Professor John Messner demonstrates an Augment virtual model of a two-dimensional floor plan available through Residential Design Lab (RDL), a company concept created by fifth-year architectural engineering students Ryan Ward, Jared Baughman, and Giovanni Esposito for their AE 597: Virtual Facility Prototyping course. RDL focuses on leveraging multiple scales of virtual reality hardware and software to allow homebuyers and homeowners to truly experience a residential property prior to construction or renovation. By using Augment technology, RDL offers home buyers and renovators the opportunity to create a 3D model of their two-dimensional floor plan by using any smart device to scan the floor plan. Ward, Baughman, and Esposito used desktop Virtual Reality (VR), Google Cardboard 360 degree visualization, and HTC Vive fully immersed VR to offer users different VR scales and options.  
Penn State Athletics announces 20-year Facilities Master Plan

Penn State Athletics has partnered with Populous, a leading architecture and sport event planning firm, to create a comprehensive Facilities Master Plan to address the needs of the Nittany Lions for the next 20 years. Architectural engineering alumnus Scott Radecic serves as a senior principal at Populous. >>
Dancing for life: Then and now

Architectural engineering's John Messner shares his family's full circle THON journey, from dancing in 1988 to his son Isaac's 2014 pediatric cancer diagnosis to Isaac's involvement with THON as an OPPerations committee member.  >>
AE student channels power of music, faith, and personal connections to excel during a time of hardship

Oluwatobi Jewoola overcomes financial woes, with help from the University, College of Engineering, and Department of Architectural Engineering, and excels in a time of hardship.  >>
Penn State receives funding to demonstrate low-carbon footprint path

Penn State, in collaboration with the Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation and other technology providers and with funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, is demonstrating a cost-effective technology path to increase the use of renewable-energy power generation in Pennsylvania. >>
Penn State receives funds for student-centered initiative on energy efficiency

Penn State will use funding from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection to launch a collaboration with the National Electrical Contractors Association, the Philadelphia Energy Authority, and Private Energy Partners to innovate a data-driven, integrated, student-centered, and market-driven approach to help small food stores and restaurants lower energy bills.  >>
  • Geoffrey Tanudjaja  receives $10,000 industry scholarship   >>
  • Penn State places fourth in NAHB Residential Construction Management Competition  >>
  • Brian Wolfgang wins NAHB Outstanding Junior Educator Award >>
  • Remembering former AE professor Vince Pass  >>
  • Former AE professor Robert Holland named 2016 Alumni Fellow  >>
  • Esther Obonyo appointed interim director of Humanitarian Engineering and Social Entrepreneurship  >>
Senior Thesis Preliminary Presentations  >>

APRIL 11 - 14
AEI National Student Design Competition 2017*  >>

APRIL 23 - 24
ASAE Spring Retreat

Final Thesis Presentation and Department of Architectural Engineering Awards Banquet >>

College of Engineering Undergraduate Commencement Ceremony >>

Graduate School Commencement Ceremony >>

*Department of Architectural Engineering 2017 team has qualified for the national competition. Visit the AE website on Monday, April 12, for a link to the live stream of the competition.