HF107 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Creates the Iowa Zoo Fund and a $1 income tax return checkoff for the fund.
HF203 |
Signed |
Allows the state transportation commission to periodically allocate funds from the Primary Road Fund (PRF) to the secondary and municipal road systems in exchange for retaining all or a portion of federal aid road funds that would otherwise be allocated to counties and cities.
HF245 |
House Appropriations Committee |
Allocates $6,135,000 from the taxpayer trust fund to the Iowa cultural trust fund for FY2016-2017.
HF288 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Exempts from the state sales tax the sales price from the sale or furnishing by a water utility of a water service in the state to consumers or users.
HF291 |
Signed |
Makes changes to several employment matters involving public employees, including collective bargaining, educator employment matters, personnel records and settlement agreements, and city civil service requirements.
HF295 |
Signed |
Prohibits a county or city from providing for any terms or conditions of employment that exceed or conflict with the requirements of federal or state law relating to a minimum or living wage rate, any form of employment leave, hiring practices, employment benefits, scheduling practices, or other terms or conditions of employment.
HF335 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Provides a tax credit and other benefits for private land owners who make land and water areas available for public recreational purposes.
HF477 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Extends the length of a room rental to qualify for the state and local hotel/motel taxes from 31 consecutive days to 90 or more consecutive days.
HF517 |
Senate Floor |
Makes several provisions related to carrying, possessing, acquiring, and using weapons, including allowing the possessing of pistols and revolvers by individuals under age 14, permitting concealed carry at the State Capitol, and justifiable use of reasonable and deadly force (stand your ground).
HF518 |
Signed |
Makes several provisions related to workers' compensation.
HF573 |
Senate Floor |
Allows a school board to exercise any power, not inconsistent with the laws of the general assembly, related to the operation, control, and supervision of the public schools located within its district boundaries.
HF575 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Repeals the beverage containers control law and replaces it with new recycling, litter control, and community enhancement programs.
HF597 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
A permanent $180-200 million/year that flows into the Natural Resources and Outdoor Recreation Trust Fund, at least 60% of which would have to be used for specific water quality.
HF607 |
House Floor |
Makes several changes concerning alcoholic beverage control and matters administered by the Alcoholic Beverages Division of the Department of Commerce.
HF609 |
Senate Ways & Means Committee |
Permits the Amana Colonies in the State to jointly impose the local hotel and motel tax upon the renting of any lodging within the district.
HF612 |
House Appropriations Committee |
Establishes new water quality programs, makes appropriations related to water quality, and creates a state water service excise tax and a related sales tax exemption.
HF619 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Authorizes DNR to establish fees for camping, use of rental facilities, and other special privileges at state parks and recreation areas under the DNR's jurisdiction.
HF90 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Modifies the sales and use tax rebate to the owner or operator of a raceway facility.
HSB43 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Makes changes to the process for approving and imposing a the local option sales and services tax.
SF130 |
Signed |
Deappropriates $117 million for the current fiscal year (FY2017), which ends on June 30, 2017.
SF14 |
Senate Ways & Means Committee |
Increases state sales tax rate from 6 percent to 6.375 percent and provides for the transfer of sales tax revenues to the natural resources and outdoor recreation trust fund.
SF167 |
Senate Ways & Means Committee |
Increases the state sales and use tax to 6.375%, and provides for the transfer of sales tax revenues to the natural resources and outdoor recreation trust fund. Amends the transfer of use tax revenues to the SAVE fund to 15.6863%.
SF176 |
Senate Unfinished Business Calendar |
Makes technical corrections to IEDA programs and projects.
SF217 |
Senate Appropriations Committee |
Makes contingent appropriations of $25 million to the Enhance Iowa Fund.
SF257 |
House Floor |
Establishes requirements for bass fishing tournaments on public waters and requires a permit to conduct such tournaments.
SF362 |
House Floor |
Provides that a county or district fair is not liable for damages caused by a pathogen transmitted from a location at a fair event where an animal is kept for more than three hours.
SF38 |
Senate Ways & Means Committee |
Repeals the individual income tax and increases the state sales and use tax rates.
SF456 |
Senate Unfinished Business Calendar |
Creates a regional water authority and regional water authority board to assume the transfer of powers, duties, assets, and liabilities of a water utility.
SF482 |
Senate Appropriations Committee |
Modifies existing wastewater treatment program, establishes new water quality programs, and creates a water service excise tax and sales tax exemption.
SF493 |
House Ways & Means Committee |
Gives combined benefited recreational lake and water quality districts the same power to issue bonds that cities have.
SJR9 |
General Fund Expenditure Limitation Constitutional Amendment |
Summary | Details |
House Appropriations Committee |
Proposes an amendment to the Iowa Constitution that limits state spending to 99% of revenue estimates, or 104% of the revenue estimates for the current fiscal year (whichever is greater).
SSB1162 |
Senate Ways & Means Committee |
Modifies hotel/motel tax exemption.
SSB1181 |
Senate Floor |
Appropriates federal block grants for federal fiscal year 2018 & 2019.