Lesson 58
Your Place is in Eternity
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71 God in His knowledge is not waiting, but His Kingdom is bereft while you wait. All the Sons of God are waiting for your return, just as you are waiting for theirs. Delay does not matter in eternity, but it is tragic in time. You have elected to be in time rather than eternity and have therefore changed your belief in your status. Yet your election is both free and alterable. You do not belong in time. Your place is only in eternity, where God Himself placed you forever.        
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Review I Introduction
Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio    
1 Beginning with today, we will have a series of review periods. Each of them will cover five of the ideas already presented, starting with the first and ending with the fiftieth. There will be a few short comments after each of the ideas which you should consider in your review. In the practice periods, the exercises should be done as follows:  
2 Begin the day by reading the five ideas, with the comments included. Thereafter, it is not necessary to follow any particular order in considering them, though each one should be practiced at least once. Devote two minutes or more to each practice period, thinking about the idea and the related comments. Do this as often as possible during the day. If any one of the five ideas appeals to you more than the others, concentrate on that one. At the end of the day, however, be sure to review all of them once more. 
3 It is not necessary to cover the comments that follow each idea literally or thoroughly in the practice periods. Rather, try merely to emphasize the central point and think about it as part of your review of the idea to which it relates. 
4 The review exercises should be done with your eyes closed and when you are alone in a quiet place if possible. This is emphasized particularly for reviews at your stage of learning. It will be necessary, however, that you learn to require no special settings in which to apply what you have learned. You will need it most in situations which appear to be upsetting, rather than in those which already seem to be calm and quiet. 
5 The purpose of your learning is to enable you to bring the quiet with you and to heal distress and turmoil. This is not done by avoiding them and seeking a haven of isolation for yourself. You will yet learn that peace is part of you and requires only that you be there to embrace any situation in which you are. And finally you will learn that there is no limit to where you are, so that your peace is everywhere, as you are. 
6 You will note that for review purposes the ideas are not always given in quite their original form of statement. Use them as they are given here. It is not necessary to return to the original statements nor to apply the ideas as was suggested then. We are now emphasizing the relationships among the first fifty of the ideas we have covered and the cohesiveness of the thought system to which they are leading you.

~ Original Hand Script of ACIM  

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SonShip Workbook
L e s s o n 58 ~ Review I
[Review Lesson 36-40]

 Voice and Music by CIMS SonShip Radio 
1These ideas are for review today: 
[36] My holiness envelops everything I see.
2From my holiness does the perception of the real world come. Having forgiven, I no longer see myself as guilty. I can accept the innocence that is the truth about me. Seen through understanding eyes, the holiness of the world is all I see, for I can picture only the thoughts I hold about myself. 
[37] My holiness blesses the world.
3The perception of my holiness does not bless me alone. Everyone and everything I see in its light shares in the joy it brings to me. There is nothing that is apart from this joy because there is nothing that does not share my holiness. As I recognize my holiness, so does the holiness of the world shine forth for everyone to see. 
[38] There is nothing my holiness cannot do.
4My holiness is unlimited in its power to heal because it is unlimited in its power to save. What is there to be saved from except illusions? And what are all illusions except false ideas about myself? My holiness undoes them all by asserting the truth about me. In the presence of my holiness, which I share with God Himself, all idols vanish. 
[39] My holiness is my salvation.
5Since my holiness saves me from all guilt, recognizing my holiness is recognizing my salvation. It is also recognizing the salvation of the world. Once I have accepted my holiness, nothing can make me afraid. And because I am unafraid, everyone must share in my understanding, which is the gift of God to me and to the world. 
[40] I am blessed as a Son of God.
6Herein lies my claim to all good and only good. I am blessed as a Son of God. All good things are mine because God intended them for me. I cannot suffer any loss or deprivation or pain because of who I am. My Father supports me, protects me, and directs me in all things. His care for me is infinite and is with me forever. I am eternally blessed as His Son.
