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March 15, 2017 issue of the DPSAC NEWS  

In This Issue

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Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC),  

Office of Research Services  


Building 31, Room 1B03
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

             Monday - Friday  


Personnel Security 

Helpdesk: 301-402-9755

E-mail: orspersonnelsecurity@


Access Control

Helpdesk: 301-451-4766

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Badging Process E-mails to Applicants/Badge Holders Require Prompt Responses - Part II
This is the second of a two-part series exploring the various e-mails generated during the badging process that require the recipient (either the applicant or badge holder) to take certain actions in a timely manner to enable the badging process to proceed to badge issuance.       

The first installment featured e-mails generated by the NIH Enterprise Directory (NED) that address key points in the badging process, including collecting personally identifiable information (PII), sponsor notification, scheduling enrollment and issuance appointments for RLA and HHS ID Badge, and validation by the Division of International Services (when necessary).
This second installment describes e-mails generated by DPSAC, ORS e-QIP and the NIH Police. These e-mails may notify the applicant to make (and keep) all necessary appointments or to complete (or correct and resubmit) their e-QIP background investigation questionnaires.
These e-mails are designed to keep the badging process moving toward Badge Issuance. Each of these e-mails, like those generated by NED, are time sensitive and require action on the part of the applicant before his/her ID badge can be issued or renewed.
While there are several iterations of these e-mails, they typically can be grouped into notifications requesting the applicant to make, confirm or reschedule an enrollment or badging appointment or to complete or correct his or her background investigation forms (e-QIP).
If an individual ignores these requests and reminders to make the required appointment, s/he will not be issued an HHS ID Badge.  
Other E-mails
  • NIH Visitor Management: generates e-mails reminding visitors that they need to be fingerprinted or to pick up their ID badge.
The e-mail trail to badge issuance: Scheduling Enrollment and Badge Issuance Appointments and Completing e-QIP   
After an AO has sponsored the applicant, NED will forward the individual's NED profile to DPSAC to determine whether the individual has an appropriate background investigation on file, needs a background investigation, or needs an elevated background investigation based on his/her new position.
Once this determination has been made, the applicant will receive a series of e-mails that direct him/her to complete his/her e-QIP investigation forms (if necessary) and to arrange appointments to be enrolled (fingerprinted, photographed and identity proofed) and issued his/her ID badge.
If an applicant does not respond to these initial e-mails, s/he will receive follow-up notifications reminding him/her that she must complete the e-QIP questionnaire or make the appropriate appointment(s).
Important: As part of the PIV process, each applicant must complete a questionnaire through the Office of Personnel Management's secure online system: Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing (e-QIP) .
DPSAC will not issue an ID Badge to an applicant until he/she has successfully completed both e-QIP and the enrollment process.
Below is a sampling of these various e-mails. As noted above, when an applicant does not respond to the original appointment e-mail, DPSAC will send follow up e-mails to the applicant and to his/her AO, Project Officer or service administrator. Each e-mail is time sensitive and includes a deadline for the task to be completed.
DPSAC Scheduler

All Enrollment and Badge Issuance appointment e-mails are sent
to the applicant's work and alternate e-mail addresses.

From: DPSAC Scheduler
  • Subject: NIH Enrollment Appointment Notices
    • Reason: Schedule an appointment
    • Reason: Enrollment appointment confirmation
    • Reason: Enrollment appointment reminder
    • Reason: Missed an enrollment appointment
    • Reason: Re-schedule an enrollment appointment
From: DPSAC Scheduler
  • Subject: NIH ID Badge Issuance Appointment Notices
    • Reason: Schedule an appointment
    • Reason: ID Badge Issuance appointment confirmation
    • Reason: ID Badge Issuance appointment reminder
    • Reason: Missed ID badge issuance appointment
    • Reason: Re-schedule an ID badge issuance appointment  
From: DPSAC Scheduler
  • Subject: NIH Enrollment and ID Badge Issuance Appointment Notices
    • Reason: Schedule two appointment (Enrollment and Badge Issuance)
    • Reason: Enrollment and ID Badge Issuance appointment confirmations
    • Reason: Missed Enrollment/Badge Issuance appointment
    • Reason: Confirmation that your Enrollment and ID Badge Issuance appointments have been cancelled. To reschedule your appointment, please click on the following link: xxxx
    • Reason: Re-schedule an ID badge issuance appointment. Your Badge Issuance appointment times are no longer available. You must complete this appointment to receive your ID Badge. To re-schedule your appointment, please click on the following link: xxxx
From: DPSAC Scheduler
  • Subject: ID Badge Certificate Appointment Notices
    • Reason: Schedule an appointment
    • Reason: Reminder that you have scheduled a certificate renewal appointment
    • Reason: Confirmation that you have scheduled a certificate renewal appointment
    • Reason: Confirmation that you have rescheduled your certificate renewal appointment
    • Reason: Confirmation that you have completed your Certificate Renewal appointment
    • Reason: Confirmation that your Certificate Renewal appointment has expired
When it's time for the applicant to complete his/her background investigation forms, ORS e-QIP will send the applicant a request to complete the necessary forms. Upon receipt of this initial e-mail (which is sent to the applicant's work and alternate e-mail addresses), the applicant must complete the questionnaire within 7 days of the e-mail being sent.

