March 2017

Spring begins on Monday, March 20th


Cover Your Assets: Planning for Physicians
Hospital Physicians

Practice Owner Physicians 

Early Career Physicians/Residents 

All seminars begin at 6 PM and are held at Napa River Grill in Louisville, KY. 
RSVP to [email protected]

GE Elfun Workshops -  Cincinnati
THURSDAY, MARCH 23 | Young Professionals 
5:30 PM | Firehouse Grill

TUESDAY, MARCH 28  | Retirement 
Lunch at 11:30 AM |  Stone Creek

TUESDAY, APRIL 25  | Retirement 
Dinner at 5:30 PM |  Stone Creek

THURSDAY. MAY 18  | Retirement 
Appetizers & Drinks at 5:30 PM |  Stone Creek

Investment News
from the desk of Clay Keeley
February Market Recap:
  • Major U.S stock markets continued to make new highs in February driven in part by positive economic messages from the Federal Reserve and President Trump
  • The S&P 500 steadily climbed during the month, posting a gain of...
ARTICLE: How Much Will You Spend When You Retire? 
stack of money You may have heard that people spend less once they are retired. Statistically, that is true. The question is whether a retiree has enough income to meet his or her expenses...

Wendy Roberts
Personal Service Manager

Describe your role at ARGI in less than two sentences:  I strive to ensure that our clients consistently have the best experience possible at ARGI. I coordinate client events, oversee the Client Satisfaction Survey, and work on initiatives to let our clients know how much they are valued and appreciated.
Do you have a nickname? Not really.  People call me different versions of my name - Wender, Wendolyn, Wendy Woo, WW, WR - but "Mom" is the name I'm most used to hearing.
Hometown:  Louisville, KY

Motto/mantra/favorite quote?   
"Two wrongs don't make a right."  - Roald Dahl
"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."  - Oscar Wilde
"When I dare to be powerful - to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid"  - Audre Lorde
What is the greatest challenge you have had to overcome in your life thus far?  Losing my dad when I was in my 20s was incredibly difficult. He was our family's glue. Losing my first child was devastating and something I'll never get over. However, professionally, it would have to be returning to work after 15 years at home raising my 5 kids.  I basically had to start over professionally in my early 40s.
Where is your favorite place to vacation?  Any place with sunshine, sand, and warm ocean water!  I absolutely love the beach.
What is your favorite hobby? I love to read. It is my escape, my Zen, my happy place. It calms me, centers me, and keeps me focused on things outside of myself.
What is the best book you have ever read?   I generally read one to two books a week, so it's hard to narrow it down to just one book, but one that comes to mind is The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt.
Are you involved with any charities or non-profits?  I support St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital, the United Way, the Organ Donor Registry and the Bone Marrow Donor Registry.
Number one thing on your bucket list?  I don't really have a bucket list.  If all of my children are happy and healthy, and I can afford to comfortably retire to someplace warm and sunny, that's really enough.  If I make it to that place, I may attempt to write a novel - or I might just lie on the beach and read one.
What would you do (for a career) if you weren't doing this?  If I was not at ARGI, I would be doing interior design and decorative painting.  I am an artist at heart.
If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be?  I have always admired Helen Gurley Brown, a successful author, the editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine for 32 years, and a champion for women "having it all".  I would love to emulate her life and be a book or magazine editor.
What would you most like to tell yourself at age 13?  Stop worrying about what other people think.  You cannot please everyone. Stand up for yourself.  (I still need to remember those things at age 50)!
How do you define success?  Success is being happy with who you are, what you are doing, and the people you are doing it with. 

With the temperature warming up, now is a great time to enjoy the weather!
According to, a 130-pound person, walking at a moderate pace -- such as walking the dog -- burns 60 to 70 calories per half-hour or 120 to 140 calories per hour. For a 200-pound person, it burns 90 to 100 calories per half-hour or 180 to 200 calories per hour.

We are excited to announce that the very first baby whose parents are both active ARGI employees will be born in September! Jim and Emily Trujillo were married long before they joined the ARGI family, but are welcoming baby #1 this fall. Jim is a financial advisor in our Louisville office, and Emily is on our marketing team.


Do you have a milestone or announcement you'd like to share with our readers? Email info and photo to us!

Last month a huge group of ARGI employees participated in the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Kentucky. As a group we raised more than  $8,000, and had more than 20 employees jump in the Ohio River!