    ~ Original Hand Script of ACIM   
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ACIM Edmonton - Sarah's Reflections 
ACIM Edmonton, CA
  [Review Lessons 36-40]  
Sarah's Commentary:

What are you blaming yourself for today? Are you feeling guilty about something you have said, not said, done, left undone? Are you judging yourself? "What can it be but arrogance to think your little errors cannot be undone by Heaven's justice?" (T.25.IX 1.1) (ACIM OE T.25.X.28) We all yearn to be innocent. That is one of the reasons we project blame and responsibility for our unhappiness onto others and make them guilty in our minds. If I see them as the cause of my problems and not myself, I am trying to purchase my innocence at someone else's expense. Of course, as I have said often before, this is not true innocence. In fact, when we project the guilt in our minds onto others, it is how we keep it. The ego never lets us see this, which is why Jesus goes to great lengths to explain to us how the ego set all this up. The ego is clearly insane; it has set up a brilliant program that looks foolproof when we look at it from within its system, but Jesus assures us it is not God proof.
We don't want to feel responsible for everything that seems to happen to us. We want to make others responsible so we can feel innocent, even if it means we have to forsake our own power. The truth is we are never victims but actually choose to be betrayed so we can pretend we have no responsibility for what seems to happen. It is about pretending to be innocent so others can carry the guilt of separation rather than ourselves. Now we cry for our lost innocence, which, in fact, can't be lost and has not been lost. We think we cry for all kinds of reasons, but there is only one---our sadness because we believe we have actually done something to corrupt ourselves and have lost our innocence.
That is why the Lesson today is all about trying to get us to appreciate the fact that we are holy. Our holiness is what is kept hidden by our ego thought system. Yes, we make mistakes and suffer from ignorance, but we are not guilty. Mistakes can be corrected and be undone as long as we don't see them as sins. Jesus asks, "And what could this mean except that they are sins and not mistakes, forever uncorrectable, and to be met with vengeance, not with justice?" (T.25.IX.1.2) (ACIM OE T.25.X.78) Sin requires punishment. For those of us who have had religious training, while there were messages of a loving God, we were also reminded of our guilt and how bad we should feel because Jesus had to be crucified for our sins. This is an example of how the ego has projected its own image onto God, who now becomes a more powerful ego and an administrator of punishment.
Jesus says that belief in sin is arrogant. It is actually our belief that we are stuck with the ego and that it is our immutable nature. It makes God powerless by saying our errors are beyond "Heaven's justice." (T.25.IX.1.1) (ACIM OE T.25.X.78) Yet all it takes is for us to be ". . . willing to be released from all effects of sin." (T.25.IX.1.3) (ACIM OE T.25.X.78)It seems like something we would really want until he lets us know the conditions of answering "yes." "For if you answer 'yes' it means that you will forego all values of this world in favor of the peace of Heaven." (T.25.IX.1.5) (ACIM OE T.25.X.78) We may think this is asking too much of us and we doubt that this is possible. But all this does is, it gives more power to the hold illusion has on us than to what is possible for God.
We get off course all the time, but like the pilot of a 747 who is constantly veering off course, the Holy Spirit is our GPS, constantly guiding us back on track. We are constantly getting off course still living on the fault line of both thought systems. The first Lesson of the Holy Spirit, "To have, give all to all," (T.6.V.B.3.2) (ACIM OE T.6.b.72) makes it clear that having comes from giving. It is about undoing the concept that having comes from getting. What we have is our being, which, of course, can never be lost. But when we get on this path, we experience conflict as we feel a desire to get and also a pull towards knowing what we are. Spirit is about giving to all, while ego is about getting for oneself. It is a world of one or the other, where for me to win, you must lose. While we do want the peace of God, we still also want to hold onto illusions until truth has greater value for us. We want to forgive, but we also want to hold onto what we see as justified grievances. This is a conflicted state. Until we make a choice only for God, we will continue to experience conflict.
We came here to try to find happiness in the world, but now the world can serve a different purpose. It can be a classroom where we learn what we truly are. We will be motivated to do so when we recognize that the world is not a place where we will ever find our happiness. Happiness will only come when we remember our true reality. When we recognize the world is not the source of our happiness, we willingly turn to the Holy Spirit, Who will show us how the world and all of our relationships can be used to help us to return to the truth of our Self.
