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March Workshops at TYP
Did we forget to mention that you can take home a set of crystals by attending the Crystal Vision Yoga Workshop? Not to worry. There is still time to sign up for this amazing workshop. You won't want to miss this empowering experience. See details below.

Crystal Vision Yoga Workshop
Saturday, March 18, 2017 I 2 pm

This workshop will explore tapping into our crystal vision, exploring the use of crystals and stones to promote clear intuition and "clean" the mind of negative thought patterns. We'll explore the practice of visioning to create an optimal field of energy for our life's vision to reveal itself, asking powerful questions and igniting the willingness to bring about our highest potential. Ultimately, we will uncover the layers of physical and mental "stuff" that cover up our true spirit that which is bliss, a state where all our visions can manifest clearly! Each participant will also receive a set of crystals to take home to further their personal exploration of crystal energy. Cost:$35 
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Exploring Samskaras: Yoga's 7 steps to Releasing Negative Habitual Patterns
Saturday, April 15, 2017 l 2 pm

What keeps us stuck in life, unable to realize our fullest potential to give the gifts we are here on this Earth to give? The Yoga practice is based on the idea that we have an accumulated stock of old habitual patterns, many of them negative in nature that don't serve our highest purpose. The Sanskrit word for this is Samskara. Samskaras are individual impressions, ideas or actions that make up our repetitive way of thinking, believing and acting in life that creates a groove that is difficult to resist. This workshop will explore seven steps to began to break the hold of our Samskaras and replace them with positive impressions and habits; taking the place of the old ones that don't serve. The seven steps will be explored through a physical practice of asana, breathing and meditation. By the workshops end, you will have created a brand new groove! Suitable for all levels.   Cost: $35
Sign Up!
Both workshops are suitable for both beginner and advanced yogis. No yoga experience required.
Today is the day to start accessing the highest version of yourself. So you won't want to miss these powerful workshops!

TYP  |17006 Manning Drive Accokeek, MD 20607| 301.485.8986| Email | Website