Genesis 1:7 Common English Bible (CEB)
7God made the dome and separated the waters under the dome from the waters above the dome. And it happened in that way.
Genesis 2:7   Common English Bible (CEB)
7the Lord God formed the human from the topsoil of the fertile land and blew life's breath into his nostrils. The human came to life.


Awesome God - Bob Schall
If one ever doubts the majesty and power of the Lord God, they need but read the first two chapters of Genesis. Our great Creator God is at His best here. As the contemporary hymn says: "Our God is an awesome God, He reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power, and love, Our God is an awesome God." In the scripture verses above, our awesome God has made the sky and in preparing the firmament, made the foundation for His next task-the earth and great waters.
When you read the complete creation story, one cannot help but be impressed with how each creative act by God becomes the preparation for the next creative act. It all continues until creation culminates in the breath of God bringing life into the human being He has made literally from the earth. The only word can be: AWESOME!
I love the apocryphal story of a scientist who once approached God and said, "Listen God, we've decided we don't need you anymore. These days we can clone people, transplant organs and do all sorts of things that used to be considered miraculous."
God replied, "Don't need me huh? How about we put your theory to the test. Why don't we have a competition to see who can make a human being, say, a male human being." The scientist agrees, so God declares they should do it like he did in the good old days when he created Adam.
"Fine" says the scientist as he bends down to scoop up a handful of dirt."
"Whoa!" says God, shaking his head in disapproval. "Not so fast. You make your own dirt."
This penitential season of Lent is a good time to reflect on the awesome power of our God who made even the dirt from which our ancestor Adam sprung to life. As He made one creative act to lead into another, so did our Lord God prepare a way for us to find ourselves out of any mess that we might have made. That wonderfully descriptive phrase, "in the fullness of time" is the only way to describe the man, Jesus. Two millennia ago, the awesome God sent Him to us as the gift of salvation and restoration. Christ's power did not end at Calvary so long ago. He is ours today, a powerful presence to lead and support us through any mess we may have made for ourselves.
May I hear a word of affirmation? AWESOME!

If you have the time, read the two creation stories in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. Yes, there are two creation stories. The second one begins at Genesis 2:4b and continues to the end of the chapter. When we think of the creation story, we usually "harmonize" both versions into one story. But the two stories are distinctly different. What binds these stories together is that awesome creative power of God. He literally brings everything into being "ex nihilo," which is a Latin phrase that means "out of nothing."
Think about it. Out of God's "nothing," has come our "everything."
Yes, O Lord God, You are awesome. You are beyond my comprehension. I may not understand the mystery of Your vast creation, but I do know the simple fact that You cared enough about me to send your Son, Jesus, as the gift of grace for my salvation. Help me in this season of Lent, to open my heart and life to this gift. Amen.
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