Dear AMTA Vermont Members:

AMTA gives all members the opportunity to voice their thoughts on proposed bylaw changes. Bylaws govern your association, and your comments are weighed by the board before any decisions are made. 

Here is your opportunity to review and comment on several proposed bylaw changes being put forth, one of which relates to the House of Delegates. Last year Governance was charged with looking at the role and function of the House of Delegates. Those Delegates and Alternates present at the 2016 HOD meeting at National Convention were directly involved in providing feedback and comments around this issue. 

 Share your feedback on the three potential bylaw changes by April 21, 2017. You can find the link to these proposed changes by clicking the button below.
 Thank you in advance for taking time to review and comment. 
AMTA Vermont Chapter | Email Address | (802) 552-0217 | Website
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