Superintendent's Community Advisory Council kicks off
Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli hosted the District's first Superintendent's Community Advisory Council meeting on Monday, April 3. Approximately 34 parents attended the meeting, representing all areas of the district.
"At our inaugural meeting, we focused on introductions as well as on parent communication," Dr. Cremascoli said. "Advisory Council members offered insight into their experiences with district and school communication - strengths, gaps and common sources of valuable information. Several ideas were generated for us to explore."
The Council's next meeting is scheduled for May 15, and the meeting will address some of the members' commonly asked questions and areas where they would like additional information.
"It was a wonderful kickoff meeting for the Superintendent's Community Advisory Council," Dr. Cremascoli said.
I was thrilled with the turnout and look forward to hosting our next meeting."
FYI: Registration opens April 12
District 58 will open registration for the 2017-18 school year on Wednesday, April 12.
58 will send current parents
registration information via email on April 12. Paper information regarding registration will be sent home with report cards on April 13.
These messages will include each child's personalized "snapcode," a password that lets parents log onto their child's unique registration page.
If you prefer to register your child using paper forms, please visit your child's school to register, or download the forms on your school's website.
Curriculum news: Math, English-Language Arts and Science
 District 58's
Math Committee presented
an update to the Board of Educat
ion during the Board's regular March meeting. Their presentation detailed the many professional development opportunities
provided to staff this school year to support math instruction
. Several teachers also demonstrated Math Talks and other new instructional techniques that many teachers have started using to boost rigor and math practices.
The Math Committee will meet later this month to review and discuss common assessment banks. If the committee feels confident in an assessment bank, they plan to make a recommendation to the Board at an upcoming meeting. A common assessment bank will provide all teachers with Common Core-aligned assessments.
Teachers on the English-Language Arts (ELA) Committee presented updates to the Board during the regular February Board meeting and during the winter Curriculum Workshop. Since then, they have started piloting several new ELA curriculum box resources in their classrooms. At least one grade level at every school is participating in the pilot.
The ELA Committee will meet later this month to develop feedback mechanisms for all ELA pilot teachers. They look forward to learning insights from the pilot participants, with the goal of making a recommendation by late spring or early fall.
The Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Committee continues working with the District Science Collaborative, a group of several Illinois school districts working together to develop science, or STEM, curriculum that aligns with the new Next Generation Science Standards. District administrators and STEM Committee members will meet with the Collaborative for additional training led by Northwestern University later this month.
Board sets student fees for 2017-18
The Board of Education approved student fees for the 2017-18 school year during the regular March business meeting. In general, the new student fees represent 2.1 percent increases, based on the 2016 Consumer Price Index.
The costs of preschool tuition and middle school yearbooks will remain the same as the 2016-17 school year.
Author Fest returns to District 58
District 58 invites the community to a book signing and photo opportunity with six popular children's authors:
Troy Cummings, Kate Hannigan, Michelle Schaub, Miriam Busch, Larry Day and Chris Rylander.
The event will take place
Friday, April 21 at the Downers Grove Public Library. Book sales begin at 6 p.m. and the book signing takes place from 6:30-8 p.m.
The book signing event will conclude the District 58 Author Fest celebration. The annual PTA-sponsored Author Fest event alternates each year between north side and south side schools. This year, El Sierra, Fairmount, Indian Trail, Kingsley and Whittier will host the event from April 18-21. The authors will visit these schools and talk about how they became writers and/or illustrators, discuss their craft, answer students' questions about writing and/or illustrating, and share insights about careers in literature.
District celebrates Young Author's Contest winners from each school
Congratulations to all Downers Grove Grade School District 58 students selected to participate in the Illinois Young Authors Conference next month at Illinois State University. This annual writing program invited students to submit original stories to their teachers. One story from each school was picked to advance to the Illinois Young Authors Conference.
During the upcoming Illinois Young Authors Conference, children can share their stories with renowned authors, educators and other Illinois Young Author school representatives. Students selected to attend include:
- Laynie, Belle Aire, "A Dash of Hope"
- Kate, El Sierra, "Airplanes, Cupcakes, and Ingredient Labels: Annoyance with Nut Allergies"
- Paul and Evan, Fairmount, "Can You Survive the Jungle?"
