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CoLA Weekly

  Friday, February 17, 2017 
The third annual CoLA Research Conference was held this week and I was so impressed with the diversity of topics and the intellectual abilities of our colleague presenters! A Big Thank You to the presenters for displaying what they had accomplished during their Professional Development Leaves. Their photos are across the top of our CoLA Weekly banner - in order:  Sean Wilson, SPIA;  Carol Mejia LaPerle , English Deborah Crusan , English Bruce LaForse , Classics Damaris Serrano , Modern Languages Jennifer Subban , SPIA;   Judson Murray , Religion Donovan Miyasaki , Philosophy ; CoLA Outstanding Research Award Recipient and Keynote Speaker  William Irvine , Philosophy .
I am proud to announce our new School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA), celebrating the union of the departments of Political Science and Urban Affairs & Geography as a new area of excellence in policy. The celebration will kick off at our SPIA Grand Opening next Tuesday, February 21, 4:00 - 6:00 p.m. in the Student Union Apollo Room with special guests Ambassador Tony P. Hall and Speaker of the Ohio House of RepresentativesCliff Rosenberger. I hope you'll join us - you can RSVP online here . Arriving to this moment was not easy - it took the hard work and perseverance of the entire faculty involved in this School. A special thank you to December Green, now Chair of SPIA, and Jerri Killian, Associate Chair of SPIA, for helping spearhead the process.    
Tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. we continue with our CELIA Visiting Artist Series called MODERN: Reimaging the New with an open rehearsal and talk back session with Artist in Residence and Stager for the internationally acclaimed Complexions Contemporary Ballet Company, Clifford Williams. The session will take place in 170 Creative Arts Center. Mr. Williams will be at Wright State to audition student dancers and prepare a company-licensed work for the Spring Dance Concert at Wright State. 

Next week, February 21-22, Dwight Rhoden, the founding artistic director/resident choreographer of Complexions Contemporary Ballet will be carrying out his residency and will be conducting master classes and clinics for dance students during his visit.  A native Daytonian, Mr. Rhoden has performed with the Dayton Contemporary Dance Company, Les Ballet Jazz De Montreal, and as a principal dancer with Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre. He has been called "one of the most sought out choreographers of the day," so it's a great privilege to bring him to campus to interact with students, faculty, staff, and the community. Mr. Rhoden will be back from April 20-23 while his work is performed at the Creative Arts Center in the Dance Ensemble's Spring Dance Concert. Read more about Williams' and Rhoden's work at Wright State here  
Be sure to encourage students to stop by the Millett Atrium next Monday, February 20, 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. for the Flavors of CoLA student involvement fair. The program is sponsored by CLASS and it is a great opportunity for students to learn about the various student organizations and programs within the College of Liberal Arts. 
Please remember that nominations for the CoLA Outstanding Faculty and Staff Awards must be submitted via email by February 24 at 5:00 p.m. to Sue Stollings.  Awards will be made in the categories of Outstanding Faculty Member, Outstanding Teaching, Outstanding Community Engagement, Outstanding Research, Outstanding Lecturer/Instructor, Outstanding Professional Service, Outstanding Adjunct, Outstanding Early Career, and Outstanding Staff.  Please contact Sue Stollings with any questions.
Wright State students excelled and led at the 24th Annual Dayton Model UN Conference (DAYMUNC) held earlier this month at Sinclair Community College. Wright State Delegates won 12 of the 22 eligible committee awards: 
  • Porter Lyons, Outstanding Delegate in the UN Commission on Narcotics and Drugs 
  • Alex Oxner, Distinguished Delegate in the UN Security Council and Outstanding Position Paper 
  • Csongor Bajnoczki, Distinguished Delegate in the UN High Commission on Refugees (HCR)
  • Jakob Puckett, Honorable Mention Plaque, UNHCR
  • Dan Palmer, Honorable Mention, UN Simulated Security Council (SimSec)
  • Allyson Clark, Honorable Mention, SimSec
  • Samantha Pugh, Honorable Mention, CND
  • Christian Cooper, Honorable Mention, CND
  • Sarah Upton, Honorable Mention, CND
  • Annalecia Heironimus, Honorable Mention, HCR
  • Deki Peldon, Honorable Mention, HCR
  • Rahima Hamadi, Honorable Mention, HCR
Congratulations to all our student participants and to political science faculty advisers, Vaughn Shannon and Liam Anderson, for leading our team to success.   
Front row (Left to Right): Amanda Baker (Head Delegate), Allyson Clark, Pamala Michael, Sarah Upton, Autumn Kern, Stephanie Patino-Garfias, Annalecia Heironimus
Middle row (Left to Right): Cody Smith (Head Delegate), Deki Peldon, Crystal Burns, Nickii Webb, Samantha Pugh, Christian Cooper, Caroline Hoffman, Peyton Clark
Back row (Left to Right): Jarod Kiser, Alex Oxner, Porter Lyons, Dan Bowman, Jakob Puckett, Rahima Hamadi, Csongor Bajnoczki, Dan Palmer, and Tony Riedel
Not photographed: Faculty Advisers Vaughn Shannon and Liam Anderson

This week's  Dean's Student Advisory Board featured member is  Joann Houston. Joann is a junior majoring in Crime & Justice Studies and minoring in Religion. She is very involved on campus and loves to help and counsel people. Joann wants to pursue a career as a crime scene investigator and one day open her own ministry. Joann is involved with  In His Presence Ministries on campus and is happy to have made lifetime friendships because of Wright State and the organizations in which she is involved.
 KSO signature
Kristin Sobolik

Upcoming Events:

MOONLIGHT, Sunday, February 19, noon at the Neon Movies in downtown Dayton.  This screening features a talk-back with Motion Pictures alumna Hannah Beachler who is the Production Designer for this film.
Concerto Aria Night , Tuesday, February 21, 8:00 p.m. in Schuster Hall, Creative Arts Center.
Chamber Players & Guests, Wednesday, February 22, 8:00 p.m. in Schuster Hall, Creative Arts Center.
Sol LeWitt Documentary Film by Chris Teerink and Panel Discussion, Friday, February 24, 2:00-4:00 p.m. in 208 Creative Arts Center.