If the applicant has not completed the background investigation forms within the prescribed time period, s/he will receive several reminder e-mails. The applicant will receive a first reminder seven days after the initial e-mail and the sponsoring AO will be copied.

After that s/he will receive reminders every seven days; the final reminder is generated on the 28th day. If the applicant hasn't responded within seven days following this final reminder, the request will be terminated and the applicant will need to be re-initiated.
  • Subject: Complete or Correct Background Investigation Forms
    • Reason: Request to complete the necessary forms for your background investigation
    • Reason: Reminder to complete the necessary forms for your background investigation
    • Reason: Correction of background investigation forms
    • Reason: Final Warning: Approved for Badge Deactivation
    • Reason: Badge de-activation request 
    • Reason: Badge re-activation request
Miscellaneous E-mails:

ORS Personnel Security
From: ORS Personnel Security
To: The applicant 
  • Subject: DPSAC Background Investigation Complete for (Applicant name)
    • Reason: You have been found suitable to occupy a (clearance type) as of (date)
NIH Visitor Management
From: NIH Visitor Management
  • Subject: Fingerprint Reminder or Your ID Badge is Ready to be Issued
    •  Reason: Fingerprint reminder (applicant name)
    •  Reason: Badge Issuance (applicant name) - your ID badge is ready to be issued
Note: DPSAC, ORS-e-QIP, and NIH Visitor Management do not monitor the e-mails it generates and will not know if an e-mail bounces back to the sender due to an incorrect e-mail address. It is very important for the applicant to provide accurate e-mail addresses.    

Revised Policy Requires Certain Staff in the NIH Irradiator Program be Elevated from PSL Level 1 to PSL Level 5b 
Excerpted from an article that appeared in the March 1, 2017 DPSAC News

The Office of the Associate Director for Security and Emergency Response (ADSER) recently directed ­the ORS Division of Radiation Safety (DRS) to elevate certain NIH staff enrolled in the NIH Irradiator Program from a Level 1 (Non-Sensitive) to a Level 5b (Moderate Risk Level) Position Sensitivity Level (PSL).
While guidance from DRS has always been in place to require a 5b MBI PSL for access to Bldg 33/IRF/RML irradiator rooms, this same background investigation requirement will now extend to contractors, guest researchers, and special volunteers who need access to any irradiator room at NIH.

The DRS recommends that Contractors, Guest Researchers and Special Volunteers enrolled in the Irradiator Program work with their Administra- tive Officer (AO) to ensure that the appropriate PSL is entered into the NED profile.
AOs are urged to share this information with their colleagues since the current NIH Form 2866 worksheet does not yet reflect this new policy for these non-federal workers.
If an individual is unable to meet the requirements of a Level 5b MBI, s/he may be allowed access to an irradiator room only if accompanied by an approved escort at all times.
*The Irradiator Program is the enrollment process run by the Division of Radiation Safety (DRS), ORS through which all individuals across the Institutes and Centers are routed if they need access to an irradiator room at NIH. 

'e-QIP Tips for New Federal Employees' Guide Now Available on the DPSAC Website

The Division of Personnel and Access Control (DPSAC) recently prepared a slide presentation to help prospective employees, contractors and affiliates navigate, and accurately complete, the background investigation questionnaires required as part of their on-boarding and badging process.

