Welcome to the FIRST

The newsletter of Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church
March 2017

Dear Friends

Happy Lent!

I hope you enjoy our First particularly the provocative essays in the Forum on Fake news!

I want to share with you news that on March 12, a number of members of the Planning Committee will be in Rome: Antonio Autiero, Emilce Cuda, Linda Hogan, Roman Globokar, Kristin Heyer, Toni Ross, and I.  

Several us will be giving lectures at the Urbanianum, the Alfonsiana, and the Gregoriana.

We are also visiting several congregations and dicasteries so as to introduce them to the on-going work of CTEWC and to alert them to our next international conference in July 2018 in Sarajevo.

WE are visiting:

Congregazione per l'Educazione Cattolica

Congregazione per i religiosi

Propaganda Fide

Congregazione Laici, Famiglia, Vita

Dicastero per il servizio dello sviluppo umano integrale 

Pont. Consiglio Cultura 

We are also meeting Father Sosa, S.J.

More info in April

But we thought that if our Conference is about BUILDING BRIDGES FOR THE FUTURE now is the time for these Congregations to know about our Work

Keep us in your Prayers.

Featured Forum Articles:

Tina Beattie, It Stops With Me!

Africa Report
By: Elias Opongo, S.J.
The Hekima Institute of Peace Studies and International Relations (HIPSIR), in Nairobi, Kenya,  in collaboration with the Missio-Aachen, Catholic Bishops' Conference of Germany and University of Frankfurt in Germany held a conference on " Catholic Social Teaching and the common good in Africa: Implications for individual and institutional participation in social engagement."  The conference was held at HIPSIR 21-24 February 2017. Participants came from different parts of Africa as well as Germany.

Latin America Report
By: Emilce Cuda

I Congreso de Teología Feminista organizado por la Universidad Iberoamericana, Catedra de Teología Feminista y Depto. de Ciencias Religiosas. Se realiza los días 1, 2 y 3 de marzo, desde el país de "los anti-muros".

Call for Papers: 

Asian Horizons, Dharmaram Journal of Theology
Vol. 11, No. 2, June 2017
Call for Papers
Ecclesia Semper Reformanda is the classical dictum in theology. But unfortunately, the actual plea for reforms in the Church from the part of the members of the Church was most often in history met with repression and elimination of those people who raised their voice for reform. In 1498 the Dominican Friar Savonarola's plea for a reform in the Church of France ended up in his excommunication and burning at stake. In the German Church the fate of the Augustinian friar Martin Luther (1483-1546) was almost the same; he was excommunicated by the Roman Pontiff owing to his 95 theses against the doctrine of indulgence and the aberrations in the Church of his time. His life was actually saved due to the protection and support he received from the German Princes. Today all the Churches, the Ecumenical Movement and almost the entire world are celebrating the 500th anniversary of Protestant Reformation. Recently Pope Francis joined in such an ecumenical celebration at the Lutheran Cathedral at Lund in Sweden.
Asian Horizons would like to join this celebration by dedicating its June 2017 issue to Reformation. We would like to invite articles on the historical as well as theological aspects of Reformation and related issues.
Suggested Topics (only proposals, not exhaustive):
- Historical, theological and ecclesial context of Protestant Reformation  
- Ninety-five Theses of Martin Luther
- The Theological Works of Luther
- Various Protestant Churches and Reform in the Church [can be on any particular Church]
- Ongoing Reformation in India: Church of South India and Church of North India
- Ecumenism in Asia [Can be on any particular Asian country]
- Future of Ecumenism
- The Ecumenical Approach of Pope Francis
- Emerging Trends of Reform in the Church
- Ecclesia Semper Reformanda
- Common Statement on Justification by Faith between Lutherans and Roman Catholic Church in Germany
- Ordained Ministry and Priesthood of all Believers
- Papacy in Ecumenical Dialogue
- Ministry in Ecumenical Dialogue
As usual, we welcome other articles on any area of theological interest and research.
Please send your articles  (4500-5000 words, including the footnotes) at the latest by 10 May 2017. Kindly include the abstract of the article in 150-200 words, 5-7 Keywords and a summary of the CV of the author in 100-150 words.
Other regular items:  "New Scholars": Abstract of doctoral theses (recently defended and not yet published); Reports and Statements of important conferences, Book Reviews.
For submitting the articles and for more details: Shaji George Kochuthara (editor-in-chief): kochuthshaji@gmail.com
N.B. Please forward this to your friends and colleagues.
[Asian Horizons , published from DVK, is a forum for theological reflection in the Asian context marked by economic poverty, cultural diversity and religious plurality. Although the focus is on theological reflection in the context of Asia, we also address theological developments and concerns of the universal Church and try to dialogue with the Church in various contexts. Hence we welcome authors from all over the world. Asian Horizons was launched in 2007 as a biannual. From 2011 it is published as a quarterly. We have an editorial board consisting of members from India, other Asian countries and other continents.]
Asian Horizons, Dharmaram Journal of Theology
Themes: 2016-2017
2016: Vol. 10
March: Ethics, Theology and Technology
June: Asia's Women Theologians
September: Asian Christian Heritage
December: Conscience
2017: Vol. 11
March: Amoris Laetitia
June: Protestant Reformation after 500 Years
September: New Faces of Religious Fundamentalism and Violence
December: Asian Christologies                             

