Time for Action:
Banning Coal Tar Sealants
March 13, 2017

Ma ry Kubasak, President
Jean Pierce and Hilary Denk, Issues Co-Chairs
Krista Grimm, Issue Specialist
RE: Banning Coal Tar Sealants -- File a Witness Slip TODAY

Please file a witness slip as a  PROPONENT of HB2958 before  3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 14.
HB2958 EPA-Coal Tar Ban has been assigned to the Illinois House Consumer Protection Committee. The committee is scheduled to meet on Tuesday, March 14th at 3:30 p.m.
This legislation, sponsored by State Representative Laura Fine, prevents the sale and use of pavement sealants containing high levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), allows for enforcement, and creates financial penalties for violations. 

Certain pavement seal-coatings contain high levels of PAHs. PAHs are known carcinogens, cause birth defects and are toxic to aquatic life. Direct (skin) contact, inhalation of fumes from, and ingestion of the dust of these sealants endanger public health and the environment.
Over time, the sealant flakes off as dust which enters nearby homes, schools, and community facilities, increasing children's exposure to PAHs. Children with elevated levels of PAHs face increased risk of health problems, including a much higher risk of cancer throughout their lives.  Those who experience fetal exposure (i.e., born to women with elevated levels of PAHs while pregnant) are more likely to be diagnosed with learning problems like Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

The sealant dust is also washed into nearby waters including Lake Michigan by stormwater runoff and collects in the sediment of streams and lakes. PAHs are toxic to aquatic organisms at the bottom of the food chain, disrupting the entire ecosystems.
Pavement seal-coatings that contain much lower levels of PAHs are readily available, at comparable or even reduced cost.

  1. Click on this link: https://visit.st/VbTL0  and file the slip as a PROPONENT OF HB2958.
  2. Identification Section: Fill out the identification section with your information. For the Firm/business or agency and Title fields, write self.
  3. Representation section: Fill in NA or self.
  4. In the Position section from the Description dropdown scroll down to HCA1, then select PROPONENT.
  5. Complete the Testimony section. Check the "Record of Appearance Only" box. This will allow your position on the piece of legislation known without having to physically appear.
  6. Type in what is displayed in the CAPTCHA box.
  7. Click in the box next to "I Agree to the ILGA Terms of Agreement."
  8. Click Create (SLIP).
League of Women Voters of Illinois
332 S. Michigan Avenue, Suite 634, Chicago, IL  60604
Phone: (312) 939-5935  | Email:  issues@lwvil.org  | website:  www.lwvil.org
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