March 16, 2017
Bring Your Family This Sunday!
Dear Humanist Hub parent,

We're excited to invite you to attend the Hub with your whole family this Sunday, March 19!

From 12:00-1:00pm, parent volunteer leaders invite you to join them for a brown bag lunch before the program. At 1:00pm, we're hosting our monthly family friendly music program. The speaker for the day is Lama Rod Owens, who will talk about what Humanist communities like ours can learn from Buddhist communities (1:30-3:00pm). During the main speaker program, we have 3 options for kids:

1. Every week, our Big Question Lab is open to all students ages 7-11, led by Elior, our new teacher. Classes will take place every week, and all are welcome to drop in! The Big Question Lab provides children and adolescents with an inclusive space to learn in a secular setting about what it means to be a moral citizen. Our goal is to create a safe environment for youth to explore their identities as critical thinkers and as compassionate, community-minded participants in our diverse world. Read more here.

2. Every week, a parent or volunteer will lead humanist-inspired activities for kids ages 3-6. These will include crafts, music, story-telling, and more. (Are you a parent, educator, or someone passionate about humanism and want to support our growing kids programming? Volunteer to lead a session! Email Sarah - we still have spots open!)

3. We have installed a new Hub nursery: there is a changing table, rocking chairs, and some small toys and books for parents and kids up to 3.

If you'd like to get involved, please be in touch! And, of course, use the link at the bottom of this email to forward it to anyone you think my be interested.

We hope to see you!
- Humanist Hub and BQL staff

P.S. This message was sent to all Hub newsletter recipients.  If you want to stay in touch about family and kid-specific programming, sign up for the family newsletter here. 

The Humanist Hub| [email protected] |
30 JFK Street, Harvard Square
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