Fresh Picks

September 3, 2015 | Visit the Farmers Market online at | Subscribe to Fresh Picks

MARKET NEWS for this Saturday, September 5

We're not quite sure how this happened but it seems that September is here, the ninth month of the year. (You can blame the Romans for retaining the "seven"-oriented name because they should have just fixed it when they did some calendar reforming to re-jig the year to match the solar cycle way back in the second century BC. Really, people?) As far as our calendar is concerned, we've already added two events. The first is the 13th Annual Lansdowne Arts & Music Festival, so you know where you can find us on September 12 and 13 (at the Fest) as well as on September 11 (the pre-show reception). The second is the Market's September 26 Dog Day, which is being organized by Animal Friends of Lansdowne. (Note to dog owners: Do a little practicing before the traditional Dog Parade so you can end up with a prize-winning pic like this or this.)

Lunch Prep

If you have kids, chances are they're pretty excited about going back to school and seeing their friends after a long summer. Make their lunches a little more special with fresh items from the Market. Lisa of the blog 100 Days of Real Food has dozens of tips and tricks for sprucing up box lunches -- our favorite of which is packing breakfast for lunch, since we're an advocate of breakfast for every meal (though no one expects you to make your own bagels, as Lisa does, that showoff). As for our grown-up readers, you can continue eating fresh and lively at work by making and taking salads in a jar. Make the goodness last longer in your fridge by vacuum-sealing the jars using this handy, super cheap method. (Salad in a jar?! What's next -- meat in tubes? Oh, riiiight.)

Sweet Goes Savory

If you are so done with using your Market fruits to make sweet things like crispy peach (or nectarine or plum) cobbler (though why you should be, we don't know), why not go savory? This spicy peach coleslaw, in particular, was a hit with our local canning club, even when we used nectarines instead. We also love nectarine chutney, plum chutney, green tomato chutney, and apple chutney for making meals a little spicier. (BTW, check in with any of our produce vendors to order in advance and they'll be happy to sell you flats of their farm's bounty at a nice bulk price. For contact info, visit our vendors page.)


The Avenue Delicatessen has a newish every-week spot at the Lansdowne Avenue entrance to the Market, which is so totally perfect for their name, no? Chef Laura Frangiosa's story behind the inspired fusion of Italian and Jewish deli traditions has helped put Lansdowne's name on the great eating map. Stop by the table to see what they are offering this week. They'll definitely have fresh-brewed hot coffee, iced coffee, iced tea, and other cold beverages, as well as ready-to-eat items. Last week's spiced ricotta donuts, apple cake, scones, and zucchini walnut bread were great for breakfast. For lunch they regularly offer their famous salads -- roasted corn quinoa salad and pesto chicken salad. Be sure to review their Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter posts ONLY during their regular business hours...otherwise you'll be really, really hungry. (We know this from hard-won experience while writing up this story.)

Vim Vendors

Weekly: Frecon Farms, Freeland Market, Fruitwood Farms, Green Zebra Farm, Livengood Family Farm, MyHouse Cookies, Poniton Farm, The Avenue Deli, and Wilson's Curiously Good Foods. Nonweekly: Creative Shepherd Farms, Kia's Cakes, Mojo's Popcorn, and Taste of Puebla. Visiting: The Icery, Kiss My Soul Naturals, and Relishing Grannies.

Buy the Dozen Bakery is off September 5 and 12, and Bonnie's Wondergardens decided to add one more week to the vacation schedule, returning next week, the 12th. That's okay, though, because the latest heat spell will make an extra week with The Icery that much more pleasant.

Mark your calendar NOW for Neil's Sharpening Service, which is returning September 26. We were sorry last week that we had to disappoint the two nice ladies who had carried their hatchets, hedge clippers, shovels, and other implements of destruction gardening tools all the way from their car. We gently suggested that they sign up for our weekly newsletter to keep on top of scheduling changes or at least visit our website to be on the safe side. Friends don't let friends not receive the weekly Market newsletter so give them this link to sign up today.

We also got word late this week that Spotted Hill won't be here this Saturday because of an unexpected personal commitment. Never fear: Lansdowne resident Sara Burns' Kiss My Soul Naturals business is filling the slot, temporarily. "Pure Soap...Naturally" is her motto, so visit her Etsy site to see the exotic, spicy, and, in some cases, delicious-sounding soap flavors she offers.

Unfortunately, we just got the bummer news that Uncle Harold's Snacks is dissolving as a business and, of course, leaving the Market. We're sorry to see them go and wish the proprietors luck with their next endeavor.


