Seattle Yoga Arts - April 2017
Meditation as Dinner Party
When you take your seat to meditate, do you ever consider the atmosphere in which you are placing yourself? In therapy  attention is paid to developing what is called a "positive holding environment," in which the client feels safe and held. When you meditate, you are in an internal environment consisting of thoughts, emotions, body sensations, your own meditation instructions, sounds, the object of your meditation, etc. You are hosting yourself.
Image credit: Mark Ryden
You can positively or negatively affect your personal meditation environment in many ways: by disregarding it, noticing it, and even intentionally creating it.  In a way, when you meditate you are simultaneously the host and the guest of the meditative experience. A good host is welcoming, kind, patient and generous, which makes the guest feel accepted and cared for.  As you settle into the beginning of a meditation, take a moment to attune your inner gaze toward yourself in a way that is accepting and open-minded. Notice if you carry harsh and strict boundaries for what is allowable in meditation. Notice if you are using your mind to create a gate that defines what is acceptable and what is not. 

Meditation is a radical, even transgressive, state of open awareness. Many of us have internalized meditation instructions that are rule-bound and hierarchical. Think of your meditation practice as a way of hosting a fabulous and unbound dinner party for all those marginalized parts of yourself that are deemed unacceptable and never get to see the light of day.  Receive them all with equal attention and compassion.

- Denise

With thanks to Bill Morgan and his book "The Meditator's Dilemma."
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Upcoming Events
Schedule Changes
Amy's Tuesday and Thursday morning Deepening classes have moved to 8:30am through 
June 8, 2017.

Danny's Tuesday Back Care and Core Strength has moved from 4:15 to 5:45pm. 

We are working on filling the 4:00 time slot with a new class. Thanks for your patience!
We Want to Hear from YOU!
Introducing our new
Kudos & Comments 
box located by the front door in the lobby.
We invite you to share any feedback you might have about the studio, our instructors, classes, scheduling, anything at all! 

We'll post feedback and responses on our
Seattle Yoga Arts Students  group page on FB, so keep your eyes out. (If you'd like to receive a direct response, please be sure to leave your contact info.)

We look forward to hearing from you!
Coming Soon!
Online Classes
In response to many requests for online class offerings, we are excited to announce that be-ginning this month we will occasionally be video recording classes for availability online!  

Here are some things to note:

* We will provide advanced notice when a class is scheduled to be recorded.

* Most people in class will not  be in the video, so don't worry if you're camera shy!  We will make it clear where to set up your mat if you prefer to be off camera.
* The camera will be stationary, so there will not be an extra body roaming around the studio.  You won't even know it's there!
* Classes will be available to purchase ($15) or rent ($5) on 

* We'll let you know when a recording is uploaded and ready for viewing!

Please let us know if you have any questions! 
Keep Current
For the latest studio news  and inspiration, j oin the  Seattle Yoga Arts Students   page 
on  Facebook   and follow us  on