This slide presentation addresses most of the frequently experienced errors observed by DPSAC and clearly describes in text and illustrations the steps required to successfully complete e-QIP.

Users can find links to this helpful presentation on the main page of the DPSAC website under 'What's New' or by clicking on Background Checks on the left navigation panel of the main page.     

Safety Corner Special
Beware NIHers! Don't be the Victim of a Scam
(Part I)

Special Four-Part Safety Awareness Campaign Warns the NIH Workforce About Ongoing Scams

In light of a recent scam attempts on NIH employees, the NIH ORS Division of Police has prepared a safety awareness campaign to alert the NIH workforce to four scams that are currently making the news.  
In this four-part series, DPSAC News will highlight a different scam in its next four issues, describing how each con works and how you can protect yourself from becoming a victim. This article was prepared by the Division of Police, ORS, NIH. 
Scams are as old as mankind and they continue to thrive and evolve.  The internet age has enabled scammers to operate without coming face to face with potential victims.  The next four issues of DPSAC News will describe one of four current scams and how to avoid them.
If you have any questions about scams please contact Mike McGraw, Intelligence Coordinator, NIH Police at 301-496-9862 or 
Virtual Kidnap Scam 
This can be very frightening and two recent attempts have targeted NIH personnel. Typically, you will receive a call saying your family member is being held captive.  The caller may allege your daughter has been kidnapped and you hear a female screaming in the background.

Another variant of fraud has a family member being held because he/she caused an auto accident, is injured and won't be allowed to go to the hospital until damages are paid.  Callers will typically provide the victim with specific instructions to ensure a safe return of the family member.
You may be ordered to stay on the line until money is wired.  The callers may claim not to have received the money and may demand more payment.   
The following is taken directly from an FBI Press Release and explains how to avoid becoming a victim:

To avoid becoming a victim of this extortion scheme, look for the following possible indicators:
  • Incoming calls come from an outside area code, sometimes from Puerto Rico with area codes (787), (939) and (856)
  • Calls do not come from the kidnapped victim's phone
  • Callers go to great lengths to keep you on the phone
  • Callers prevent you from calling or locating the "kidnapped" victim
  • Ransom money is only accepted via wire transfer service
If you receive a phone call from someone who demands payment of a ransom for a kidnapped victim, the following should be considered:
  • Try to slow the situation down. Request to speak to the victim directly. Ask, "How do I know my loved one is okay?"
  • If the callers don't let you speak to the victim, ask them to describe the victim or describe the vehicle the victim drives, if applicable.
  • Listen carefully to the voice of the kidnapped victim if he/she speaks.
  • Attempt to call, text, or contact the victim via social media. Request that the victim call back from his or her cell phone.
  • While staying on the line with alleged kidnappers, try to call the alleged kidnap victim from another phone.
  • To buy time, repeat the caller's request and tell them you are writing down the demand, or tell the caller you need time to get things moving.
  • Don't directly challenge or argue with the caller. Keep your voice low and steady.
  • Request the kidnapped victim call back from his/her cell phone.
Notify your local police department.     

Helpful tip: Check the privacy settings on your social media. Remember, the more information you put on your pages, the more convincing the scammers can be.
Safety Corner

Fire Lanes on the NIH Bethesda Campus
The following fire safety awareness article was prepared by the Division of the Fire Marshal, ORS.
We have all noticed cars illegally parked in designated fire lanes. It happens everywhere, unfortunately, including on the NIH Bethesda campus. These lanes are absolutely essential for effective emergency response. Blocked emergency access places our people and facilities at risk.
The signs that shout "NO PARKING - FIRE LANE" should be simple and straightforward enough.
When there is an emergency, fire, rescue and police vehicles need to get close to the buildings, fire hydrants and sprinkler/standpipe system connections.
Leaving your privately owned or government owned vehicle in a fire lane can severely hinder firefighting and rescue efforts, making this a very serious offense. At the NIH, this violation results in a $55 fine plus a $25 processing fee for the driver of the vehicle plus towing and impoundment charges.
Make no mistake: All parking in designated fire lanes on the NIH
Bethesda campus is against the law and there are no exceptions!

If you have any questions regarding fire lanes on campus, please contact the Division of the Fire Marshal, Office of Research Services, at 301-496-0487.

One of our new employees is asking why she has not yet received the e-mail from ORS notifying her to complete e-QIP. She wanted to make sure she was queued up to receive her e-QIP e-mail. Can you help please?