In Chapter 13, we see why Jesus says to us that it is important to see our brothers as innocent. "See no one, then, as guilty, and you will affirm the truth of guiltlessness unto yourself. In every condemnation that you offer the Son of God lies the conviction of your own guilt. If you would have the Holy Spirit make you free of it, accept His offer of Atonement for all your brothers. For so you learn that it is true for you." (T.13.IV.6.1-4) (ACIM OE T.13.III.16) When we attack and condemn, we increase our own guilt and our own self-condemnation; but when we forgive, we give this gift to ourselves, as well as to the world. "Guilt is always in your mind, which has condemned itself. Project it not, for while you do, it cannot be undone." (T.13.IX.6.7-8) (ACIM OE T.13.III.16) We can only undo the guilt in our own minds if we take responsibility for it and not blame anyone else. When we are willing to see that whatever we condemn in our brothers we are reinforcing in ourselves and only hurting ourselves, we become more motivated to apply these lessons daily.
These Lessons remind us that forgiving the world and all our relationships is how we learn we are innocent. As long as we attack and hold grievances, we will not know our holiness. That is why forgiveness is at the heart of healing our minds. With recognition of our own holiness, it is extended to everyone in the world, and now we see a world of holiness where we see our healed thoughts extended. We see a world that is blessed. It is the real world, which is a state of mind where peace and joy reign.
Now the holiness of the world shines forth and "Everyone and everything I see in its light shares in the joy it brings to me." (W.58.2.3) The joy we experience is not for us alone. We all share in this holiness that is a gift to everyone. It is not for me alone. This is how joy is increased and how everyone receives the blessing. "There is nothing my holiness cannot do." (W.58.3.1) It has unlimited power to heal and to save. We are saved from all our false ideas about ourselves. We are saved from the image that we think is what we are as bodies, personalities, and concepts we hold about ourselves. It is a petty image that keeps us in the illusion and keeps us in fear. Yet "Once I have accepted my holiness, nothing can make me afraid." (W.58.4.4)
Today, remember to claim "all good and only good" (W.58.5.2) All good things are yours because of what you are. (W.58.5.4-5) You are supported, protected, and guided in all things. You are blessed. When we claim what is ours in our creation as God intended for us, we will know we cannot suffer loss, deprivation, or pain of any kind. "My Father supports me, protects me, and directs me in all things. His care for me is infinite, and is with me forever. I am eternally blessed as His Son." (W.58.5.6-8) He holds our inheritance for us until we are ready to claim it. His Love is lavished on us, and we will know it fully when we have forgiven the world. Then, we will have awakened from the ego's dream of suffering and know we are at home with God, a home we have never left except in dreams.

Love and blessings, Sarah  
A Course in Miracles
ACIM Original Edition
Chapter Five: Healing and Wholeness
Voice and Music by Martin Weber, CIMS SonShip Radio
VIII. Time and Eternity             
70 The continuing will to remain separated is the only possible reason for continuing guilt feelings. We have said this before, but we did not emphasize the destructive results of this decision at that time. Any decision of the mind will affect both behavior and experience. What you will, you expect. This is not delusional. Your mind does create your future, and it can turn it back to full creation at any minute if it accepts the Atonement first. It will also turn back to full creation the instant it has done so. Having given up its thought disorder, the proper ordering of thought becomes quite apparent.
71 God in His knowledge is not waiting, but His Kingdom is bereft while you wait. All the Sons of God are waiting for your return, just as you are waiting for theirs. Delay does not matter in eternity, but it is tragic in time. You have elected to be in time rather than eternity and have therefore changed your belief in your status. Yet your election is both free and alterable. You do not belong in time. Your place is only in eternity, where God Himself placed you forever.
72 Guilt feelings are the preservers of time. They induce fears of future retaliation or abandonment and thus ensure that the future will remain like the past. This is the ego's continuity and gives it a false sense of security through the belief that you cannot escape from it. But you can and must. God offers you the continuity of eternity in exchange. When you choose to make this exchange, you will simultaneously exchange guilt for joy, viciousness for love, and pain for peace. My role is only to unchain your will and make it free. Your ego cannot accept this freedom and will oppose your free decision at every possible moment and in every possible way. And as its maker, you recognize what it can do because you gave it the power to do it.
