eShabbos weekly
Parshas Ki Tisa - Parshas Parah
20 Adar 5777
   March 17-18, 2017
Guest Chazzan Levi Kranz!
Shabbos Timetable
Erev Shabbos Kodesh, Parshas Ki Tisa

Candle Lighting 6:47 pm
Mincha/Kabbalos Shabbos 6:55 pm

Shabbos Kodesh, Parshas Ki Tisa

9:00 am
Mishna Brura Shiur
5:25 pm
Mincha 5:35 pm
Daf Yomi   (Mesechta Baba Basra - Daf 49)

Maariv/Shabbos ends 6:40 pm

Shalom and hello everyone! I hope you are doing well.

What a beautiful Purim 5777 at Ohav Sholom! A big yasher koach to Rebbetzin Ayelet for preparing (plus setup and cleanup after) an extraordinary and delicious purim seudah  for the entire kehillah!
Our Purim morning Brunch seudah was a huge success! Thanks to all who arranged and participated, including my feeble attempt at humorous grammin singing.
I am so proud that we raised over $10,000.00 for matanos l'evyonim! What a true Kiddush Hashem. Please don't forget to pledge your generous maos chittim donations (to be distributed before Pesach in Israel) as well.
This Shabbos is Parshas Parah. In this third in a series of special Torah readings, we discuss the mitzvah of Parah Adumah, Red Heifer, necessary in Temple Times to allow ritually unclean Jews to partake of the korbon pesach, Paschal Lamb. Some authorities maintain that Parshas Parah is m'doraisa, a Biblical imperative, and therefore all men, women and children should make every effort to attend shul this shabbos morning and hear this vital Torah reading.
Please join our POTUS and FLOTUS this Shabbos morning for an over the top "Gribenes," crisp chicken skin cracklings with fried onions, super gala Kiddush, to celebrate a special simcha. Note: bring your cholesterol medication to shul. 

Have a wonderful Shabbos!

See you in shul,
Rabbi Aaron D. Mehlman
erev Shabbos kodesh ki Sisa - 
parshas parah 5777

Wine Sale 

please join us Thursday night for a pre-Pesach wine tasting and sale.  Skyview Liquors has offered very special pricing to OS members & orders can be placed through the shul through the end of March.
Thank you to Dr. Francine Katz for organizing the event.  Special thanks to Robert & Deborah Marcus for sponsoring the sushi and to Dr. Jerry Gross for sponsoring the cheese.

Download/print  -  Skyview full order form or click here to place your order online.

Mazel tov & Thank you to  Michael & Linda Markovitch  for sponsoring kiddush this week to celebrate the upcoming marriage of Michael's daughter  Heather Markovitch to Joe Listhaus.

May the couple be zocheh to build a bayis ne'eman b'Yisrael. 

Purim Round-up

Thank you to our Mishloach Manot basket committee - Adena Samowitz, Ellen Fagin, Elaine Rubel & Etty Burk.  If you participated in the fundraiser & didn't get basket, please contact the shul office to arrange to pick it up.   Thanks to all who donated.  We not only shared Purim cheer in our community,  we raised $900 to send to IDF Soldiers on duty over the holiday.  

Unveiling on Sunday

Please note t hat the  matzeivah unveiling of the monument erected to the memory of our dear
Ruth D. Rosenberg, a'h,  will take place this coming weekend.  Please join us.

Sunday, March 19, 2017 at 1:00 PM

New Mt. Zion Cemetary ,  Lyndhurst, NJ
on the Temple Beht El of Rutherford Plot
Section C-Z Lot 282
Youth Groups

Shabbos youth groups for Ohav Sholom children are from 10-11:30.

Please pick your children up from groups at 11:30 at the end of davening.  
For safety and decorum concerns, no children are to be unattended in the synagogue. 

Ohav Sholom | (212)877-5850 | o [email protected] | w

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