There should be at least 10 years' worth of Lansdowne Arts Festival T-shirts floating around out there. (Can't recall what year they became available.) Wear one to the Market this week and get a Market Buck. Any shirts from LAF #5 or earlier get TWO Bucks!

Volunteers rock! Not only did many William Penn School District residents/parents/students/friends build a new playground and outdoor classroom at Ardmore Avenue Elementary School (more great photos here) last Saturday, but a number of stalwart souls joined us to set up and break down the Market as well. Thank you, everyone! We hope you were able to get a nap in after all that hard work on a hot day.

Keep Saving the Lansdowne Theater

There's been a lot of activity over these past few months across the street from the Market and, to be honest, Lansdowne Theater, we hardly recognize you! In addition to last year's marquee renovation, we also see that you've got a completely restored outdoor lobby that brings you back to your former 1920s-era glory. We've watched the care the craftsmen have been taking with the painstaking restoration of the historic ticket booth, pendant lights, poster cases and wall tiles, right down to the original color scheme of the Hollywood-Moorish-style architecture.

We know, however, that there's a lot more that needs to be done to restore your original beauty while making your structure safe and fully functional as a 21st-century performing arts facility. (We hear that you'll be hosting nationally known adult alternative and classic rock performers and singer songwriters, as well as performances by regional performing arts groups, civic meetings, and educational programming. Nice!)

That's where the nonprofit Historic Lansdowne Theater Corporation's Indiegogo campaign comes in. Now through October 15, money raised in this crowdfunding effort will help the HLTC meet requirements to unlock a $4 million grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and will match challenge grants from other funders. In short, every $1 contributed has the potential to earn $5 for the campaign. Plus, donors can choose thank-you swag such as T-shirts, tote bags, private theater tours, names on the marquee, a private performance for 100 guests, etc. We know that even without the gifts, the people in this area will support you, Lansdowne Theater. Please visit the HLT's Indiegogo page or stroll through the site for complete details, photos, videos, and more.

Free Community Classes with Dragon Spirit Arts

Lansdowne Parks & Recreation's fall schedule includes free introductory sessions for new students by instructor Gabrielle de Burke of Dragon Spirit Arts: T'ai Chi Chuan (Yang Style) on Tuesday, September 15 (4-5 pm); Radiant Lotus Women's Qi-Gong (Women Only) on Thursday, September 17, 6:15-7:15 pm; and on September 17, Dragon Spirit Yoga (Yoga & Chi-Kung) in two versions -- Gentle Mobility Flow for adults with limited mobility (5-6 pm) and Restorative Posture Flow for beginners through intermediate students (7:30-8:30 pm). For more info or to attend, contact Gabrielle via email or phone at (484) 557-9605. More details at


Artist of the Week

Sherri Sherbin of Sherri Shirts: Painting the World in Tie Dye makes wearable and decorative dyed fabric creations in vivid rainbow colors and eye-popping designs on cotton, rayon, silk, and other natural fibers, including some upcycled, one-of-a-kind articles. Items include tie-dyed shirts, skirts, pants, socks, dresses, tapestries, bed sheets, towels, pillow cases, and more. Color and pattern rule!

Musician of the Week

Market denizens will remember blues musician J.D. Little who has been on the LFM stage several time now. If you don't remember, give a listen to the Yeadon resident's lyrical song, "Rid of Me" (listen to it on his MySpace page), to get an idea of the great originals he'll be mixing in with cover songs on Saturday.



A Taste of Lansdowne: The Lansdowne Arts & Music Festival's Pre-Show Reception
Friday, September 11, 7:00 pm; $25
Twentieth Century Club, 84 S. Lansdowne Avenue

The Lansdowne Arts & Music Festival
Saturday-Sunday, September 12-13, 10 am - 5 pm; free
Twentieth Century Club, 84 S. Lansdowne Avenue

Izaak Schlossman Photography Exhibit Opening Reception
Saturday, September 12, 4 pm - 8 pm; free
20*20 House, 20 Lansdowne Court

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market photo
Here's more market photos from John Kelly Green Photography


Lansdowne Farmers Market

Lansdowne Economic Development Corporation


The Lansdowne Farmers Market takes place every Saturday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm in the parking lot next to 28 North Lansdowne Avenue, rain or shine.

Visit our sister market, the Oakmont Farmers Market, Wednesday afternoons in Havertown for more local produce, bread, meat, and other products.

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