Beginning in 2015, the Division undertook a massive outreach effort to ensure that all individuals receiving or eligible to receive services were notified about the need to complete the new NJ CAT. This included five mailings from January 2015 through August 2016; targeted one-to-one outreach from case managers and support coordinators; and numerous announcements distributed by the Division.
While the NJ CAT has now been completed for the majority of individuals, there remains a small number of individuals who still do not have a completed NJ CAT.
REMEMBER: the results of the NJ CAT establish an individual's tier; each tier has a corresponding budget; and the budget is used to fund needed services. So, without a completed NJ CAT, an individual will not have a tier or budget - and therefore will not be able to access services in the new fee-for-service system. This is why it is imperative, now that we are moving closer to full implementation of the fee-for-service system, that the NJ CAT be completed for everyone served by the Division.
The Division will soon be mailing a
final NJ CAT notification letter to individuals who have not completed the NJ CAT.
Please distribute this communication
to and among your networks; post the NJ CAT deadline on your websites and social media accounts; and check that any individual you serve or care for has completed the NJ CAT.
It is imperative that people act now so that services are not discontinued.
Any individual whose Division-funded services are discontinued can come back through DDD Intake at any point to
re-establish DDD and Medicaid eligibility
complete the NJ CAT to access needed services.