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March 7, 2017
Sanctuary Construction, Capital Campaign and Election Highlight Annual Meeting
For where two or three gather together in my name, 
there am I with them.  
Matthew 18:20
The All Saints 2016 Annual Meeting took place on Sunday, Feb. 26 in the Sanctuary. It's the last Annual Meeting to gather in the Sanctuary as built in 1900. For the next two meetings, we will gather . . . well, we don't quite know yet. But the road ahead will be filled with God's grace as we each continue to gather in Christ's name each Sunday.
We hope you enjoy reading the comments given at the meeting and the electronic version of the Annual Report - just click on the many links below to relive all our parish accomplished last year!
Rev. Aimée and Tom
The Rev. Aimée Eyer-Delevett, Rector
Tom Mack, Senior Warden

Our Year in Pictures
A highlight of the Annual Meeting was a slide show depicting the events and activities of the past year. Click on the photo or the link below to see the year in review! 

Outgoing Leaders Thanked
Parish Leaders for 2017 Set
The Annual Meeting is a time of celebration and thanks, especially of those who have given to the parish their most precious of gifts: their time. David Telleen-Lawton served as chair of the Nominating Committee and gave their report at the meeting.
Outgoing Junior Warden David Telleen-Lawton gives the Nominating Committee Report.
Outgoing Vestry members were thanked for their service: Bill Macfadyen, Doug "St. Nicholas" Davidson and Junior Warden  David Telleen-Lawton. Two outgoing Vestry members will continue for a second term: Pamela Hawes and Michael Swift. Three new members were elected: Don Benninghoven, George Ittner and George "Geoie" Writer.
Other members of the parish elected at the meeting include Sheri Benninghoven, Ashley Blevins, Susan Evans and  Syd Walker to the Nominating Committee; and Sally and George Messerlian, Syd Walker, and  Heather and Hunter Hawley to represent All Saints at the Diocesan Convention with David and Karen Telleen-Lawton as alternates.
Outgoing Outreach Committee Chair Joe Rawls was thanked for his year of leadership, as was outgoing Head Usher Michael Ditmore.

2017 Vestry
Class of 2018:
Elenora Miller: future Vestry member?
Charley Cairns 
Charlotte DiTirro
Tom Mack
Sally Messerlian
Nathan Sigler
Class of 2019:
Susan Evans
Raye Haskell Melville
Caryn Reeder
Stephen Schaible
Leah Watson

Class of 2020:
Don Benninghoven
Pamela Hawes
George Ittner
Michael Swift
George Writer

2017 Ministry Leaders:
Senior Warden: Tom Mack
Junior Warden: George Ittner
Treasurer: Fred Allen
Altar Guild : Linda Chapman
Flower Guild: Dana Kent
Budget and Finance Committee Chair: Phil Hawes
Welcome Committee: Sally Messerlian
Parish School Board President: Sally Green
Head Usher: Jim Haslem
Outreach Committee Chair: Susan Evans
Nominating Committee Chair: George Ittner
Lector and Intercessor Coordinator: Karen Telleen-Lawton
Lay Eucharistic Ministers Coordinator: Alice Scott
Coffee Hour Coordinator: Patrice Mueller
Eventide Dinner Coordinators: Barbra Mousouris, Jennifer Strube
Acolyte Coordinators: Sally and George Messerlian
Parish Social Coordinators: Sally Green, Diana Andonian
Capital Campaign Co-Chairs: Bitsy Bacon, Sheri Benninghoven, Ed Birch
Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project Facilities Committee : Chip Nichols
Sunday Worship Transition Team: Charley Cairns
Columbarium Committee: Pat McClure

The new Vestry class is commissioned.
Parish Operating Budget Woes: Income and Expenses Out of Sync
Last year was a challenging one for the parish's finances. As has been the trend over the past few years, we've had to dip into our reserves, or "savings," far too deeply in order to maintain the ministries in place and meet our various financial obligations.