- Carissa, Herrick, "A Rocky Trail to Adventure"
- Kyle, Highland, "Lacrosse Poems"
- Audrey, Hillcrest, "Mindless"
- Russell and Zander, Henry Puffer, "Disaster and the Piggy Files"
- Sophie, Indian Trail, "Lavaleire"
- Noelle, Kingsley, "How Glitter Girl Defeated Her Greatest Enemies"
- Sara, Lester, "In the Shadow of the Pyramid"
- Lily, O'Neill, "Bliss"
- Malini, Pierce Downer, "Middle Notes"
- Tyler, Whittier, "The Perfect Match"
Henry Puffer teacher gets published in renowned education journal
Teaching Children Mathematics is the award-winning official journal of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and it serves as a meaningful resource for teachers nationwide. Thank you, Mrs. Hurckes, for sharing your knowledge and experience!
Hillcrest student's artwork featured during District 99 concert
About 1,000 elementary students recently attended District 99's Community Outreach Concert, "Commotion in the Ocean." The opening musical number, Okeanos, was accompanied by beautiful water-inspired artwork designed by Hillcrest third grader Audrey Graves!
District 99 asked Audrey to design the artwork after seeing some of her drawings on her art teacher, Mr. Jon Belonio's, Twitter account.
Indian Trail PTA Trivia Night proceeds will support field trips
The Indian Trail PTA recently hosted their annual Trivia Night, during which they raised more than $6,000! They plan to use the money to pay for Indian Trail's upcoming classroom field trips. Their donation will cover buses, admissions and any other additional costs related to upcoming field trips.
Trivia Night included music, a DJ, trivia games, several fun grade-level raffles, a silent auction and food/refreshments. Thank you, Indian Trail PTA, for organizing this fantastic event!
Kingsley teacher wins agricultural grant, uses it to enhance instruction
Second graders use an authentic butter churn to make butter out of cream.
Kingsley second graders in Mr. Ron Bowers classroom learned a little bit about 19th century history, English, science, social-emotional learning and art during their recent agriculture unit.
The classroom took their learning to the next level when Mr. Bowers won a "Using Agriculture in the Classroom" grant from the DuPage County Farm Bureau. He used the grant to purchase a butter churn, authentically modeled after the old Dazey churns.
Together with his class, the students took turns using the churn to make homemade butter from cream! Meanwhile, their classmates completed assignments related to the scientific properties of cream/butter, nutrition and history.
Pierce Downer makes 15 blankets to comfort critically-ill children
 In March, the Pierce Downer Student Council led a Project Linus service project to help critically-ill children.
"Project Linus is an organization that collects blankets for sick children in order to provide a sense of security that only a blanket can give," said Lauren Minardi, Pierce Downer sixth grade teacher and Student Council co-sponsor. "We collected fleece in order to make fleece tie blankets to donate to this organization. It takes two pieces of 2.5 yards of fleece to make these blankets."
Pierce Downer families donated the fleece during the first two weeks of March, and on March 20, families gathered after school to assemble the blankets.
In total, the families created 15 warm and cuddly blankets! These blankets are certain to be well-loved by the children Project Linus serves. Thank you, Pierce Downer!
District 99 invites community to Master Facilities Plan meeting
District 99 comprises Downers Grove North and Downers Grove South high schools. They are developing a Master Facility Plan to determine both schools' future facility needs. Using input from the District 99 Board of Education, staff and the community, the district created several priorities.
District 99 invites the community to attend a Master Facility Plan meeting on Wednesday, April 19 at 7 p.m. at Downers Grove North High School and on Thursday, April 20 at 7 p.m. at Downers Grove South High School. Each meeting will include a building tour, a Master Facility Plan presentation and opportunities to ask questions. The same information will be shared at both meetings so please attend the one most convenient for you.
As future District 99 families, District 58 families are especially invited to attend and give input!
District 58 emailed new community e-flyers to all parents on
Monday, April 3. E-flyers are also posted on the
District 58 e-flyer page at and listed below.
The mission of District 58, in partnership with parents and community, is to challenge and engage each child by providing quality educational programs and support services in a safe, nurturing, and child-centered environment in order to prepare all students to be lifelong learners and contributing members of a global society.
