Check out the church calendar!

10:45 a.m. SERMON: Now I see.

Sandwich Making for Martha's Table

     Trail Notes ...
"The Lord looks on the heart." 
Innumerable stories in scripture deal with people who are blind. Blindness is clearly a primary metaphor for what ails us spiritually.  We don't see properly; we don't see the way God sees. 
When God rejected Israel's first King, Saul, God sent a startled prophet Samuel to anoint a new king from the sons of Jesse.  Samuel saw seven sons, and thought they were worthy, but the Lord chose none of them.  God advised Samuel to look differently: "Do not look on his appearance....  The Lord looks on the heart."  Finally, the youngest, David, was called in from the fields, and the Lord said, "This is the one." 
Even the prophet Samuel couldn't see as God sees...and neither do we, much of the time.  Samuel was afraid to challenge the status quo of King Saul, but God was moving on.  Sometimes we just don't want to see new realities.  Our human needs, desires, and insecurities get in the way... they blind us to what we don't wish to see.  Yet God may have something new - and very good! - in store for us. 
Personally, I struggle these days with the news, because there's so much news I just don't want to see.  Yet God calls us to be citizens of the world, and to work in our communities for compassion, mercy, and justice.  So I need to balance my own need to limit negative inputs, with my need as a Christian to be active in the world.  Maybe you can identify with this struggle. 
Jesus healed many blind persons, in various circumstances.  He called himself "The Light of the World."  Jesus gives us the gift of true sight.  He shows us how to see God in our needy neighbors.  He lights our trail for us.  "I once was lost, but now am found; was blind, but now I see."  JBM

     Sandwich Making ...

Healing Our Communities ...

Prison Ministry & Welcoming Returning Citizens

I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.' Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you clothing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?' And the king will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.'  Matthew 25:35-40
Expanded Forum, March 26, 12:30-2:00 p.m.We will welcome Free Minds Book Club and several Poet Ambassadors. Free Minds uses books, creative writing, and peer support to awaken DC youth incarcerated as adults to their own potential.  Through creative expression, job readiness training, and violence prevention outreach, these young poets achieve their education and career goals and become powerful voices for change in the community.  For details see the expanded write-up below.
Tour of Montgomery County Correctional Facility, April 1, 9:00-11:00 a.m.:  The Montgomery County Correctional Facility is a state of the art detention facility in Boyds, Maryland and houses up to 1,028 men and women. We will have the opportunity to tour the facility and learn about their education, employment, religious, and pre-release services in addition to volunteer opportunities. The tour is limited to 15 individuals and names must be submitted a week prior to the tour for clearance purposes. Sign up sheet in Founders' Hall. 
Just Mercy  Book Group: As a follow-up to the forums and the tour of MCCF, a book group will be offered on the national bestseller, Just Mercy, by Bryan Stevenson.  Just Mercy is the powerful true story about the potential for mercy to redeem us and a call to address the brokenness of our criminal justice system.  Bryan Stevenson has been called "America's young Nelson Mandela" by Bishop Desmond Tutu. Book group will convene after Easter.

Julie Petersmeyer

Free Minds Book Club ... Understanding Incarcerated Youth

On Sunday  March 26 at 12:30 pm  we will welcome the Free Minds Book Club here at St. Dunstan's. Tara Libert, formerly a television news producer and now the Executive Director of Free Minds, will describe how books, creative writing, and peer support are being used to awaken incarcerated DC youth to their creative and life-giving potential.  We will hear the life stories of two "Poet Ambassadors" who are graduates of Free Minds Book Club. Following their presentations there will be an opportunity for everyone to read extraordinary poetry, to annotate the pages of poems with encouraging feedback and the poetry will be returned to the currently incarcerated poet authors. A light lunch will be provided .   For more information, please contact Julie Petersmeyer.
Sign up sheet is in Founders Hall.  Check out this short and inspiring video: . 

Julie Petersmeyer
Holy Week  ...

The Holiest Week of the Year
Anniversaries are important...just try forgetting about one and see how your spouse feels about it!  Yearly observances remind us of the great gifts in our lives, even when we've enjoyed those gifts a long time.  Birthdays bring back the wonder of childbirth and the sheer grace of others' presence in our lives.  Wedding and relationship anniversaries remind us that we are loved dearly, and that we've committed ourselves to our partners. 
Likewise, Holy Week makes all the difference in the world for Christians.  Beginning with Palm Sunday, we remember the acts of love that Jesus took for us: 
  • He entered Jerusalem to face the religious and civil authorities of his day.
  • He made an everlasting covenant with his disciples at the Last Supper. 
  • On Good Friday, he gave his life and joined us in facing human death. 
  • On Easter, God raised Jesus to life again, and created a path for us to have new life also. 
  We celebrate human anniversaries with gifts, parties, and dinners.  We celebrate these events of Holy Week with offerings, suppers, and special liturgies.  If we don't observe them, they risk losing their significance in our lives, and we are all the poorer for it. 
Please note Holy Week this year, April 9 - 16.  St. Dunstan's will have liturgies on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings, in addition to our regular services on Palm Sunday and Easter.  These are wonderful teaching opportunities for children, too.  Don't forget this most important anniversary of all.  JBM

Children's Formation ...

April 2  - The Bread of Life

In the collect for the 4th Sunday in Lent we pray that   Jesus is the true bread which gives life to the world . Bread is one of the staples 
of food in our world and it also feeds us each time we come to church. Children will make bread for church and home, and talk about the ingredients in bread making.

