Lifestyle and Cancer News from
Welcome to Lifestyle and Cancer News Updates -  This month we are focusing on arthritis after cancer.
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 Joint pains after cancer 

A study presented at the MASCC conference Adelaide reported that 55% of people suffer troublesome joint pains and stiffness after cancer treatments which in many people progress to osteoarthritis. Causes include:
  • Chemotherapy (taxotere)
  • Premature menopause (chemo, surgery or radiotherapy)
  • Hormone therapy (Zoladex, tamoxifen, aromatase drugs)
  • Biological therapies (herceptin)
Restricted mobility increase the risk of:

Nutritional tips to relieve arthritis  


Numerous studies have demonstrated a lower risk of distressing arthritis in populations which eat:

Exercise tip to relieve arthritis

Starting to exercise with arthritis will initially cause pain. Because of this, some people feel it could cause harm but research shows it reaps major  benefits in reducing joint pain, inflammation, stiffness.   It needs to be performed regularly with careful stretches for different parts of the body.

A recent study reported a 6x-increase in prostate cancer and arthritis among intensively training cyclists. We highlight the risks and benefits of cycling and health in Cycling Weekly, including the importance of taking certain foods that can help reduce your risk of developing arthritis and even cancer.

Most top athletes measure their body's essential micro-nutrients to ensure they have the optimal nutritional balance for best performance. These tests are now available for everyone especially those concerned about, or who have survived, cancer. 

An online service has been developed by CancernetUK, measures over 50 of the body's essential micro-nutrients, polyphenols and anti-cancer enzymes.  

The results of the detailed blood test are issued with a bespoke advice programme that empowers the recipient to a diet aiming to correct deficiencies and lower excesses to restore optimal nutritional status.
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CancernetUK Website
Lifestyle and Cancer Book Cover

The latest edition of Professor Robert Thomas' book provides evidence-based advice to help  cope with side effects and live well after cancer. You can order online and as a Kindle edition

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