March  2017   Newsletter

Presidents' Message | Transitions, Partnership and Opportunities

Hello Friends! 

In response to recent events in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world, this message analyzes some of the behaviors that make for a good citizen.This is only a partial list of relevant behaviors, but we focus on ones that apply whether you are working toward good citizenship in your country, your workplace, or your professional association (IISE/SEMS).

Be informed
Good citizens are aware of what is going on "out there," outside their immediate spheres of influence.They follow the news, including newsletters, company reports, and local/national/world news.Good citizens try to understand varying perspectives and evaluate the credibility of their sources.

Vote and share opinions
Good citizens participate in civic decisions by voting and letting representatives know what they think.They help to select leaders and representatives that will move the organization or the country in a positive direction.

Help the community
Good citizens get educated, hold jobs, pull their own weight, and ideally, give back to others to help other members of society. They pitch in. They mentor others.They give of their time and money to help the whole social system grow and develop.

Maintain a positive attitude
Both optimism and pessimism seem to be contagious.Good citizens can help one another by maintaining positive attitudes and energy. Strive to be someone adding life to any group effort, rather than focusing on the negative and sucking the life out of others around you. Good outcomes tend to come to those who have an optimistic, positive outlook.

An opportunity for good citizenship is right around the corner. The election of new SEMS officers begins on March 17. Please watch your email for the opportunity to vote, then review the candidate statements and submit your choices for three new directors for the board and a new president elect.The success of any volunteer organization depends on member participation.

Your questions, comments, feedback, and involvement in SEMS are strongly encouraged.
Please feel free to contact one or all of us at any time.Thank you!!

Charlene Yauch , SEMS President
Sreekanth Ramakrishnan, SEMS President-Elect
Suzanna Long, SEMS Past-President

SEMS Board of Directors |   Elections for President-Elect and Directors

The annual election for SEMS is here! The society stays vibrant and strong when our members serve and volunteer in various ways. One of the most significant ways of serving the society is through our board of directors and officer positions (president-elect, president, past president and director). Your SEMS Executive Team has finalized the slate of candidates. When the electronic ballot comes around, vote! Elect the new members for the 2017 - 2020 term of office.
As you read this, some of you may be considering whether you would be interested in serving yourself in the next round of directorship and presidency vacancies for the 2018 - 2021 term. We always want a rich slate of candidates for all positions and are happy to discuss the expectations with you if you want more information.
Please contact us right away if you are interested in nominating yourself or a colleague. Nominees for director positions must be current members of IISE and SEMS. Nominees for the president-elect must also be a past director.
Charlene Yauch, SEMS President
Sreekanth Ramakrishnan, SEMS President-Elect
Suzanna Long, SEMS Past-President

SEMS Says |  Looking forward to the Annual Conference in Pittsburgh

The 2017 IISE Annual Conference is fast approaching, and SEMS is looking forward to a great Engineering Management (EM) track and town hall meeting.

The EM track has had 99 abstracts submitted and 39 full papers. The program looks like it will include a wide variety of interesting topics, including performance measurement, health systems management and sustainable management systems. More specifically, some of the papers and presentations will cover system dynamics modeling, optimal team size, organizational culture and kaizen events. It looks like it will be an outstanding program with something for all members - industry professionals, researchers and students.

Continue reading here.

Charlene Yauch, Ph.D., is the current SEMS president. She is a professor of industrial engineering and the industrial engineering program director at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. 
ELSS 2017 Abstracts: Two Tracks, Endless Possibilities

Engineering Lean & Six Sigma Conference: Abstract Deadline 
Submit an abstract by April 1  for the opportunity to share your work with colleagues and advance discussions of Lean and Six Sigma implementation and education at ELSS 2017. Submit abstracts related to the following tracks:
Lean Six Sigma Applications and Training Track
These presentations share how Lean and Six Sigma can be used to achieve world-class performance in a wide variety of applications and industries.
Lean Six Sigma Research and Education Track
This track will explore basic research and education needs with focus on clear and practical recommendations for improving the conceptualization, effective implementation and sustainment of Lean and Six Sigma initiatives.

SEMS Says |  Competencies required of the global engineer 

Andrea M.Gonch
As I poured small buckets of water on me to shower, it seemed like I never could totally wash off the lather from my travel soap. I looked down and watched as the water level of the small concrete reservoir used for bucket showers and the squat toilet quickly decreased.

On a rural island in the Mekong River inside the Southeast Asian country of Cambodia, some of the complex issues in engineering design and civil systems engineering, such as water supply and quality, became much more tangible. In this instance, the importance of preparing engineering graduates who will face increasingly complex sustainability issues was reinforced. Click here to continue reading.
Andrea M. Goncher ,  Ph.D., is a lecturer in civil systems engineering at Charles Sturt University, Australia. 

Mentoring & Careers 

IISE's newly created Mentoring Board  is gaining momentum, with over 300 members
(mentors and mentees) already signed up. The Mentoring Board allows professionals and students at all levels to develop meaningful relationships and connections that will help advance their careers. Further enhancements are being developed to allow even better collaboration and matching between mentors and mentees. Sign up to become a mentor or mentee today.

Kira E. Hansen, TEP (Technical Excellence Program) engineer II at Harley-Davidson Motor Company and the SEMS consultant for IISE's Young Professionals board of directors.

IISE Training Center

Advance your career with these upcoming  training courses.

March 28 | Los Angeles 

April 24 | Norcross, GA

Lend a Helping Hand | Call for Volunteers

If you are interested in volunteering for SEMS and its initiatives, contact  Charlene Yauch , SEMS president; or  Daren Maynard , n ewsletter editor .