Presbyterian Pan American School
February 2017                                                                                     Vol. 6, No. 1
In This Issue
A Note from the President...
Students Attend Leadership Training
Eagles 4-H Participates in Livestock Show
Board of Trustees Meet on Campus
Choir Travels to Georgetown
Searching for Alumni

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A Note from the President...
Dr. Dalglish
With all of the recent news about immigration issues in the United States, many of our students and their families are worried about the future of their education. Fortunately, all of our students who are not U. S. citizens are here on student visas. Their current visas will allow them to complete their high school and college studies in the U. S. In this time of uncertainty, our staff is doing all we can to assure all of our students' families that our school is committed to continuing to provide the best possible education for our students.

For more than 100 years, our school has been dedicated to mutual understanding among all nations. We believe that all the nations of the world will benefit when we cooperate across our borders. And, we trust that our students will make the world better because they have made the effort to come to a new country and learn in a new culture. We will do everything we can to support them as they become leaders who will make the world better for all people.

Rev. Dr. Doug Dalglish
Students Attend Leadership Training
Mo Ranch 3
The weather was perfect, and thirty-five of our students enjoyed a three-day leadership training weekend at Mo Ranch in Hunt, Texas February 17-19. The training was part of the annual Environmental Leadership Program (ELP), a hands-on outdoor environmental education program.

A variety of fun team-building activities, including the ropes course, were offered. We give thanks to the Mo Ranch staff for making this weekend possible and for graciously hosting our students and staff.

Mo Ranch 2
Eagles 4-H Participates in Livestock Show
Students with Lambs

PPAS 4-H students participated in the Kleberg-Kenedy County Junior Livestock Show February 1-4. Out of 11 lambs shown, 10 made the sale, and the Eagles 4-H club also received the Herdsman Award for having the cleanest area in the lamb division. 

For five of our students, this was their first time showing an animal. All money raised from the sale of the lambs goes back into the 4-H program to pay expenses to purchase and care for the animals and to continue the program for next year. We are proud of these students for the hard work they put in with their lamb projects this year!
Eagles 4-H
2016-2017 Eagles 4-H Members
Board of Trustees Meet on Campus
Board of Trustees 2.3.17
The PPAS Board of Trustees met on campus for their first meeting of the year February 3-4. We proudly welcomed eight new members, all of whom selflessly volunteer their time and service to our school and our students. 

In addition to their routine business and committee meetings, board members toured the campus, interacted with faculty and staff during a special reception on Friday afternoon, and visited our students at the Livestock Show on Friday night.

2017 PPAS Board of Trustees

Choir Travels to Georgetown
Choir at FPC, Georgetown
Twenty-five members of the Morris Chapel Choir led the singing at First Presbyterian Church, Georgetown on Sunday, February 12. On Saturday, the students had a great time visiting with the Georgetown youth group, and then they stayed overnight in the homes of church members. These opportunities to experience U.S. culture are so valuable for our international students, and we are grateful to churches for opening up their doors (and their homes) to our students!
Searching for Alumni
We are continuing to update the school's Alumni Database.
Alumni Image
You can help us by taking a few moments to register on the Alumni Directory on our website.  Or, you can email your contact information to Carmen Gonzales, Alumni Relations Liaison/Business Manager at

And, please share this email with your former classmates!