Holy Week and Easter and Children

The services of Holy Week are a great time to bring children to church to experience the full breadth of the story and participate fully in the actions of each of the events of Jesus passion and resurrection. Here at St. Dunstan's we offer liturgies which are simple, yet contain all the elements of the ritual; and provide ways for all, and especially children, to engage in those rituals. Maundy Thursday provides an opportunity to share a meal, wash feet, engage in the remembrance of the first Eucharist, and to prepare and strip the altar for the next day. On Good Friday  children can read parts of the story and sing the simple songs of Taize and share prayers and light candles. The Great Vigil (Easter Eve) is an amazing service of fire, light, water and celebrating the first Eucharist of Easter. This service involves lots of movement and story and music - and there is even a party at the end! 
If your family is not traveling over the weekend of Easter - consider coming each evening at 7:30 p.m. It may be something you never miss doing again.

L. Sue von Rautenkranz
Children and Youth Formation  Coordinato r
Youth Formation ...

Dunstan's Youth Group - Thursday, April 6

All 5th through 12th graders!
Dinner 6 :30 p.m.
Program  7:00 to 8:00 p.m.


We continue our learning about the two major sacraments of the church. Baptism was our topic last session and at our next DYG night we will talk about Eucharist. We will use a number of different resources including the Catechism in our Book of Common Prayer  and also talk about the liturgy itself. 

Each week Christians gather and many participate in a liturgy which has many names - Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper, Eucharist, the Mass, and the Divine Liturgy are just a few. For Episcopalians, this sacrament received even stronger emphasis with the renewal of our Prayer Book in the 60's and 70's and is now the main service in most churches every Sunday.

P.R.A.Y. (Potomac River Anglican  [Area-Amazing-Awesome] Youth )

Stay tuned for more information about our upcoming activities and plans for spring events and summer opportunities.  Please put the following dates on your calendar for these joint youth events and plan to join us!
April 23   +   May 21  

Friends are always welcome at any youth program!

Summer is almost here!

Are you looking for a great summer camp? 
Check out these two opportunities for sleep-away and day camps for our youth!


It's time to sign up for Summer camp. The Diocese of Washington summer camp program at Lions Camp Merrick, Nanjemoy, MD exists to promote the spiritual and emotional development of children, youth, and young adults through the fostering of a safe and positive environment for all. It is the goal of this program to encourage the growth of relationships with self, others, and God.
Junior Camp (rising 4th-6th graders) July 23 - 28, 2017
Middle Camp (rising 7th-9th graders) July 30 - August 4, 2017

For more information or to register for camp click HERE.

Peace Camp at St. Columba's from July 24-28 2017

Space is limited. Priority registration deadline 4/15/17. 

St. Columba's will partner with Kids4Peace to offer an Interfaith Peace Camp for 5th and 6th graders, July 24-28. The camp will meet daily at St. Columba's, 8am-4pm. During the week we will visit a church, synagogue & mosque, learn about different religions, practice leadership skills, and find unity with others by serving those in need together. We hope to bring together youth from many faith traditions and all kinds of backgrounds together for a week of peace-making and fun.
  • Full details and registration here.
L. Sue von Rautenkranz
Children and Youth Formation Coordinator
   Cabaret 4/29 ... What can you contribute to the Auction?

Get your Surrey Ready!

It's all er nuthin' this year as we dive into Oklahoma!  Please save the date, Saturday, April 29th, to join us in song and celebration at this year's cabaret!  

Our yearly cabaret and auction serve as the primary fund raising event for St. Dunstan's, laying the foundation for so many of our good works, so keep your eyes peeled for your invitation and please consider donating items to both the silent and oral auction.

You cain't say no!

Matt McNally
Hopes and Prayers on our Journey ...

n Need of Healing:

Don Larrabee, infirm in nursing care
Curt Shively, husband of Susan Burkhalterin nursing care
John Riordan, father of Meghan Jarvis, ill
Ken Farnsworth , ill at home in Wheaton
Troy Kravitz, brain surgery
David and Karen Keegan , friends of Tom and Rosemarie Barrett, fighting cancer
Pam Plaisance , diagnosed with cancer, cousin of Sue von
Samantha Barnes, ill,  sister of Muriel Croston
Sue Carroll , recovering from surgery
Virginia Jeffers, ill

We pray for St. Dunstan's Missionaries, Cameron and Roberto Vivanco, who serve in Quito, Ecuador, and the parish of Buen Pastor.  

If you or someone you know is in need of prayer, please complete our prayer request form by clicking here.

Trail Map ...

The Fourth Sunday in Lent

March 26, 2017

9:00 a.m. Family Service
9:50 a.m. Sandwich Making 
for Martha's Table
10:45 a.m. Traditional Holy Eucharist
12:00 noon Fellowship

The readings for this Sunday are: 
1 Samuel 16:1-13, Psalm 23, John 9:1-17

Sunday Schedule of Ministries ...

Serving this Sunday

Trail Guides: John Wyss 
and Joanne Comstock
Liturgical Coordinator: Rosi Sweeney
Eucharistic Ministers: Sue Newman and Julie Petermeyer
Lector: Carl Adams
Prayer Minister: Rosi Sweeney
Altar Guild:  Ann Johnson
Flower Guild: Ann Boyd
  Tellers: Donna Alvarez 
and Frank Johnson