"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future"
Raising Godly leaders for a country in need
March 2017
Young Duchu
To those of you who say there's no God, maybe you should learn this way. This evening I have been moved so much regarding my life story and background. I was born in the mid-1980s and at age 4 I witnessed the brutal murder of my Dad.   I still remember vividly what he told me and my two young brothers minutes before his Death! Being the firstborn son, I start a hard journey with my two brothers Henry and Isaac-the two week old at the time. Life was seemingly harder but our old grandmother kept on with us after our late mother dumped us with her.  I remember the old woman going with us begging for old clothes, food, etc. and working for people to get food for us. Later on, in 1995, Isaac died as he suffered severe Kwashiorkor, the two survivors still keeping the journey on amidst a lot. In 1998, our only caring and loving grandmother also passed on, leaving us completely helpless and hopeless.

Suffering took the best twist now. We went casual, working for people to eat and so on, visiting home after home and looking for all sorts of distant relatives. But nothing seemingly helping. They called us all sorts of names.  No one expected that one day we would make it in life. We survived being 
beheaded once when we visited a witchdoctor's home looking for shelter one night. We were as useless as one would think. One time I told my brother, Henry, that I think we should just do away with our lives because nothing seemingly was turning up for our good at all.
In this dilemma and crossroad, God sent us Mom Katherine Hines and life turned around. Oh, Jesus is for real. He cares. He loves us. He still needs you today and he has the best plan for you. Are you there? Sometimes I fail to eat food the moment I remember our young brother died simply because of lack of food. Lord, these memories are still fresh in me of what you can do for such as me!  
Duchu today
Duchu is now an evangelist in the slums of nearby Mbale town where he is sharing the gospel and reaching out to youth to give them the opportunities that he was blessed with so many years ago. His HUM sponsor and other HUM donors who have visited us over the years have helped him to build a simple church and continue to receive Biblical training. Duchu is just one example of how God is using child sponsorship to raise up Godly leaders for Uganda and for His glory.  We have many stories.   They are medical workers, educators, social workers, business people and trade laborers around the country. Some now work for HUM.

We thank all of you who have sponsored or continue to sponsor children through this ministry as well as those who help with so many other costs that make it all work.   For a variety of reasons we currently have a large number of partially sponsored children and are seeking new sponsors for them, most at just $30/month. If you are able to help or can share our work with friends we will be ever grateful for your part in serving these children and changing their lives forever as God has done for so many already.   Find their pictures and stories at our website www.hineskids.org. 
Agnes was abandoned with her grandmother at age 1. She recently received a partial sponsor and needs a
second one at $30/mo. to fully meet her sponsorship needs.

Sponsor Now 

Both Ben's parents are dying of AIDS. He recently received a partial sponsor and began attending Genesis School. 
He needs a second sponsor of $30/month to fully meet his sponsorship needs.

Sponsor Now

Olive's mother and father are alcoholics who frequently sleep at the local bar, leaving the children to fend for themselves. Olive's first sponsor was unable to continue sponsorship after the first year. $60/month is needed as we continue to serve Olive and and make a difference in her life to the glory of God.
Sponsor Now 

Hines Ugandan Ministries |  

Katherine@hineskids.org http://www.hineskids.org 

P.O. Box 620727,  Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa
C lick here to donate online

 Donate Now  

text HUM to 41444
A View From the Other Side of Sponsorship
As a person who has always delighted in children and desires for them to be well cared for, I was moved while still in college to start supporting a child in Africa through a Christian organization. Now, 20 years later, my heart is still with children in Africa. Our family sponsors a child for each of our own children. So we now have four little ones in different parts of Africa who are part of our family. One of those children is named Allen and we sponsor him through HUM.

We love getting updates on Allen. He draws us pictures and we have a picture of his sweet face on our refrigerator. We pray for him often. My eight year old son prays for Katherine and Allen frequently and was thrilled to give money at Awana that would go to HUM. We hope to visit him in a few years with our kids. I can't wait! What a blessing to be a part of Katherine's ministry and to know that we are making a difference in the life of a child!

Amanda Hall
Special Need for One of our Children
We shared with you about Bukoli last year.  He had been badly burned in an accident.  Many of his burns have healed, but one of his legs continues to trouble him and will require a skin graft. We anticipate that the procedure as well as transportation to the hospital in Kampala will cost approximately $800.  We are looking for someone to help Bucoli receive this treatment as this is more than regular sponsorship gifts will cover.  You can make your gift at our website  www.hineskids.org and note Bukoli in the note box of the giving form.

Important Message to Our Online Donors
If you have not yet transferred your recurring gift from coloradogives.org or securegive.com to our new link provided on our website we ask that you do so to help our bookkeeping efforts. Go to www.hineskids.org. Click "Donate" and then select the 'hineskids"option and fill in the form.   You may text "hum" to 41444 to receive the form on your smartphone. Thank you to those who have already done so.