Galatians 5:16-26 NIV
16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. 19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.


 Walking in the Spirit or Self? Hmmm... - Michelle Tattersall
The above passage goes into detail about my daily struggle with my choices. I often do walk in the "desires of my heart". I have not done all of the above mentioned "acts of the flesh", but I must admit I am working on being less jealous, less selfish, less mad...well less non-Christian-like. I have made some ugly messes in my life.
When I walk in the Spirit, the fruits of the Spirit enable me to shine God's light onto the world. These fruits take time to grow in me. John 15:4-5 states we are to live in Christ...He is the vine and we are the branches that bear His fruit.
With prevenient grace, God's presence is active in our life. He is always with us. It is us who choose to walk without Him. 1 John 4:19 states we love God because He first loved us. God's love surrounds us; He is always wanting us... wanting me...always wanting the relationship.
I was out running today and praying about this devotion. I had Then I came around the corner and looked up at the sky and saw God's glory. Please look at the picture and see the contrast between the dark clouds and God's beautiful rainbow. That dark cloud in the sinful nature in me but within the darkness... His rainbow is shining out!
On those dark days you may have, do you seek God? Are those dark clouds because of your thoughts or actions? Open your eyes to God's words and wonders! Ask for forgiveness and be in His Spirit.

Dear Glorious God! Thank you for reaching out to me when I go dark. Thank you for growing your fruits in me! Thank for your grace and mercy. ...I praise your Holy Name!
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