Weekly Postings March 10 - March 19, 2017
Recovery & Addiction:
What Shall We Say?
This Sunday
5:00 - 6:30, Berlin Room
ALL people are directly or indirectly affected by addiction,
ALL people, t
he Parish & friends, are invited to gather for a discussion called:
WE WILL: Honestly talk about addiction and recovery--dispel common misconceptions, iterate truths, and explore how to respond for ourselves and to others.
We will maintain a safe environment for questions, discussion, and will treat all people with dignity and respect. We will present resources for further education and action.
WE WILL NOT: Lecture; misinform; pressure or embarrass anyone; unexpectedly lead any person to say or do anything whatsoever; talk about anyone without their permission.
The Revs. Kevin Kelly and Tommy Townsend, who both have lived through addiction and now lead Recovery Ministries of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Georgia in addition to their respective parish ministries, will guide our discussion.
No. This gathering is not a recovery group meeting; however, we will talk about what recovery groups are, who different groups are designed to serve--for example, family (groups for addicts, groups for family of addicts, etc.) and ways to explore and connect with them.
It REALLY is for everyone who wants a safe place to learn general and actionable information about addiction and how to respond to it.
Who among us is free from the effects of addiction--be it in your own life, in the life of a family member, or in the common life of our society? Not one of us truly is free from the life diminishing and life threatening effects wrought by ALL manner of addiction and addictive behaviors.
As Christians, we are called to face reality, to meet darkness with the light of Christ, and to persevere in resisting evil; therefore, it is incumbent upon us to equip ourselves to face addiction with love and wisdom, wherever and whenever it confronts us.
WHY IS SAINT PAUL'S CHURCH TALKING ABOUT ADDICTION? The Church professes that when even one member suffers, then all members suffer (1 Corinthians 12:26) BECAUSE through the mystery of Baptism the Holy Spirit makes us one people, forever bound to God through Jesus Christ and to one another. THEREFORE, because ALL of us suffer, ALL of us are called to respond to the reality of addiction with love and to strive toward healing for ourselves, for others, and for the whole world. |
Flower Guild Meeting
Saturday, March 11, 9:30 AM
The Flower Guild will meet this Saturday to plan Easter floral arrangements.
Youth Service Saturday
Saturday, March 11, 9:30 AM- 1 PM, Christ Church
SPC Youth Service Saturday will be this coming Saturday, March 11. We will serve at the Community Meal hosted by Christ Church. Please come and show your support of neighbors at Christ Church Saturday morning (1904 Greene St, Augusta) at 9:30
AM- 1
PM. Eat a hearty breakfast and wear closed toed shoes.
Email questions to Ranie.
Daylight Saving Time Begins Spring Forward. Daylight Saving Time Begins this Sunday. Don't forget to move your clocks forward one hour before you go to bed Saturday Night.
Our Schedule This Sunday
Holy Eucharist Rite I No music |
8:45 AM - 9:30 AM |
Continental Breakfast - Tyler Hall |
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Christian Formation for All Ages See schedule below
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Coffee & Conversation Tyler Hall |
11:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite II with
the Saint Paul's & Canterbury Choir
Following the 11:00
AM Service
Lemonade on the Lawn
Following the 11:00
AM Service
Invitation Luncheon Tyler Hall
- 6:30
Recovery & Addiction: What Shall We Say? Berlin Room |
PM - 6:30
EYC Youth Room |
5:30 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion |
Christian Formation for All Ages
Sundays 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Faith, Church, and the Episcopal Way
The Berlin Room
Lenten Discussions: Life Together
The Chapel
"Breakfast and the Beginnings"
Youth Room - Upstairs Parish House
Youth Confirmation
The Rector's Office- Children's Ministries Center
Grades 3- 5 - Spark Activate Faith
Spark Room, (Room 1), Children's Ministries Center
Grades PK - 2 (ages 4-7) - Godly Play
Godly Play Room, (Room 2), Children's Ministries Center
Lessons for This Sunday are Genesis 12:1-4a; Psalm 121; Romans 4:1-5, 13-17; and John 3:1-17.
Second Sunday Birthday Celebration
Sunday, March 12, 10:30 - 10:45
Tyler Hall
This Sunday is Birthday Sunday during "Coffee and Conversation." (10:30 - 10:45
), ALL are invited to our brief but joyful celebration in Tyler Hall for all whose birthdays fall in March.
EYC (Episcopal Youth Community grades 6-12)
Sunday, 5:00 - 6:30
This Sunday Saint Paul's EYC will feature its first KARAOKE NIGHT! Put on your most "Saint Paul's Has Talent" outfit and sing solo, as a group, or put on an interpretive dance! Dinner and festivities will go from 5-6:30
Email questions to Ranie.
Invitation Made Easy!
Sunday, March 12, Following the 11 AM service, Tyler Hall
The most effective means of attracting newcomers to any church is a personal invitation from a parishioner. If this makes you nervous, know that survey after survey shows that three-quarters of people say they would go to a church if a friend, neighbor, or co-worker invites them. We have gathered a few of Saint Paul's invitation pros and developed tools to help you. Please join the Vestry and the Evangelism Committee in Tyler Hall for lunch and a conversation about inviting others to Saint Paul's.
RSVP to Elisabeth Price .
Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion with Prayers for Healing
Sundays, 5:30 PM
This Sunday's guest musician is Rob Foster.
