect data remotely at BioMAX or I19? Ship your crystals confidently by obtaining your Universal Pucks (Uni-pucks) and Tools from the leading puck supplier in crystallography.

Our products have been used to transports thousands and thousands of crystals to synchrotrons around the world.
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Faster Cooling Means Less Time for Ice on Your Crystals
NANUQ™ Cryocooling Technology provides reproducible plunge cooling up to 10x faster than hand-plunging techniques. Faster cooling means less time for the nucleation and growth of ice crystals and better data.
Eliminate Cryocooling as a Variable
  • Eliminate ice issues
  • Reduce dependency on cryoprotectants
  • Improve crystal diffraction
  • Reduce mosaicity
  • Prevent damage with automated puck filling
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