Karle Rahner and Pope Francis on Papal Ministry: Towards an Ecumenical Ecclesiology of Communion and Subsidiarity
Nikolaus Knoepffler and Martin O'Malley
Karl Rahner's ecclesial theology remains relevant for ecumenical work and specifically for the ecumenically thorny questions about papal authority and the infallibility doctrine. Rahner's approach offers insight for unifying Christian churches in three ways: 1. prioritizing the papal office's unifying role; 2. interpreting the doctrine of infallibility within an incarnate ecclesiology; and 3. contextualizing papal authority within a theology of communion and a subsidiarity administrative model. With this approach, infallibility is framed as a matter of doctrine and order, but a doctrine and order rooted in and reflecting the 'sensus fidelium'. The pope is the 'concrete guarantor of the unity of the church in truth and love'1 and not an absolute monarch. Rahner's call for ecumenical reforms serves the mission of the whole church - the sacrament of the incarnate God - on the personal, parish, diocese, regional, and universal levels. Many monarchical symbols of the papacy have been retired in recent years with the papacy of Francis, marking a moment ripe for Rahner's approach. The article concludes with a reflection upon how Francis' ministry reveals a commitment to communion theology of the Second Vatican Council and the subsidiarity principle that embodies Rahner's epistemological tolerance.

Theological Reception of HIV Crisis in Africa
Dr. Markus Patenge
Dr. Patenge wrote a study about the theological reception of the HIV crisis in Africa on behalf of the Scientific Workgroup for World Church Challenges of the German Bishops' Conference. This study has now been published in German and is viewable at the link below.

Book Release:

Christian and Post-Humanism Ethics

Mário Marcelo Coelho

Book Release:

An Ethics of Mercy: On the way to meaningful living and Loving

by Roger Burggraeve

Save The Date: 

Call for Papers: 
Philosophers and theologians have reflected upon the 'problem of evil' throughout history. Explanations of the very term and the origins of evil and the ways evil is expressed remain contested. This conference invites scholars of moral philosophy and theological ethics to address this complex theme both as an ethical category and in concrete contexts.

Through different parallel sessions, Societas Ethica will address the major moral questions regarding evil. These sessions will focus on:
-         Evil as an ethical category
-         Phenomenology of violence
-         Evil and the Shoah
-         Theology, metaphysics, and evil from different religious perspective (Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox Christianity, Judaism, Islam)
-         Religion and violence
-         Plural moral cultures and the question of evil
-         Ethics and structural violence
-         Trauma theories: psychology and philosophy
-         Interpretations of current politics trends: nationalism, authoritarianism, neofascism
-         Xenophobia, islamophobia, and antisemitism in Europe and beyond
-         The shadow of colonialism, slavery, and racism, and modern forms of forced labor, human trafficking, and racism in the economic global order
-         Migration, the refugee crisis, and the European Border policies
-         Open channel for Ph.D. students: presentation of dissertation projects
Paper proposals should contain no more than 800 words (excluding bibliography), and clearly present a moral question or argument addressing one of the aforementioned topics. The deadline is April 01, 2017. Papers can be presented either in English, German, or French.
Societas Ethica - the European Society for Research in Ethics - has more than 270 members from approximately 35 countries. Led by the current president Dr. Hille Haker (Loyola University Chicago), Societas Ethica endeavors to stimulate contacts between scholars in different countries, surpassing political, ideological and religious curtains.