A. This individual's "View Badge History - Badge Tracking" screen in NED (Figure 1) shows that NED is "Waiting for Sponsor to substantiate the need for the ID badge."

Until this step is taken, DPSAC is unable to send her the e-mail that will enable her to complete eQIP.  Once the sponsoring AO completes this step in NED, DPSAC can proceed to next steps of her background check.

Figure 1: View Badge History - Badge Tracking

Helpful Tips

Do not lend your ID badge to anyone!
lending out your ID badge is prohibited. The issuance of ID badges is based on strict identity proofing and the determination of one's suitability for a specific position classification. To do so is a criminal offense!

ALT cards -- need to be returned to the IC ALT card coordinator - NOT to the Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (DPSAC).

All Building 31 badging services -- Enrollment, Badge Issuance and Customer Service -- now offered at a single, convenient location in 1B03. 
All badging services in Building 31 are available between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. DPSAC also offers Enrollment and Badging services in the South Lobby of the Clinical Center from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays.

Administrative Officers (AOs) who wish to obtain sponsor authority --
must complete the sponsor training (see: and e-mail a copy of your signed certificate to the NIH HSPD-12 Program Office at Upon receipt of the certificate, the Program Office will authorize the AO as a Sponsor.

Please note: ONLY individuals with an Administrative Officer role are eligible to be HHS ID Badge/PIV Card Sponsors.

ICs that want to add Lifecycle Work Station (LWS) operators to the approved roster -- send a written request to Richie Taffet at: Your request should include:  
  • the new operator's name
  • his/her Institute or Center (IC)
  • his/her NED number
  • the operator's e-mail address, building/room and phone number
  • the hours of operation of the Lifecycle Work Station
Once Mr. Taffet has approved the request, he will forward the name(s) to to complete the approval process, add the name(s) to the LWS operator roster, and inform the IC that the individual is now approved to operate the LWS.

Need to make changes to the LWS operator directories? -- drop an e-mail to Lanny Newman,, and let him know what needs changing (e.g., adding new operators or LWS locations, removing operators, etc.). Remember, before a new operator can be added to the LWS directory, s/he must first be approved by Richie Taffet (see preceding Helpful Tip).

If an LWS is not available in your IC or your immediate area, and you work in the greater Bethesda or Rockville area -- please call 301-402-9755 to schedule an appointment with DPSAC, located in Building 31, Room 1B03 or in Building 10, South Lobby, Room 1C52.

If you work outside the Bethesda/Rockville area, contact your local badge issuance office. You can find contact information for all badge issuance offices at:  

Know someone who should be reading DPSAC News? -- have the person contact Lanny Newman,, and ask to be put on the mailing list.   

NED Training Schedule for FY '17
Description: This course provides an overview of the NED Portal and the NIH business functions it supports from the perspective of a NED Portal user with the AO or AT role. Upon completing the course, students will have a solid working knowledge of the NED Portal and be able to perform the following tasks: Register/Activate, Update, Modify, Transfer, Badge Renewal, and Deactivate.

The course will also familiarize students with other aspects of the NED Portal so they can: set their primary SAC coverage using Preferences; determine the status of a person's ID badge and/or network account request; look up and view information in a person's NED record; and, utilize NED reporting capabilities.
Intended Audience: New or relatively inexperienced NED Portal users with the Administrative Officer (AO) or Administrative Technician (AT) role.
Prerequisites: Basic personal computer skills and experience with web-based computer applications.
Reasonable Accommodations/Interpreting Services: For deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals requiring interpreting services, please enter your request online in the Interpreting Services System at least five (5) days before the start of the class.

If you want to make a request, or have any questions regarding this service, you may contact the ORS Division of Amenities and Transportation Services (DATS) Interpreting Team at (301-402-8180). Individuals who need other reasonable accommodations to participate in any of the Center for Information Technology (CIT) Training courses should let CIT Training know at least 5 days prior to the class.
How to Register: To register for one of the classes listed below, go to:   

A biweekly e-newsletter from the Office of Research Services, Division of Personnel Security and Access Control (ORS/DPSAC) to keep you informed as NIH rolls out "Homeland Security Presidential Directive 12" (HSPD-12) establishing a common identification standard to better safeguard NIH and its workforce.