Communicate 58
News from Downers Grove Grade School District 58
Vol. 8 Issue 11
Wednesday, March 15, 2017
Eager readers demonstrate learning through The Reading Games

Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli poses with the Level 1 top-scorers.

More than 600 eager readers flocked the halls of O'Neill Middle School on Saturday, March 11 to participate in The Reading Games!  District 58 is very proud of every student who put forth effort into this year's Reading Games.

Congratulations to this year's Reading Games top-scoring teams: 
Level 1 (tie!): Hillcrest Toastbusters and the Lester Reading Doritos
Level 2: Hillcrest/Highland Rayquaza Readers

District 58 thanks the District 58 PTA, Education Foundation, District 58 staff, The Reading Games volunteers, parents and everyone else who helped make The Reading Games a success. We  sincerely appreciate your efforts!

District pilots new English-Language Arts materials this spring

To enhance learning, District 58's English-Language Arts (ELA) Committee will pilot potential ELA resources in several classrooms this spring. The resources will support and challenge students in mastering the Illinois Learning Standards.

The ELA pilot will take place in the classrooms of District 58 teachers who serve on the ELA Committee, along with the classrooms of their grade level teaching partners. At least one grade level at every District 58 school will participate in the pilot. 

Register for Summer School, Extended School Year programs

District 58 opened registration for its Summer School and Extended School Year programs today (March 15) . Registration is due Friday, April 14.

The District will offer Summer School courses that focus on reading, math, art, kindergarten prep, orchestra/band and digital gaming/coding exploration. 

The District also offers Extended School Year (ESY) programming for students who qualify through their IEP. ESY registration also closes April 14.

Legislative Breakfast addresses state budget uncertainty

Legislators attending the District 58 Board of Education Legislative Breakfast addressed the Illinois state budget, potential property tax freezes, potential pension cost shifts, and the future of the PARCC assessment, among other topics. The event took place on Friday, March 10 at O'Neill Middle School. 

District 58 sincerely thanks Rep. David Olsen, Rep. Patti Bellock and Congressman Bill Foster's District Chief of Staff Carole Cheney for participating in this year's Legislative Breakfast! 
Sisul named assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction

Justin Sisul will start his new role as assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction July 1.
The Board of Education approved on Feb. 27 the appointment of Justin Sisul as the District's assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction, effective July 1, 2017. Sisul currently serves as Pierce Downer's principal.

"We interviewed several impressive candidates for this position, yet Mr. Sisul clearly stood out as the most qualified," said Superintendent Dr. Kari Cremascoli. "Mr. Sisul brings to his new role a wealth of knowledge, experience, passion and commitment to educational excellence, and I am confident that he will continue to serve District 58 with distinction as assistant superintendent."

Board considers addition to Lester

District 58 administrators discussed Lester School's space limitations and provided several potential solutions to the Board of Education during the Board's Feb. 13 regular business meeting. 

After reviewing all options, the Board directed District administrators to study the feasibility of building an addition onto Lester School. If the Board pursues this addition, they would aim to complete work in time for the 2018-2019 school year.

During the March 13 Board meeting, David Bein, assistant superintendent for business and chief school business official,  shared a brief update regarding this endeavor. The District's architect, Wight and Company, is conducting a feasibility study on Lester School and will present its findings at the April Board meeting.

Three students advance to National PTA Reflections Competition
Five students receive State Honorable Mention  

The Illinois PTA Reflections art competition recently selected three District 58 students' art projects to advance to the national level. The state competition also awarded five Honorable Mentions to District 58 students.

Congratulations to the three District 58 students who will advance to the national competition:
  • Jacob Valadez, Fairmount: "What is My Story" in Dance Choreography
  • Linnea Peckenpaugh, Lester: "Beautiful Things" in Music Composition
  • Jaclyn Duellman, Herrick: "The Things That Speak" in Music Composition
These three students' PTA Reflections' projects will be featured among the top young artists in the country during the National PTA Reflections competition, which will take place in May 2017.

Congratulations to the five District 58 students who received Honorable Mentions at the state level:
  • Reese Lingertot, Highland: "Dance to the Beat" in Dance Choreography
  • Kira Bloomfield, Fairmount: "A Dancer's Life" in Film Production
  • Eliot Michaels, Herrick: "My Life in Six Words" in Film Production
  • Ava Jarman, El Sierra: "Romantic Kayak" in Photography
  • Alexandra Topor, Kingsley: "Super Sports Girl" in Visual Arts
In Our Schools
Whittier's Lisa Czeszewski receives Outstanding Teacher Award

The Downers Grove Junior Woman's Club surprised Whittier School Kindergarten Teacher Lisa Czeszewski with an Outstanding Teacher Award on Tuesday, Feb. 21.