73 The mind does indeed know its power because the mind does indeed know God. Remember the Kingdom always, and remember that you who are part of the Kingdom cannot be lost. The mind that was in me is in you, for God creates with perfect fairness. Let the Holy Spirit remind you always of His fairness, and let me teach you how to share it with your brothers. How else can the chance to claim it for yourself be given you? What you do not understand is that the two voices speak for different interpretations of the same thing simultaneously, or almost simultaneously, for the ego always speaks first. Alternate interpretations were unnecessary until the first one was made, and speaking itself was unnecessary before the ego was made.
74 The ego speaks in judgment and the Holy Spirit reverses its decisions, much as the Supreme Court has the power to reverse the lower courts' decisions about the laws of this world. The ego's decisions are always wrong because they are based on a complete fallacy which they were made to uphold. Nothing the ego perceives is interpreted correctly. Not only does it cite Scripture for its purpose, but it even interprets Scripture as a witness for itself. The Bible is a fearful thing to the ego because of its prejudiced judgment. Perceiving it as fearful, it interprets it fearfully. Having made you afraid, you do not appeal to the Higher Court because you believe its judgment would be against you.
75 We need cite only a few examples to see how the ego's interpretations have misled you. A favorite ego quotation is "As ye sow, so shall ye reap." Another is "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord." Still another is "I will visit the sins of the father unto the third and fourth generation," and also "The wicked shall perish." There are many others, but if you will let the Holy Spirit reinterpret these in His own light, they will suffice.
76 "As ye sow, so shall ye reap" merely means that what you believe to be worth cultivating you will cultivate in yourself. Your judgment of what is worthy makes it worthy for you. "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord" is easily explained if you remember that ideas increase only by being shared. This quotation therefore emphasizes the fact that vengeance cannot be shared. Give it therefore to the Holy Spirit, who will undo it in you because it does not belong in your mind, which is part of God.
77 "I will visit the sins of the fathers unto the third and fourth generation," as interpreted by the ego, is particularly vicious. It is used, in fact, as an attempt to guarantee its survival beyond itself. Actually, all the quotation means is that the Holy Spirit in later generations retains the power to interpret correctly what former generations have thought and thus release their thoughts from the ability to produce fear anywhere in the Sonship. "The wicked shall perish" is merely a statement of fact if the word "perish" is properly understood. Every loveless thought must be undone. Even the word "undone" is fearful to the ego, which interprets "I am undone" as "I am destroyed."
78 The ego will not be destroyed because it is part of your thought, but because it is uncreative and therefore unsharing, it will be reinterpreted entirely to release you from fear. The part of your thought which you have given to the ego will merely return to the Kingdom, where your whole mind belongs. The ego is a form of arrest, but arrest is merely delay. It does not involve the concept of punishment, although the ego welcomes that interpretation. You can delay the completion of the Kingdom, but you cannot introduce the concept of assault into it.
79 When I said, "I am come as a light into the world," I surely came to share the light with you. Remember the symbolic reference we made before to the ego's dark glass, and remember also that we said, "Do not look there." It is still true that "where you look to find yourself is up to you." The Higher Court will not condemn you. It will merely dismiss the case against you. There can be no case against a Child of God, and every witness to guilt in God's creations is bearing false witness to God Himself.
80 Appeal everything you believe gladly to God's own Higher Court because it speaks for Him and therefore speaks truly. It will dismiss the case against you, however carefully you have built it. The case may be foolproof, but it is not God-proof. The Voice for God will not hear it at all because He can only witness truly. His verdict will always be "Thine is the Kingdom" because He was given you to remind you of what you are.
81 Your patience with each other is your patience with yourselves. Is not a Child of God worth patience? I have shown you infinite patience because my will is that of our Father, from Whom I learned of infinite patience. His Voice was in me as it is in you, speaking for patience towards the Sonship in the name of its Creator. What you need to learn now is that only infinite patience can produce immediate effects. This is the way in which time is exchanged for eternity. Infinite patience calls upon infinite love, and by producing results now, it renders time unnecessary.
82 To say that time is temporary is merely redundant. We have repeatedly said that time is a learning device which will be abolished when it is no longer useful. The Holy Spirit, Who speaks for God in time, also knows that time is meaningless. He reminds you of this in every passing moment of time because it is His special function to return you to eternity and remain to bless your creations there. He is the only blessing you can truly give because He is so truly blessed, and because He has been given you so freely by God, you must give Him as you received Him.
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