For nonprofits and the people who love them...
3 for Thursday, brought to you by K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC
March 23, 2017 Edition
1. Data Visualization:
Prison Population Forecaster 
2. Cool Tool: Evernote 
3. Key Investment Resource:
Nonprofit Fiduciaries' Handbook

1. Data Visualization:  
Prison Population Forecaster
 Urban Institute
Concerned about the individual, family and financial impacts of the 2.2 million strong U.S. prison population, the Urban Institute set out to research and present the effect of various policy changes on the number of incarcerated people.
This Forecaster includes data from 15 states so far (40% of the nation's prison population). The study authors found - and this tool demonstrates - that reduced prison admissions for drug possession and other less serious offenses can have a dramatic effect on the number of people behind bars. As can decreasing length of stay.
For example, if New York state executes a policy to reduce new admissions for nonviolent offenses by 25%, by 2021, it will have reduced its prison population by 9%.
2.  Cool Tool
Boost Your Productivity
Evernote is an online tool designed to help you stay organized and on-task. Super user-friendly but powerful, it enables you to create and share notes and checklists with reminders, organize them into notebooks, scan in documents, attach files from your computer or import them from Google Drive, share notes via email or social media, capture handwriting and sketches, and even save webpage content to the note with a link back to the webpage.
Importantly, you can sync Evernote on multiple devices so it travels with you and updates all your devices in real time.
The base package (2 devices) is free. The packages with more features and unlimited devices are low-cost.
3 Key Resource: 
The Nonprofit Fiduciaries' Handbook
Guide to Investment Strategy
     Nonprofit Board members have the responsibility of serving as fiduciary stewards of their organization. This can be daunting to some, particularly those with limited finance backgrounds. One of the important decisions many Boards and investment committees make is how to invest the nonprofits' funds.
     Thankfully, Russell Investments* created The Nonprofit Fiduciaries' Handbook. The guide takes you step-by-step through establishing and managing a sound investment program - as well as key considerations along the way. It does this in a user-friendly manner, with plenty of useful worksheets, tools and illustrative graphics.
*K. Weill Consulting Group has no financial or other relationship with this company or product. We just like 'em!. 
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K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC

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