"I was so surprised to receive the Outstanding Teacher Award," Czeszewski said. "It is such a big honor, and I am so thankful that my amazing students and their families thought of me." 

A spotlight on O'Neill science

Chemistry Day ignites excitement

Bloom Trail High School students recently visited Dr. Meg Van Dyke's eighth grade science classes at O'Neill for Chemistry Day! 

The high school students shared
 how they could carefully add natural gas to soap with glycerin to safely light students' hands on fire. The students enjoyed deepening their chemistry knowledge while participating in this *hands-on* experiment!

Passion Projects encourage ingenuity 

Dark matter. Genetics. Sharks. Glitter. Aliens.

These are just a few of the many topics that O'Neill seventh graders picked for their Passion Projects this school year. Similar to the Genius Hour concept, O'Neill science teachers Kit Hamilton and Sarah Pinkus asked students to pick any topic, research it deeply, and present it to their peers. 

Hillcrest volunteer wins contest to present a Cubs Championship Ring

When the Chicago Cubs face the LA Dodgers at their second home game on April 12, Hillcrest volunteer Amy Liss will be right there watching.

But not only will Liss be watching the game, she will also be a part of the game. That's because Amy Liss is one of 20 Chicago Cubs fans who won the Cubs Championship Ring Bearer Contest, a unique opportunity to personally present a Cubs player with his 2016 World Series ring during the team's ring ceremony on April 12.

Way to go, Amy Liss!

Lester builds community with
One School, One Book

Lester students practice mindfulness, as aligned with the One School, One Book program.
Over the last month, Lester School embarked on a special project, an all school book club called One School, One Book. Every family and staff member received a copy of the same book - Rachel Vail's 
Justin Case: School Drool and Other Daily Disasters. 

"We read it at home over the course of last month using a tailored reading schedule," said Lester Principal Carin Novak. "With the One School, One Book program, we aim to build a community of readers at our school. We have selected a title that can be followed and understood and enjoyed by younger students, but that still captivates and stimulates older children."

Village spotlights El Sierra, Kingsley

The Downers Grove Fire Department reviews fire safety at El Sierra.
The Downers Grove Police Department visits Kingsley School.

District 58 highly values its community partners, including the Village of Downers Grove's Fire and Police departments. Recently, the Fire Department visited El Sierra for a "Learn Not to Burn" unit and the Police Department visited Kingsley for a community outreach visit. The Village of Downers Grove produced these short videos highlighting both! Click the photos above to view them.
58 Doing Good
Herrick seventh grader named Blackhawks Fan of the Game

The Chicago Blackhawks named Herrick seventh grader Gabriella Frank the "Blackhawks Fan of the Game" for her outstanding community service during their March 9 game!

"Gabriella received this honor due to her ongoing commitment to her program, Gabi's Helping Hands," said her mother, Heather. "She created her own program to donate books and school supplies to low-income schools in the Caribbean. She will be donating her 2,000th book during our spring break visit, as part of the 200 pounds of supplies that she will be bringing."

Blessings in a Backpack fundraiser directly supports District 58 students
Community members and Blessings in a Backpack representatives gather at the group's fundraiser. The Sigale family, pictured right, donated $2,600, the total amount needed to fund the Blessings program for one year at their home school of Indian Trail. Thank you!

More than 100 community members attended the Blessings in a Backpack fundraiser on March 8 to support District 58 students in need.

Blessings in a Backpack is a national nonprofit that provides low-income children - including children in District 58 - with food to eat over the weekend. In District 58, the program is active at all 11 elementary schools.  The March 8 fundraiser brought in thousands of dollars to support the District 58 chapter of Blessings in a Backpack!

Families wishing to learn more about Blessings in a Backpack may visit the non-profit's website or contact Gretchen Mungan at
Hillcrest fifth grader is changing
the face of beauty

Click this image to view the video!
Changing the Face of Beauty is a nonprofit that aims to encourage the media to feature all types of people in advertisements - including differently-abled people. 

Hillcrest fifth grader Owen Chaidez and his family have worked with Changing the Face of Beauty on a number of projects, including this video! Here, Owen describes his experiences viewing media, noting the distinct absence of differently-abled people across platforms.

