March 24, 2017

On Thursday I participated in a Day of Covenant within the Central Association of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ (MACUCC).  That's a lot of lingo! Essentially, I gathered with UCC clergy from central Mass. for worship, discussion, and resource-sharing.  The Minister and President of MACUCC, Jim Antal, travels around the state once a year facilitating these conversations.  I go when I can as it is an opportunity to live out my ordination vows to support my colleagues and the denomination.  Sometimes the topics resonate, sometimes they don't.
This year felt very relevant.  Essentially the group was discussing the same topic we've been wrestling with at UCCB:  what does it mean to be the church in 2017, when our country is full of division?  There were lots of teaching stories shared:  prophetic sermons preached, open-hearted conversations held, vulnerability and humility balanced with passion and conviction.  Clergy shared their missteps and their successes.  All of it, again and again, grounded in the struggle to try to answer God's call.  Each of us, again and again, trying to make sure we're following Jesus, not our own opinions or ego or partisan perspective.  We definitely didn't all agree with each other, and we kept challenging each other.
I came away with a couple of tidbits, including a book recommendation I'm going to pursue. But overall I felt gratitude for a job that allows - no, requires - that I keep wrestling with these questions, and bringing them to you.  And gratitude for your willingness to meet me there.


Rev. Cindy


Sunday, March 26, 9:30 am

Lent IV:  Denial.  Jesus' right-hand-man, Peter, denies knowing Jesus.  Not once, but three times.  What is the impact of denial, and what happens if we  ' fess up?
Sermons     Worship Bulletins
Spiritual Nurture

Spiritual Nurture this Sunday features Nursery care throughout the service downstairs in the Vestry.  Elementary age kids leave for Sunday School in the Pipe Room at the second hymn; at the same time middle and high school youth head to the Fellowship Hall.  
youth group
Annual Youth Services Auction

"Spring is here! Time for yard work and the annual Youth Services Auction to benefit the SHYG mission trip!  We will auction off work groups with 2 adult team leaders and 5-6 youth, who will come to your yard for 2.5 hours to do your chores! The Auction will be held during fellowship after worship on April 2 and 9, so organize your punch list and get ready to bid! The yard work will be scheduled for the last weekend in April or first weekend in May."

SHYG 2017 Mission Trip
Headed to Vermont!

We invite you to support our Senior High Youth Group Mission Trip by buying "Stock in Our Youth". This year we will be traveling to Rutland, Vermont. Although it is a beautiful area, Vermont is still a place where people struggle with poverty and unemployment. We look forward to helping the community by w orking with local organizations such as food pantries, soup kitchens, elderly services and youth services. Our summer mission trips have been life-changing experiences as we strive to set an example of God's love in our world and be touched by those we serve. In thanks for your support, you will receive a personal Stock Certificate, a postcard during our travel, and an invitation to our Stockholder's reception in the fall!

Stay tuned for other upcoming fundraising events such as our annual Youth Service Auction and car wash opportunities to spruce up your - and your neighbor's - yards and cars for spring!

Thank you in advance for your support of this important mission outreach experience for our youth and their adult leaders!

To purchase Stock in Our Youth, look for the table at coffee hour after church on March 12, 19, and 26. You may purchase as many Stock Certificates as you wish. If you wish to donate directly:

Each Stock Certificate: $20
Make check out to: U.C.C. Boxborough
Please provide name, address, and email address and "Youth Mission Trip stock" in memo line
Send to:Lisa Pearson , 3 Magnolia Drive, Acton, MA 01720

Contact with questions or instructions on how to donate electronically instead.

Project Linus

Have you made your Project Linus blanket yet?  If not, there is still ample time.  The deadline for turning them in this year is Sunday, May 7th.  The blankets should be handmade and either sewn, crocheted or knitted.  If you are not a crafter but would like to help, Project Linus also is happy to receive sewing supplies suitable for making blankets, such as yarn, thread, fleece, etc.  Please consider what it would mean to a needy child to receive one of these blankets and feel the love and comfort that went into it.

boxborough flag
Bettering Boxborough Together
Community Forum

Tuesday, April 4, 7 - 9 p.m.
Sargent Memorial Library
How can Boxborough be even better?  Come share and plan!  Boxborough has received a grant to research and identify ways we can make Boxborough a better, healthier place to live.  Lauren Abraham, Boxborough's amazing Community Services Coordinator, is in charge of the grant, along with the Boxborough Well Being Committee (of which Rev. Cindy is a member).  Boxborough residents recently had the opportunity to participate in a survey.  At the community forum, you can hear the results and help identify next steps.  Refreshments will be served!  See Rev. Cindy for more information, or RSVP (appreciated but not required) to 

Want to learn more... click the links below!

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Or send us an email:

Rev. Cindy -
Heather in the church office -
  United Church of Christ Boxborough
An Open And Affirming Congregation
978-263-7387 |