Communicate 58 shares timely, relevant information about District 58 with parents, community members and others who are interested in how we are living out our mission. If you have any questions/comments regarding Communicate 58, or have an article/photo idea for the publication, please contact Community Relations Coordinator Megan Hewitt at or 630-719-5805.
District 58 on social media
April 11 Board agenda
The Board of Education will hold a regular business meeting on
Tuesday, April 11 at 7 p.m.
at the Longfellow Center.
The meeting agenda includes a technology update, a Lester Student Council and PTA update, a Lester School feasibility study discussion, a 2017-18 school year calendar discussion and more.
Later this week, the District will send families a synopsis of the meeting via the Board Briefs.
Welcome new Board members
The District 58 community elected
Greg Harris, Darren Hughes, Jill Samonte
Beth Taylo
r to serve four-year terms on the District 58 Board of Education. The new Board will be seated at a special re-organization Board meeting on
Monday, May 1 at 7 p.m.
at the Longfellow Center.
The District's newly-elected Board members will join current Board members
John Miller, Doug Purcell and
Elizabeth Sigale.
District 58 thanks its retiring and outgoing Board members --
President John Cooper, Roberta Diehl, Chris Heppner and
Sallie Lupescu -- for their unwavering commitment to District 58 students, staff and families.
Upcoming Board meetings
Regular Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 11
7 p.m.
Longfellow Center
Meet & Confer Strategic Plan Committee Meeting
Thursday, April 13
7 a.m.
Longfellow Center
Policy Committee Meeting
Tuesday, April 18
7 a.m.
Admin Service Center
BOE Coffee with the Staff
Thursday, April 20
7:30 a.m.
Lester School
Budget Workshop
Monday, April 24
7 p.m.
Longfellow Center
Building Tour and PTA Meeting
Tuesday, April 25
6:30 p.m.
Pierce Downer
Regular Board Meeting
Monday, May 8
7 p.m.
Longfellow Center
Sign up for Summer School by April 14
District 58 will offer a variety of reading, math, art, music, kindergarten prep classes and more during Summer School!
Don't delay! Registration for all classes except band and orchestra closes April 14.
Band and orchestra registration closes April 28.
Fit Fair
District 58's physical education teachers will host the annual Fit Fair on Thursday, April 13 from 6-8 p.m. at O'Neill, 635 59th St.!
The Fair will offer free kickboxing classes, healthy snacks, fitness demos, hip hop dance classes, bowling and more. Be sure to enter one of the raffles to win fun, health-oriented prizes!
Summer sports camps at Herrick
Herrick will offer summer running, volleyball and basketball camps for incoming 5th-8th graders.
Earth Week is April 17-21
Earth Week is April 17-21! Many schools, student councils and PTAs are holding activities to promote sustainable living.
District 58 will share activities on social media throughout the week.
Upcoming events
Henry Puffer Kindergarten Roundup
Wednesday, April 12
9 a.m.
Henry Puffer
Indian Trail Kindergarten Roundup
Wednesday, April 12
9:30 a.m.
Indian Trail
2017-18 Registration Opens
Wednesday, April 12
Parents will receive an email with more information.
South Side Fifth and Sixth Grade Orchestra Spring Concert
Wednesday, April 12
7-8 p.m.
District 58 Fit Fair
Thursday, April 13
6-8 p.m.
Enjoy free exercise demos and snacks at this annual community wellness event!
No School
Friday, April 14
Hillcrest Kindergarten Roundup
Monday, April 17
9 a.m.
North Side Fifth and Sixth Grade Band Concert
Monday, April 17
7-8 p.m.
PTA Author Fest
April 18-21
Southside schools
Author Fest rotates between south and north schools each year. Several notable authors will visit the schools and give talks to the students.
North Side Fifth and Sixth Grade Spring Orchestra Concert
Tuesday, April 18
7-8 p.m.
South Side Elementary Band Spring Concert
Tuesday, April 18
7-8 p.m.
Fairmount Kindergarten Roundup
Thursday, April 20
9 a.m.
North Side Fourth Grade Orchestra and Chamber Strings Concert
Thursday, April 20
7-8 p.m.
Kingsley Kindergarten Roundup
Friday, April 21
9:30 a.m.