Next Week |
March 13 - March 19 |
Easter Lilies and Music Easter Lilies are placed in the church and are enjoyed throughout the Easter season and additional professional musicians enhance our Easter services. If you would like to contribute toward the cost of Easter music, or give an Easter lily, please return the form found in your Sunday bulletin to the Parish Office. Requests may also be made on the website or by e-mail to mailbox@saintpauls.org no later than Sunday, April 2.
Children, Youth, and Family Committee Children, Youth, and Family Committee meets Wednesday, March 15, 5:30 pm, in the Conference Room to discuss spring parish life events, including the Easter Egg Hunt, Wednesday Night Dinners, and our spring Greenjackets game. Parents and all others interested in these ministries are invited and encouraged to attend. Contact Todd Shafer for more information.
Wednesday Lenten Worship
Noonday & Evening Prayer Wednesdays March 8 - April 5. Prior to our Lenten Discussions each Wednesday, Noonday Prayer will be held in the chapel at 11:45
AM and Evening Prayer at 6:30
Parish-wide Lenten Book: Life Together
by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
ALL are invited to reflect on this poignant classic work about the nature and practice of Christ-centered community, that is, "being the Body of Christ gathered, the church."
Read on your own and drop-in at any of the discussion gatherings throughout Lent. There is no expectation or commitment to return to specific gatherings. We offer three meeting times to support and accommodate your schedule and throughout Lent.
Sundays 3/12- 3/26
Formation Hour, 9:30 - 10:30 AM in the Chapel
Wednesdays, 3/15 - 3/30
12:00 - 1:00 PM, bring your own lunch, Tyler Hall
7:00 - 8:00 PM, Tyler Hall
Session #2 Chapter 2: The Day Together Session #3 Chapter 3: The Day Alone Session #4 Chapters 4 & 5: Service; Confession and The Lord's Supper |
Daughters of the King Discernment Classes
Beginning March 19, 9:30 AM, Conference Room
The St. Ruth Byllesby Chapter of the Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK) will begin discernment classes for new members starting March 19, 2017, 9:30
AM in the Conference Room. DOK
is an international prayer and service order
in the Episcopal Church and The Saint Ruth Byllesby Chapter is a part of the
ministries at Saint Paul's Church. Please
email Suzanne Pursley-Crotteau or contact by telephone (706) 910-9331 if you are interested in the discernment class or have any questions about the DOK.
Tuesday's Music Live Conclusion Tuesday, March 21, 12 Noon
The 29th season of Tuesday's Music Live concludes Tuesday, March 21, with a free concert by the Gough Duo. Lunch, catered by Sleeping Bear Kitchen, is available after the concerts by advance reservation. The cost is $12 per person. Reservations at
www.tuesdaysmusiclive.com or by calling the Box Office, (706) 722-3463.
Manna Pantry
Friday, March 24, 4:00 - 5:30
Saturday, March 25,
- 12:00 noon
We need additional helpers to pack and move boxes at our next Manna Pantry March 24 and 25 in Tyler Hall. Manna Pantry at Saint Paul's Church provides a box of food six times a year to those in our community who need this supplemental assistance. Food is ordered from Golden Harvest Food Bank and is delivered to Saint Paul's on Friday evening. Manna Pantry volunteers unload the truck, organize the food, and assemble boxes for recipients Friday evening from 4:00 - 5:30 PM. Recipients are registered and served on Saturday morning from 9:30 AM - 12:00 noon. Volunteers also help carry boxes to the cars. Families with children and youth are welcome to join parishioners of all ages serving this ministry. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Anita Tanner.
Welcome to Saint Paul's for Newcomers
Sunday, March 26, 10:00 - 10:50
, The Parlor
New to the Saint Paul's community? We'd like to get to know you better. Get your questions answered and meet some of our staff and parish leaders at an informal drop-in in the parlor, next Sunday, March 26, 10:00 - 10:50 AM. RSVP to Elisabeth Price in the Parish Office.
Quarterly Acolyte Training
Sunday, March 26, 12-1:30 PM
Quarterly acolyte training is Sunday, March 26, 12-1:30
PM. Anyone ages 9 and up interested in becoming an acolyte and all current acolytes are invited and encouraged to attend. Lunch will be served in Tyler Hall with training following in the chapel. Participants are requested to register so that lunch can be planned.
Email Acolyte Master, Todd Shafer, for more information or to register.
Rose Sunday Concert & Reception
Sunday, March 26, 3:30 PM
This year's Rose Sunday Concert is Sunday, March 26, 3:30
PM and features Keith Shafer performing organ works by Bach, Messiaen, Gigout, Archer, and Mulet. Child care will be available, and a reception in Tyler Hall follows the program.
Winter Quarter (January - March)
The new Quarterly Outreach Opportunities is available here. Mark your calendar with these January - March 2017 service opportunities. We invite you to join us as often as you are able.
News from our Neighboring Parishes
Enneagram Workshop March 17 & 18, Church of the Good Shepherd
Good Shepherd is offering an exciting Enneagram Workshop on Friday, March 17th (6:30-9:00
PM) and Saturday, March 18th (9:00
PM). The two-part workshop will be led by Nan Henson, an Enneagram coach from Atlanta, who will use the ancient wisdom of the Enneagram to help parishioners discover their spiritual gifts. The Enneagram is similar to many other maps of personality, like the Myers-Briggs Inventory, but differs with its focus on spirituality.
To register or for more information, visit our website.
Are we missing your birthday?
Our Second Sunday Birthday Celebration
will be March 12. Please Join us.