What's Happening at Laurel
Lydia Circle
Monday, March the 27th at 5:30 p.m. in the Parlor

The ladies of Lydia Cir cle are inviting all who are interested in the subject of living a positive life to their meeting on Monday evening.  
Our featured speaker is Laurel's own Peggy Fish who will give an AWESOME presentation. Reservations are not needed.  And remember: life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. Come and learn other positive life lessons.

UM Men's Fellowship
Tuesday, April the 4th at 6:00 p.m. in Fellowship Hall

Join us for dinner and an amazing program about personal security by John Elliott.  John has 44 years of law enforcement experience with local, national and international agencies, including twelve years working with Interpol. He is a public and motivational speaker, an outspoken advocate for police officers and military veterans, and conducts crime avoidance and safety seminars nationwide. He is also a best-selling author, 
and will be raffling off some of his books about those security issues! You won't want to miss this, so please sign up on the registration sheet.

April's First Wednesday Hot Topic
Wednesday, April the 5th at 5:00 p.m. 
in Fellowship Hall

Join us for a meal and fellowship!

Our discussion will center around "Planets Possibly Life-Friendly Found Orbiting Nearby Star"
Seven planets, all close in size to Earth, and at least one warm enough to have water and sustain life, have been spotted around a dwarf star, astronomers announced late last month. The discovery raises the likelihood that the hunt for alien life beyond our solar system can begin within the next decade, as the newest generation of telescopes come on line.
This also raises questions about our understanding of God and Christ. How do we love our neighbors in other realms of the universe? Are God's laws earthbound?
We'll have out-of-this-world discussions over dinner served by the Connections Sunday School Class.
Want to start thinking about it? Read Hebrews 11, especially verse 3.

Palm Sunday and an Easter Egg Hunt ... April the 9th

Palm Sunday begins with the waving of palms during all three services.  During the 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. service, children from our Sunday School program will parade into worship.  Due to the extra activities of palm waving in worship, and the Easter Egg Hunt during the Sunday School hour, we will extend the Sunday School time through the waving of palms at the 10:45 a.m. worship hour.  Following their entrance into worship, the children will return to their classrooms to retrieve the treats they received.  Parents/Guardians may pick up their children from the classroom.
Give the Easter Bunny a helping hand, and donate a bag of Easter candy!  Please bring donations of individually wrapped candy, and place them in the basket in the Parlor by Sunday, April the 2nd.  If you want to help fill those Easter eggs, please contact JoAnn Overholt at 525-1866, or [email protected].

Laurel United Methodist Church | 217-525-1866 | www.laurelumchurch.org