December 18, 2017

Dear Kenston Community,

It is unfortunate that the roofing project created issues that impacted our students, teachers and staff. We are appreciative of the spirit of our community working together during this difficult time.  We look forward to 2018 and their return to the building to begin the second semester on Wednesday, January 3, 2018.  At tonight's Board of Education Meeting, the Geauga County Health Department inspection and final report of the industrial hygiene tests were presented to the board.

The Geauga County Health Department has inspected the building noting that areas affected by roof leaks were remediated and, where necessary, drywall was replaced and repainted.  There was no visible evidence of water damage.  As observed in the report, ceiling tiles have now been replaced throughout the building and handwashing signage posted in the restrooms and locker rooms. Report:  Geauga County Board of Health

Industrial hygiene testing results performed by the EA Group, Environmental Analysis and Management and Armour Applied Science, LLC found acceptable levels of chemical constituents/volatile organic compounds (VOC) from the chemicals associated with the roofing project, airborne fungi associated with past roof leaks and airborne fibers in the event that asbestos-containing materials were disturbed.  

Air Sampling for Chemical Constituents
The indoor air quality evaluations for chemicals from the roofing project were found to be below the standard of comparison.

Air Sampling for Fungal Structures
Testing for potential mold growth resulting from the history of roof leaks samples showed "indoor samples were lower than outdoor in all first floor locations and most of the second floor Locations, with no significant amplification of individual types."  Three second floor classrooms were found to have had elevated but acceptable levels of airborne fungi.  

Prior to Winter Break, additional cleaning measures will be taken in these classrooms, as recommended by the EA Group.

Air Sampling for Airborne Fibers
Air sampling for airborne fibers were compared to the Ohio Department of Health standard for "clean air" of 0.01 fibers per cubic centimeter (f/cm³ ).  Each sample had a concentration of no more than .004 f/cm ³ , below the clean air standard.

On October 22, 2017, monitors for VOC and Carbon Monoxide (CO 2) were installed on the main air handlers.  They have reported VOC and CO 2 levels less than 1,000 parts per million that is within the acceptable "safe" range since their installation.  

The Bainbridge Fire Department completed an inspection of the building on December 18, 2017.

We will continue to work with Kenston Education Association (K.E.A.), our teacher's union, to identify and address practices and procedures that will reaffirm the strength of the district.  We have reviewed Emergency Procedures and continue to work with the district and building Safety Committees and our first responders to address the safety of our students and staff.  Kenston's chain of command is in place to identify who is responsible when building administrators are out of the district.

Administrators and teachers in each building will utilize their Building Councils, as established in the K.E.A. contract,  to address and resolve issues that impact the educational climate and address and communicate building maintenance issues.  

Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation/Public Employment Risk Reduction Program (PERRP) has done a site-visit to make sure that we are in compliance with all the policies and procedures to ensure public employees have safe and healthy working conditions.

We appreciate your patience and support.  We will proceed with students and staff returning to the building on Wednesday, January 3, 2018.  Information regarding the transition has been shared with middle school families and staff.

Best wishes for happy holidays.

Nancy R. Santilli