Call for Papers: 
Call for Papers: 2017 Salzburg Conference in Interdisciplinary Poverty
Research Focus Theme: Religion and Poverty University of Salzburg, 21 & 22 September 2017 Deadline for submissions: 31 March 2017

The Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research of the University of Salzburg happily announces the call for papers for its 2017 Salzburg Conference in Interdisciplinary Poverty Research. The focus theme of the conference will be religion and poverty. The Keynote Speakers in 2017 will be Paul Cloke, Professor of Human Geography at the University of Exeter, Adam Dinham, Professor of Faith & Public Policy and Director of the Faiths and Civil Society Unit, Goldsmiths, University of London, and Emma Tomalin, Professor of Religion and Public Life at the University of Leeds, where she is director of the Centre for Religion and Public Life. Possible topics for the focus theme sessions are, among others, the relation of religion and poverty and inequality in different states and world regions, religion as a factor in development, faith-based organisations and poverty alleviation, extent and causes of poverty and social exclusion of religious groups and minorities, religious perspectives on poverty, and theological responses to poverty and inequality. Please submit abstracts for single papers and panels via the submission form on the conference homepage. The deadline for submitting abstracts for single papers and panels is 31 March 2017. Decisions will be communicated until 30 April 2017.
Application Posting:
Center of Theological Inquiry in Princeton, NJ

Deadline: March 26, 2017

The Center invites applications for its resident program in Princeton, NJ, during the 2017-18 academic year, when it will convene an international community of research scholars in its interdisciplinary  Inquiry on Religion & Migration

Applicants offer a research proposal on any aspect of the topic. Scholars in the program, (a) work full-time on their projects in the optimal research environment at the Center, and (b) contribute to a regular colloquium on work in progress. The collaborative thinking of the resident research community is enhanced by a symposia series with leading thinkers on the topic, including Peter Phan, David Hollenbach, and Saskia Sassen.

The Call for Applications with further information on the inquiry topic and resident program can be found on the Center's website at:

The Inquiry on Religion & Migration is the first of four inquiries in the Center's Global Concerns Project, 2017-21.  Later inquiries will consider religion and inequality, religion and violence, and religion and the environment. For more information, go to:

Online Courses: 
Online short courses offered by Catherine of Siena College (University of Roehampton) are off to an excellent start, and students from different parts of the globe are signing up and enjoying them. So far, students have been able to take courses on Women and the Catholic Church, Migration Matters, Violence against Women and Spirituality and Social Action. Here is a comment from one of our students:
I found V iolence against women: War, the Domestic Sphere and Religion profoundly educative, inspiring and eye-opening. Learning the various course themes from the standpoint of a man and a religious leader, I was awakened to crucial aspects pertaining to violence against women I was oblivious to owing to patriarchal cultural upbringing and espoused religious traditions that were often characterized by marginalization and oppression of women. Evidently coming from highly informed positions of the subject area, the course instructors presented the material in a thought-provoking manner that shaped strong gender-conscious theological convictions in me. I strongly recommend religious leaders of different faiths to take this course.
Details of upcoming courses, and information about how to register and apply for a bursary can be found at  http://www.roehampton.ac.uk/Catherine-of-Siena/. Email  catherineofsiena@roehampton.ac.uk for more information.

In This Issue
Fellowships and Grants
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Submit Your Resources
Send us your announcements, job postings, recent publications, etc. Submit here.

Browse Resources
Check out fellowship, conference announcements, calls for papers, publications, etc.  Visit the resource page.

Jim Keenan S.J.



Trevor R. Jones