Community E-flyers
E-flyer logo

District 58 emailed new community e-flyers to all parents on  Tuesday, Feb. 28. The District will be sending a new batch of e-flyers later today, March 15. E-flyers are also posted on the  District 58 e-flyer page at and listed below.

The mission of District 58, in partnership with parents and community, is to challenge and engage each child by providing quality educational programs and support services in a safe, nurturing, and child-centered environment in order to prepare all students to be lifelong learners and contributing members of a global society.  

Communicate 58 shares timely, relevant information about District 58 with parents, community members and others who are interested in how we are living out our mission. If you have any questions/comments regarding Communicate 58, or have an article/photo idea for the publication, please contact Community Relations Coordinator Megan Hewitt at or 630-719-5805. 
In this issue
Eager readers demonstrate learning through The Reading Games
District pilots new English-Language Arts materials this spring
Register for Summer School, Extended School Year programs
Legislative Breakfast addresses state budget uncertainty
Sisul named assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction
Board considers addition to Lester
Three students advance to National PTA Reflections Competition
Whittier's Lisa Czeszewski receives Outstanding Teacher Award
A spotlight on O'Neill science
Hillcrest volunteer wins contest to present a Cubs Championship Ring
Lester enjoys One School, One Book
Village spotlights El Sierra, Kingsley
Herrick seventh grader named Blackhawks Fan of the Game
Blessings in a Backpack fundraiser directly supports District 58 students
Hillcrest fifth grader is changing the face of beauty
Community e-flyers
Board Briefs
Curriculum Workshop
Upcoming Board meetings
Distinguished Service Award apps due Friday
District is hiring Pierce Downer principal
Upcoming District and community events
District 58 on social media

Like us on Facebook Follow us on TwitterView our videos on YouTube
March Board meeting

The District 58 Board of Education held its regular business meeting on Monday, March 13, 2017.  View    the agenda and presentation links. 
The topics included a Math Committee update, a Lester Playground Committee presentation, an O'Neill Student Council and PTA presentation, approval of student fees for 2017-18 and more.

Curriculum Workshop recap

The District 58 Board of Education held its winter Curriculum Workshop on Monday, Feb. 27. 
The workshop included a winter MAP assessment data presentation and curriculum updates regarding several subject areas. 
Upcoming Board meetings

Legislative Committee Meeting
Wednesday, March 15
3:45 p.m.
Admin Service Center

Policy Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 21
7 a.m.
Admin Service Center

Building Tour & PTA Meeting
Tuesday, March 21
6:30 p.m.
Whittier School

Financial Advisory Committee Meeting
Monday, April 3
7 a.m.
Admin Service Center

Election Day for Board of Education Positions
Tuesday, April 4

Regular Board Meeting
Tuesday, April 11
7 p.m.
Longfellow Center

Distinguished Service Award apps due Friday

Do you know an exceptional District 58 employee? Please consider nominating him or her for a Distinguished Service Award! 

The Education Foundation annually hosts the free Distinguished Service Awards program to recognize the many contributions of District 58 employees. 
Nomination forms are due Friday, March 17.

District is hiring principal for Pierce Downer

District 58 seeks a dynamic instructional leader to become the next principal of Pierce Downer School! 

Job applications are due Friday, March 17.

(Click "View our open positions" and "Administration.")
Upcoming District and community 

Festival of Music
Wednesday, March 15
7-9 p.m.
Downers Grove North

All Herrick and O'Neill music students will perform at this annual event.

Kindergarten Roundup
Thursday, March 16
2:20 p.m.
Lester School

Incoming Lester kindergarten parents are invited to learn more about their child's future school.

O'Neill Musical: Madagascar Jr.
Monday, March 20 and
Tuesday, March 21
7 p.m.
O'Neill Middle School

Families are invited to enjoy O'Neill's spring musical! Learn more.

Kindergarten Roundup
Thursday, March 23
9:30 a.m.
Pierce Downer School

Incoming Pierce Downer kindergarten parents are invited to learn more about their child's future school.

End of Third Quarter
Friday, March 24

League of Women Voters - Candidate Open House
Saturday, March 25
3-5 p.m.
Lincoln Center (Park District)
935 Maple Ave.
Downers Grove

The League of Women Voters invited School Board candidates for District 58, District 68 and District 99 to talk at this public event.

Spring Break
Monday, March 27-Friday, March 31

Enjoy your time off, District 58!
