The story of Palm Sunday has a twinge of irony, in my opinion. Throughout Jesus' life and ministry, He was often among his followers, treating them as His equals and welcoming all. On Palm Sunday, though, the day that Jesus was truly treated like a king, He weeps because He knows that in five days' time, He will be crucified.

Rather than revel in the moment of earthly happiness, or draw pride from the celebration of His many worshippers, Jesus keeps His mind on his sacrifice.  This sacrifice, though unfathomably painful for Him, will save all of these disciples who welcome Him.

When given such exaltation from our peers, it is easy to turn from God, thinking that we do not need Him anymore, forgetting that everything that is given to us comes through Him. Conversely, when put into such pain as Jesus was, some may perceive that God has abandoned them, and thus turn away then as well.

In everyone's lives, there are wonderful times and horrible times - the Palm Sundays and the Good Fridays of our life, so to speak. There are times when we forget or doubt God. Even Jesus, hanging on the cross, asked God why He had forsaken Him.

Throughout all of these times, though, good and bad and in between, we must keep our Easter Sunday in mind. As the Bible says many times, nothing on Earth is as great as what awaits us in heaven. During the bad times, we must not think that God has forgotten us, and during the good times, we must not forget God, because at the end of it all, there is only God, promising eternal happiness.

Grace McDermott
Parish Office Weekend Staff
Principal Selection Update
Click here from the latest news!
Almoners' Program
We need volunteers to distribute McDonalds Gift Cards after Masses this Sunday, please sign up here!
Lenten Stations of the Cross
Join SJS Athletics for Stations of the Cross in the Church on Wednesday, April 12th at 1:30 pm 
Join Us For 
Holy Week!
Palm Sunday:  5 pm Vigil, 8 am, 10 am, 12 pm 
Monday:  8: 15 am Mass
Tuesday:  8:15 am Mass
Wednesday:  6:30 pm Mass
Holy Thursday:  9 am morning prayer, 7:30 pm Mass of the Lord's Supper, Adoration until 10 pm
Good Friday:  9 am Morning Prayer and 7:30 pm Service of the Lord's Passion
Holy Saturday:  9 am Morning Prayer, 12 pm Blessing of Easter Baskets, 7:30 pm Vigil
Easter Sunday:  8 am, 10 am, and 12 pm
High School Sophomore / Junior Needed
Seeking two high school sophomores or juniors who want experience in service and leadership, to take responsibility for the Children's Liturgy of the Word program at the 10:00 am Masses. Please contact [email protected]
Please pray for...
Please pray for our RCIA candidates as they get closer to full initiation into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. Seth Ebarra will receive Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist and Matthew Ross will receive Confirmation and Eucharist. 

Wanted:  JQS Coordinator
Are you interested in helping lead the Josaphat Quarterly Socials?  Please email [email protected] for more details!
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Homeless Outreach:
Signup to help with the Homeless Outreach Program HERE!