
Thursday, January 11, 2018 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM EST
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Kim Schott 
Detroit SCORE Chapter 18 
(248) 390-4987 
CTCT Master Certified Oct 2017

The Power of the Inbox - Online Webinar

Free Webinar for Businesses and Non-Profits

What is the first impression you give when they see you in their email inbox? And when they see you there, what do they do? This powerful webinar takes you step-by-step through the keys to effective email marketing:

  • What it really is (and isn’t)
  • What it can do for your business
  • And the five easy steps you must take to harness the power of the inbox!

From revealing why regular email doesn't work, to insider tips and techniques like automated list building tools and the design elements that work (and those that don't!), this webinar will give you the keys to the most effective marketing you can do: email marketing. Join us!