"For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you a hope and a future"
Raising Godly leaders for a country in need
February 2017
Surgery Day

It is wonderful that Moses has finally received the surgery that we have been working on getting for the last nine months. The medical facility that performed the work is called CORSU and is a European facility near Entebbe, Uganda. The doctor that performed the surgery is from Germany and is considered an expert. I know some of you have kept up with this on our hineskids Facebook page and have been praying for Moses, a ten year old boy in sponsorship, that has really struggled for the last two years. We've also shared about him in previous newsletters as doctors struggled to properly diagnose the condition and we are thankful to finally have answers and healing. God is good!
Moses got some kind of worm that enters the body and eats the bones. This is apparently common in Africa! The doctors could not figure it out and the mother was losing heart, taking matters into her own hands and went to a local witch doctor who stabbed the swollen leg in many places. This only fueled the bacteria for the worm. A doctor in Mbale tried to scrape the bone more than once but it kept coming back. He was not receiving the right antibiotics to destroy the worm. Then we finally discovered CORSU and a generous donor helped us to take him there for proper diagnosis and treatment. Now the worm is dead and the bone is healing. However, the leg had turned during all of this as Moses was dragging it because of pain and trying to walk. Surgery has just been finished to straighten it out so that he can walk normal again and play and all the wonderful things that young boys should be able to do. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. 

The children at Genesis were excited about getting their new uniforms and shoes for the new school year. They were smiling and celebrating. This is a big deal to the children in villages in Uganda and other African countries. Here they were going home for the day carrying their shoe boxes with new shoes in them. It cost over $3,400 just for the shoes for Genesis Nursery/ Primary School children to receive shoes, but there are many other children and youth in the ministry who will also be receiving uniforms and shoes  
for the schools they attend. Sponsorship covers uniforms and thank you to those of you who gave to our special shoe fund at Christmas time.   We need these funds year round if you are able to give a little extra at any time. It is common here in Uganda to drive down any street and see a child walking in a torn uniform and no socks or shoes. The children are very happy when they have a complete uniform!

The Genesis Nursery/Primary School continues to grow as this January we have added the 6th grade. The school continues to lay a foundation of God's Word in the children as well as providing good education. The dining hall is nearly finished as well and we are happy to have several board members coming to dedicate the building soon.

Most of the children and youth have gone back to school for a new year of studies. Without the Lord, Jesus Christ and sponsors who care, they would not be able to do this. You help us to make the difference in their lives and to the glory of God. Thank you all. May the Lord continue to bless the children with His love and compassion through you all.

God bless and Love in Christ,

Hines Ugandan Ministries |  

Katherine@hineskids.org http://www.hineskids.org 

P.O. Box 620727,  Littleton, CO 80162
P.O. Box 1402, Mbale, Uganda, East Africa
C lick here to donate online

 Donate Now  

text HUM to 41444
We so appreciate the love and geneousity you all offer the ministry so faithfully.   Following are some of our continued needs:
*$5,000 toward the commercial kitchen appliances and equipment needed to help us fill nearly 250 little tummies along with teachers and staff   every school day.
*Missionary housing for Melanie, Elizabeth and Laura.
*We have a good number of underfunded sponsored children who need partial and scholarship sponsors of $30/mo. Choose one from our website at www.hineskids.org.
*Higher Education Funds for extra school supplies and books not covered by sponsorship.

Important Message to Our Online Donors
In order to ensure quality security of your credit card information we use a secure third party processing company for all our online gifts.   In order to simplify our bookkeeping we have switched to a new company and will be discontinuing
securegive and
coloradogives for credit card gifts. If you have set up a recurring gift on one of these providers we ask that you go into your account with them and
discontinue your scheduled gift. Then set up a new recurring gift at our website: www.hineskids.org.
Click "Donate" and then select the 'hineskids"option and fill in the form.   You may text "hum" to 41444 to receive the form on your smartphone. Thank you to the many who have already done so.