Mary Magdalene's Cave of Contemplation, La Sainte Baume, France
Dear Friends,
Please join us for our Lenten program, beginning on Ash Wednesday, March 1st at 10 am. We begin Lent facing the profundity of death as we say the words, " Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return." Every Wednesday at 10 am we gather for Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina   and our Lenten themed weekly Sunday and weekly Wednesday gatherings  for the 40 plus days of Lent will explore "Following Mary Magdalene into the Cave of Contemplation."  Our special Easter sunrise  service will be at Torrey Pines State Park Beach, April 16th at 6 am All are welcome!
Lent is a time of inner retrospection as we metaphorically follow Jesus into the desert to face our inner demons just as he does and spend time in prayer as we  commune with God/dess.  Mary Magdalene has been mostly left out of the traditions of the church and here at Church for Our Common Home we are working to intentionally place her back in her rightful place of honor as perhaps Jesus most advanced disciple, and his partner in ministry and companion in death and eternal life. Together they embody the heart of Christianity that love is more powerful than suffering and death. 
In leaving her out of our stories, practices, and rituals we have left out the divine feminine in our own inner life.  It is past time we reinstate her in order to help balance the horrific imbalance that is the national and global crisis we now face. Many of us sense that this split with the divine feminine is one of the major causes of our environmental crisis, for we have demonized the female and all of nature with her and now find ourselves longing for the mercy, nurturing and embodied holiness that Mary Magdalene represents.  She is also the feminine archetype of contemplation and union with the Source or God/dess.  It is past time to restore her to her rightful place in our collective unconscious. As we follow her in her journey into the cave of contemplation as well as Jesus's journey into the desert during Lent we will seek and find her within us and among us.  
We will retell Mary's story, part myth and part reimaging of her spiritual pilgrimage, as well as Jesus story of spending 40 days in the desert this Lent. Mary Magdalene's journey to Egypt, then on to the South of France, to  a place many believe she lived the last thirty years of her life teaching and praying in the caves of La Sainte Baume, where there is now a cathedral in the cave in southern France.  A cave is a uniquely feminine  symbol and like a womb is an inner sacred chamber where new life lives and grows in mystery and holy darkness. We will follow Mary Magdalene with an inner microscope of the spirit to explore the small parts within us. We will also follow Jesus with a telescope of the spirit as we watch and learn from him on his pilgrimage in the desert. 
As we retell Jesus's spiritual challenges in the desert where he faced the many temptations we also face including, sadness, anger, ignorance, self indulgence, lust, injustice, slander,  greed, deceit,  craving, fraud, haste, ill will, etc.  We are called in Lent to look at our  own worst aspects, our own pathology, or our 'Shadow'- those parts of ourselves we do not know or want to acknowledge about ourselves. 
Sister Margaret Magdalen, an Anglican nun,  is quoted by Bishop Desmond Tutu in his brilliant book,  No Future Without Forgiveness.   She offers us a unique metaphor for forgiveness that many woman may be able to  relate to. Her insight is that the vacuum cleaner sucks up dirt and keeps it in the bag, but the dishwasher cleans the dishes and then spews out all the filth down the drain. "...Jesus acted more like a dishwasher than a vacuum cleaner. He absorbed all that came to him and then, as it were, passed it out - passed it on to (God/ess) the Father.(Mother-my additions in italics) " I would add that the spirit of the divine feminine that has too often been left out and dishonored, women like Mary Magdalene are calling us now to create new guiding metaphors as we follow Mary Magdalene into a cave of inner contemplation. 
Forgiveness is a solo activity. Holding grudges and resentments imprisons us and forgiveness sets us free!  Reconciliation requires two or more people and is complicated. It includes talking to the offender about what happened, sharing stories, expressing hurt, listening for remorse, and beginning to reestablish trust. Healing does not mean you delete your memories, but rather it is creating the possibilities to change the memories of the past into hope for the future. We will  explore how the Truth and Justice Commission (TRC) in South Africa gave us one of the most inspired models of healing in the history of the human species and we will consider how we can use it to address not just in individual but also in collective traumas. The task of the TRC was to establish an accurate record of past human  rights abuses. How might we use this same model as women in our families, communities, work places, in our nations and globally here in Our Common Home, Mother earth? How can we use this model as we reinstate Mary Magdalene in our Christian religious history and western culture?  When we recognize as women that we have collective suffering I believe we will find new means to be in sacred community together and process together for global reco nciliation. We will heal and and become empowered as we  retell the stories of our past, inserting and reimaging the women, like Mary Magdalene, who have  been left out. 

"If you forgive the faults of others,  Abba God will forgive you yours. If you don't forgive others, neither will Abba God forgive you. " Matthew 6:14,15 The Inclusive Bible: The First Egalitarian Translation

Forgiveness is the heart of our Christian faith and we will look to Mary Magdalene who witnessed her teacher, Jesus, being tortured to death. She is the visionary who was the first to see the resurrection and went on to teach the  Christ-Sophia who is still alive and continues to bless  and guide us. 

The men and women of the Church  for Our Common Home continue to explore women's unique and preeminent role in peaceful revolutions historically in worship every Sunday. We cannot teach peace unless we have inner peace. Come pray with us! We can no more change racism unless we engage both black and white people and in the same way we cannot work for peace as woman without engaging and working with men. 