The Vestry made some difficult decisions over the past few months and adopted a 2017 budget that brings the gap between
Treasurer Fred Allen.
revenues and expenses closer together.  In addition to our income  from pledges, we include plate offerings and other financial gifts, rental income, and a limited annual draw against our invested reserves and endowment.  The costs of operating the Church can be grouped into several categories: staff wages and benefits, ministries, maintenance of our buildings and grounds, Outreach and Diocesan support.
The adjustments to our 2017 budget mentioned at the Annual Meeting have reduced this gap between revenues and expenses to $67,000.  
As was announced, a member of the parish stepped forward to make a one-time gift to the parish to cover this shortfall in 2017. We are all immensely grateful for this love and generosity. However, the ongoing gap still exists.
Over the coming year, each of us will hear more about our individual and collective obligation to manage God's blessings in a way that ensures our fiscal viability.
Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project Update
By Chip Nichols
The Sanctuary Project is moving forward nicely, thanks to the more than 100 parishioners who have taken on leadership roles and the generosity of 241 parish households and friends of All Saints who have financially supported the project so far.
Another Town Hall project update will take place in the spring to bring everyone up to date on a wide range of developments, but here are a few highlights:  
  • To date, financial commitments totaling just more than $10 million have been received, payable over time, leaving just $44,000 to reach our initial $10.1 million goal. If you have not yet joined your brothers and sisters in this historic effort, please contact Kathleen or Alyson in the Church Office. 
  • All Saints has appeared before the County Historical Landmarks Advisory Committee, the Montecito Board of Architectural Review and the Montecito Association Land Use Committee, all of which have given their support, and we are scheduled to appear before the Montecito Planning Commission on April 17. Assuming success there, we will have a final appearance before the Board of Architectural Review on April 27, and that will clear the way for our building permits and bidding for the Phase 2 work. 
Columbarium Starting to Take Shape
The Columbarium Committee, chaired by Pat McClure, has been hard at work, and after interviewing three firms has recommended Eickhof Columbaria to supply columbarium niches for the Memorial Chapel. 

The Committee is working with our architect on the interior design of the Chapel. The Committee will be making a full presentation on the designs and plans for accepting subscriptions for columbarium niches and memorials plaques at the spring Town Hall Meeting.
Update from Sunday Worship Transition Team: Where Will We Worship During Sanctuary Reconstruction?
Finding an alternative site in which to worship and conduct Sunday School during the roughly 20 months that the Sanctuary will be closed during its reconstruction is a tremendous undertaking. Rev. Aimée gave a complete report on the work of this committee, chaired by  Charley Cairns , including an explanation of the needs that any site must be able to meet - whether on campus or at another location in the community. Please click on the links below to find more information about these topics.

From Rev. Aimée:

I want to admit to you my fear: That'd we'll find a place to worship, and you come to church. But . . .  then my faith speaks to my fear, and I'm reminded of a few things:

a)  I'm reminded first that we raised over $10 million TOGETHER to preserve and restore our sanctuary. And that if we could achieve that TOGETHER, we're in this together, as well. I'm reminded of the STRENGTH of this COMMUNITY of FAITH.

b)  And I'm reminded of the words written in Deuteronomy: "A wandering Aramean was my ancestor." These words about our ancestral father Abraham were delivered to a generation of Israelites who wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. An Israelite community, caught between the Exodus and the Promise Land.

c)  Their wanderings remind me that this wandering is a part of our heritage. And our ancestral wanderings teach us that even as they wandered in the desert, God was there. Without tent or temple, God was still present with them in the COMMUNITY.

d)  This will be an invitation to grow deeper as a community of faith, bound by our commitment to Christ and one another, just as we have worked together to ensure the restoration and preservation of our beloved sanctuary.

e)  Finally, I remember my call. I know beyond a shadow of doubt that I have been called by God and the Church to be your priest, and you to be my people. God has great things in store for us, and through us for others. But we must show up, and do this together, because we cannot be the church God calls us to be in this time and in this place without one another.

Vestry member Charley Cairns answers questions on behalf of the Sunday Worship Transition Team.

Questions and Answers - Sunday Worship:

A handful of questions were asked during the meeting regarding where we will worship during construction. Here is a summary with a brief response. Click on the links above to learn more.

1. Will the rest of the buildings on campus be open during the Sanctuary renovation? Yes, all the buildings on campus will be open. Only the Sanctuary will close.

2. Could we worship in a tent on campus during construction? The Committee is researching this possibility; cost and permitting are the issues being checked.

3. Could we use the Friendship Center? It's possible; however, capacity and accessibility need to be addressed.

4. Who will decide where we worship? The Vestry.

5. Can we worship in a public school in California? Yes, and several local schools are being evaluated.

6. If the Parish Hall is so small that we'd need several services, should a survey be conducted about interest in attending at different times? The Committee will discuss this idea.

7. Has the cost for an alternative worship site been included in the capital campaign budget? Yes.
New Visuals of Updated Sanctuary Altar Area Available: "We Heard You"
Click on an image below to see updated drawings of the altar area being proposed as part of the Sanctuary Preservation and Readiness Project. These have been updated since the October  Town Hall to reflect input received during the meeting and since:
  • The cross has been incorporated into the new organ case in approximately the same location as we see it now
  • A wooden panel now blocks the view of the back of the organist as he or she is seated at the new organ console
  • A pew-eye view is shown depicting the line of sight to the chancel/altar area from the pews
Click on any image below to see an enlarged version

Syd, Mary Jo and Terry enjoy post-meeting fellowship.

The Vestry begins work immediately after the Annual Meeting. George Ittner was voted in as the new Junior Warden.

Fellowship, friendship and doughnut holes!

All Saint' Annual Meeting Photo Album
Check out more photos of the Annual Meeting and the patio coffee hour. 

Just click on the photo!