April 12, 2017

Official news from the Music department:

We are beginning a partnership with Playhouse in the Park. From now on, we will sing only one verse of each hymn, and Playhouse will perform only one act of each play. Only one verse of “A Mighty Fortress” or “Amazing Grace”, only one act of “A Christmas Carol”. Our lives are full enough without all those extra words.

Coming to worship on Palm/Passion Sunday (or Saturday) and not returning again until Easter Sunday morning is, to many of us, exactly like that world with only one verse. You can experience part of the story, but not all. The interesting thing is: this song grows richer and more profound with each additional verse.

Do you need Thursday’s verse? Its words include eat, drink, wash, love. This is the verse where love is not just an empty sentiment, but a real, tangible act of grace with washbasin and towel. Yes, everyone, young and old, is welcome to remove shoes and socks and have their feet washed. On this night we are reminded that our feet are dirty and our flesh is mortal. In the face of that reality, we wash and eat and live, that we might love one another as Christ has loved us. Many people appreciate the stark drama as this service ends with the stripping of the altar, the removal of all color from the chancel, and we leave in silence.

And Friday’s verse? Good Friday is the only time all year when we hear the Passion of Our Lord from John’s Gospel, proclaiming Jesus a triumphant king who reigns from the cross. It is the night when we pray the ancient Bidding Prayer and we widen the focus of our prayer concerns to embrace the entire world. The verse we sing this night invites us to come forward to reverence the cross, the emblem of God’s unfathomable compassion for this world. Have we enough time in our day to contemplate this tree of life and how we might share God’s compassion with the world?

But it is Saturday’s verse that really rocks! We begin outside around a bonfire, light our new Paschal candle for the first time, journey into the Parish Life Center for a family reunion. What does every family do at a reunion? Tell stories! And so, that is what we do, telling, not reading. Telling one another who we are, to whose family we belong, because our lives are full and busy and disorienting, and sometimes we lose our way, our identity. Come sing with us this night – the song of creation, of crossing the Red Sea, of watching lifeless bones dance again, the song of a furnace and three men and an angel. Come sing of water – of baptism. Come get wet, and hear one more story, the most amazing story of your entire life. And when we share the meal of the Lord's Supper this night, this one night of the year, we celebrate with sparkling, golden champagne. The service comes to an end, but, like many families, we want to share our joy, and we join one another at a reception in the Gathering Space.

Throughout Lent, we have been receiving clues that God promises to bring life out of death for all creatures. Return on Easter Sunday morning and hear about the very earth shaking for joy as this is accomplished! Sing “Alleluia” again! Revel in the beauty of the Easter garden! Drink in the sights and sounds and fragrance! And finish singing the glorious hymn, the rich, four-stanza hymn that you began on Maundy Thursday.

Deborah Heuer

 Weekly News 

Click on each image below to be connected to the Facebook event where you can invite friends and join us as we observe Holy Week, celebrate the Resurrection this Easter, and host two community events later this month.

We look forward to connecting with you in worship this week!

Prince of Peace
Please join us for these most Holy Days when one worship service bridges over these Three Days:
  • Maundy Thursday, April 13, 7:00 pm  Gather for foot washing, Holy Communion, and the stripping of the altar.  
  • Good Friday, April 14, 7:00 pm  Return in silence and listen to the words Jesus spoke from the cross. Reverence the cross, giving thanks for God's great love for us and all of creation.  
  • Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 15, 7:00 pm  Gather outside for the Easter Vigil as we light a new fire outside and the paschal candle leads us into the church. Celebrate baptism and Christ’s Easter victory. Stay after the Vigil to celebrate together the Resurrection with light refreshments in the Gathering Space.    
Celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord!

Nursery Care will be provided on Easter Sunday morning.

Please note the different worship times of 8, 9:30 and 11 am on Easter Sunday.

Sign up on the bulletin board to host a carnival game (e.g. ring toss, put put).
Join in the fun! Prizes will be provided.


This event is open to the community and will be fun for all ages from playing carnival games, gaga, hanging out on the playground, enjoying food, and spending time with friends. Enjoy a fun spring evening with the community!

Fundraiser opportunity for parents and their friends!  

Special "Third Thursday" instead of the usual gathering at Kirby’s: All are invited to join the  GETDOT group at Tavern On The Corner (7796 Montgomery Road) from  5:30-7:30 pm  on  Thursday, April 20. This month the Prince of Peace Discipleship Tour is the “Charity of the Month” for a local networking group who gathers to donate to causes enriching the lives of Cincinnati children. All are welcome to join us for a fun night of meeting new people and supporting our teens in their mission to live and love like Jesus on the Discipleship Tour this summer. There will be raffle baskets available. All first time guests receive a free raffle ticket. More information is on the Community Bulletin Board.

 Learn more at this link.

Free Day of  Camp
Sunday , April 23
1 pm-4 pm

Lutheran Outdoor Ministries of Ohio is bringing  camp  to POP. Take a peek into  camp  life. Experience campfires, s’mores,  camp  games and songs. There will be an opportunity to ask questions about  camp , registration and what to expect. Come find out why thousands of people spend time at Lutheran Memorial  Camp Camp  Mowana,  Camp  Luther and LOMO Outreach. 

This event is for the whole family!