Announcements and Updates for April 5,  2017
 For your calendar...

We gather tonight at 6pm for our final Lent soup supper, followed by Holden Evening Prayer with a Lenten reflection.  We will be joined by our friends from Broadview UCC and Pastor Julie will be the homilist tonight as we consider the spiritual significance of light in our lives. So bring your appetite and come make a new friend! 

Palm Sunday, April 9th:  Worship at 10am
Maundy Thursday, April 13th:  Agape Feast and Worship at 6pm
This grand feast is enjoyed every few years and we look forward to gathering together around abundant food and wine, followed by a brief worship service with the stripping of the altar.  Reservations are necessary and may be made by signing up at Sign Up Central at the Welcome Center or by calling or emailing the church office.  A $10 donation is suggested.

Good Friday, April 14th:  Worship, 7pm at The Chapel in the Highlands
We worship on this holy night with our friends from Broadview UCC and St. Dunstan's Episcopal Church.  The Chapel in the Highlands is accessible through the guard gate off of 145th (tell the guard you are going to the chapel) and follow the signs. 

Easter Sunday, April 16th:  Pancake Breakfast and Flowering of the Crosses
                                                    Festival Worship, 10am
Coffee's on and the "secret pancake recipe" will be put into use once again as we gather for breakfast (bring your family and neighbors and friends!)  Donations benefit Camp Lutherwood.  
You are also encouraged to bring loose fresh flowers from your yard or the store to flower the crosses for the Easter procession.  
Our Alleluias ring out (literally!) and we celebrate the feast of the resurrection!

Two prayer stations have been set up in the sanctuary.  The "tall kids" station has real candles to light, and a basket where prayer requests may be left.  Those requests will be prayed over by your pastor and other intercessors with care, confidentiality, and much Christian love.  
The "short kids" prayer station has battery powered candles and coloring sheets, along with crayons.  If they also have prayer requests, they are encouraged to leave them in the basket on the tall kids station.  

Serving in worship this week -  April 9, 2017

Assisting Minister:
Katy Sarff
Lector: Kyle Gough
Acolyte: Payton Johnson
Communion Care/Altar Prep: Altar Guild
Ushers/Greeters: Heidi Gough and Gavin Gough
Song Leader: Heidi Gough
Musician: Lennon Aldort
Children's Time: Pastor Julie
Tellers: Donna Smith and Mary Hinderliter
Closer: Katy Sarff
Kyle Gough

This week at LMLC - - April 9-15, 2017
Sunday, April 9 ~ Palm Sunday
9:00am:  Choir Rehearsal
9:00am: Sunday School
10 am:  Worship
11:15am: Fellowship

Monday,  April 10
Pastor Julie's Sabbath Day
10:00am:  Yoga
1:30pm:  Book Brigade
7:00: Broadview Block Watch

Tuesday,  April 11
9:30am: Yoga
6:00pm: Seattle Pro Musica Rehearsal
6:30pm: Yoga

Wednesday, April 12
9:30am:  Seekers Bible Study
10:00am: Yoga
2:00pm: Chair Yoga
6:00pm: Lent Soup Supper and Worship
6:00 pm: Nar-Anon Book Club 
6:30pm:  Tiger Cubs Den 2
7:00 pm: Nar-Anon (Fireside Room)

Thursday, April 13 ~ Maundy Thursday
9:30am: Yoga
1:00 pm: Nar-Anon Day Group 
6:00pm:  Agape Feast and Worship (Fellowship Hall/Sanctuary)
6:30pm: Yoga
7:00pm:  Broadview Garden Club

Friday, April 14 ~ Good Friday
10:00am: Yoga
7:00pm:  Good Friday Worship at The Chapel in the Highlands

Saturday, April 15
7:30 am: FARA (Fireside Room)
9:30am: Yoga

LMLC's live online calendar can be found at
From Pastor Julie -
Beloved Community,

The picture that accompanies this Mid Week Update is from Palm Sunday, 2016, in Nuremberg Germany.  Bruce and I had attended worship that morning and much to my disappointment, the church barely observed Palm Sunday.  There were no palms, no processions, nothing that would lead me into Holy Week.  As we walked back to our flat, we heard music playing and lots of excitement and some singing, too!  Soon, we encountered a Palm Sunday PARADE outside, with a congregation singing and playing instruments and happily attaching their palm branches (which were HUGE and adorned with colorful eggs) on the statue in the neighborhood where we were staying.  THIS was a congregation that certainly WAS observing Palm Sunday!  

We stopped to take some pictures, but soon found ourselves chatting with their pastor, who spoke a bit of English.  He acknowledged that many of the German churches overlook the pageantry of Palm Sunday, but that his congregation loved it....and clearly they did.  

Palm Sunday is an invitation to an entire week....a holy week....where we remember Jesus' entry into Jerusalem, the final supper with the commandment to love one another, and his death at Calvary.  I encourage you to keep this holy consider the texts for the days and to gather with your community of faith (details above) for worship.  

We will begin Holy week on Sunday with a procession, as we do....waving our palm branches, shouting our hosannas and following Jesus. 

See you in church,
Pastor Julie+

Sunday's Scripture Readings: 
First Reading
Isaiah 50: 4-9a
The servant of the Lord expresses absolute confidence in his final vindication, despite the fact that he has been struck and spit upon. This characteristic of the servant played an important role in the early church's understanding of the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Philippians 2: 5-11
Paul uses an early Christian hymn to help us comprehend Jesus' obedient selflessness on the cross and how God has made Christ lord over all reality. The perspective of the cross becomes the way we rightly understand God, Christ, our own lives, and fellowship within the community of Christ.

Gospe l
Matthew 21: 1-11
Jesus enters Jerusalem in a procession, with the crowd shouting hosanna and laying palm branches in front of the donkey he is riding on.