School Programs
Monday 4/24/17, 11-5pm
We could use help in prepping before the kids arrive. Forty middle school students from schools from around the world
+ 20 adults will be here from 2-4pm, touring the MARY, sanding the MARY (paint prep), and building a floating dock. We could use volunteers to help with the tours, assist the kids with the hands-on projects, and just help with the general flow of handling that many people in a short period of time.
Saturdays 4/22, 5/6, 5/21, and 6/3, hours TBD
Calling all marine life specialists and naturalists! Can you help supervise a student group?
We are working on a project "
Look who's here
" with the Stuyvesant HS Environmental Club (SEC) to create an inventory of nature in Atlantic Basin to add to Red Hook WaterStories. This will also create the basis for school curricula. On Saturdays, the students will be here monitoring our new Billion Oyster Project cage and other traps, testing water, photographing those critters, maybe doing a clean-up of the weedy patch astern of the MARY. One of our college interns will be here those days, and we would like an adult site supervisor. It's great if you know the nature stuff, but not necessary.
TankerTime with "WaterStories of the Wine Dark Sea."
Second Sundays,
May thru Sept:
Sunday, 5/14
Sunday, 6/11
Sunday, 7/9
Sunday, 8/13
Sunday, 9/10
We need staff from 4 pm-midnight.
PortSide needs volunteers to help set up furniture, welcome visitors, monitor the deck to prevent unsafe activity, answer questions about PortSide and the MARY, and tidy up.
PortSide opens the main deck of the ship to the public at 5pm.
We provide furniture and selections from our maritime library. People, young and old, bring meals, cocktails, reading, and loved ones to experience the sea of NYC. Exciting and new this year, we will end the night with a Mediterranean-inspired music jam called "WaterStories of the Wine Dark Sea," a nod to
Homer's description of the Med as a wine dark sea. That runs from 9 pm to midnight.