FOLLOWING ACQUISITION by a U.S COMPANY, a committed and engaged group of UK healthcare technology professionals undertook a 2-day workshop to learn how to use coaching conversations and maximise development as a learning organisation. Working with Sullivan Cuff Software Ltd (SCSL), now part of
Lumira Dx Care Solutions, LeaderShape Director, Danielle Grant, says: "Senior managers took on board the coaching style we engaged them in and rapidly gained a really encouraging level of competence.
It was a pleasure to work with this company."
In feedback, managers gave LeaderShape a perfect 100% score for recommending this course to other companies and high scores overall for their learning.
Congratulations to the European Mentoring and Coaching Council on reaching a prestigious milestone! LeaderShape is proud to be a longstanding member, abiding by its strict code of ethics and high standards.
An Easter Read for you!
Leading Across Cultures; Developing Leaders for Global Organisations.
THE 4th WHITE PAPER in our series on Transpersonal Leadership, explores how different cultures value different leadership approaches and also attach different importance to business goals.
Avoid confusion, misunderstandings and conflict.
THESE CUTTING-EDGE documents are published in advance of our book on
Transpersonal Leadership, focusing on the "how" as well as the "why" of modern leadership beyond the ego - to be released January 2018.
We'd be delighted to hear your comments on our LinkedIn group regarding what you are reading and how it applies in your organisation
LeaderShape Global Ltd is a UK-based organisation with a
global culture
that operates without borders.
Take a look at the range of our globally and nationally based clients here.
Or please pass this newsletter on to colleagues who may benefit from our leadership development work.