Come watch the Academy Awards with us after church Feb. 26th at 6 pm!

New Film Series after church on some Sundays., including, A Force More Powerful, Bringing Down a Dictator, Orange Revolution, The Singing Revolution and more "Peace is Loud is a program that 'Brings the Stories of Women Peace-builders to Your Community or Classroom'-- Across the world and through history, women have been on the front lines of conflict, and of peace-building. Their unique insight into the needs of girls and women in wartime and their expertise in developing truly inclusive peace are invaluable, providing audiences with real life inspiration and motivation for their own lives. Bring the stories of women peace-builders to your community or classroom by  hosting a speaker , or hosting a screening of Women, War & Peace The Trials of Spring   or  The Armor of Light ."

Taize Worship the first Sunday of every month, 5-6 pm.  
 Net of Light with Sharon McErlane
from Laguna Beach who will lead us in our first San Diego gathering.
 March 26th Sunday from 2-4 pm.
"We are women and men, ages 18 to 85, looking for a personal connection with the Divine-one free from rules and formal religion. We want a sense of community, more joy in our lives, and wish to be of service during this time of radical change on our planet. The Great Council of the Grandmothers first appeared in 1996 to Sharon McErlane as she walked her dog.  "The world is in grave danger,"  they said,  "and we will not allow its destruction. For too long Yang or masculine energy, has dominated life on earth, causing feminine energy to become deficient and weak. We have come to restore Yin to full beauty/power and return the world to balance. We are calling you to this work."
 Join us here in our newly forming Net of Light San Diego Group!

Thanks so much Sharon for joining us in San Diego and for your inspiration and courage to share your visions! You are protected and blessed in the spirit of Mary Magdalene and all those visionary women in our history, who have come before us.

In gratitude and love,

Our Common Home Counseling Center

Counseling Center services include;
Short and long term psychotherapy, Group therapy, Dream work, Trauma and addictions
Pastoral Counseling and care of religious wounding, Spiritual Direction, Aging and Menopause
Past Life Regression, Pre-marital counseling, Healing Rituals, Visual and performing arts therapies , Women's and eco-feminist issues, Energy Healing...........
Bridging head and heart, male and female, science and religion, East and West, right and left brain, body and spirit ....
Contact Bonnie (858) 248-5123,[email protected],

Upcoming Events:
March 1, Wednesday, Ash Wednesday service as a part of Centering Prayer 10-11 am
April 16th Easter Sunrise service Torrey Pines Park BeachEaster services will be followed by a breakfast picnic of hot cross buns, tea, coffee and hard boiled Easter eggs. 

Weekly Lectio Divina   and Centering Prayer every Wednesday, 10-11 am.

Thursday weekly Dream Group  7-9 pm, in person or Skype 

Dream Group first and third Sunday of each month, 3-5 pm before church worship 

100 day in solidarity with Peoples Climate Movement  and March Saturday April 29

IASD yearly conference  will be in LA June 16-20th 2017 ,  to register. We will have a IASD San Diego luncheon during the conference.
DREAM BALL come dressed in a dream character from your dreams! 

IASD San Diego has begun monthly gatherings , the first Thursday of every month for a pot luck dinner at 5 pm,  (vegetarian soup or chilli will always be provided) and you are welcome to stay for a dream group at 7-9 pm. We will meet again March 2, April 6th(Bonnie's birthday), May 4th, and summer months we may will meet at the beach? -stay tuned. Regular pot lucks will meert here, 13014 Calle De Las Rosas, SD CA 92129
Bonnie is a San Diego rep for IASD San Diego call  with any questions. 
We joined   when they called for a multi-faith prayer vigil for the first 100 hours of the new presidential administration to begin prayerfully as well as mark the beginning of 100 days of Trump administration, as we prepare  for April 29
  and the Peoples Climate Movement demonstrations, locally and in Washington D.C.   We hope that in the next 100 days our new home Church for Our Common Home, will begin more concrete engagement as we care for 'Our Common Home' Mother earth with other people, creatures, groups, faith communities and environmental organizations and we invite you to join us!  
Regular worship services every Sunday at 5 pm at 13014 Calle de Las Rosas, SD, CA 92129 
Mission Statement 
Encouraging awe and loving intimacy with all of creation and the cosmos, we explore the visual and performing arts, dreams, wisdom teachings of Christ-Sophia in the Bible and newly found Gnostic gospels, prayer, social activism, and relationships as we work to care for our common home Mother Earth, in a new kind of local and global community. Creating beloved community, we study the wisdom traditions and teachings of mysticism. Not following the "traditions" of the Christian church but the teachings of Jesus and Mary Magdalene we also honor  all the world's religious wisdom teachings. We are a home church with people around the world via the Internet, exploring a new religious story for our time. 
Our vision is to spiritually awaken and raise our consciousness about the sacred nature of all life and our inter-connectredness in order to come together as a human family and 
care  for our common home and love God/dess with all our hearts, souls and minds and creation as ourselves. 

Please share your prayer requests with us at Church for Our Common Home.

Church for our Common Home | Minister Rev. Bonnie Tarwater | [email protected] 
(858) 248-5123