Climate Change Resiliency Webinar

Thursday March 2nd, 2017 12 PM - 1 PM EST

In Canada, some hospitals are already experiencing climate change impacts on their infrastructure as well an increase in the number of patients seeking medical attention as a result of climate-related events. To address these issues, leading health care facilities are examining their resiliency and adaptation options.

Join our FREE webinar to learn what two of Canada’s most engaged green hospitals are doing to ensure they become more resilient to the impacts of climate change.
B.C.’s GreenCare would like to hear from health care staff across Canada about extreme heat impacts on health care operations. Share your experiences in this short online survey to help our health care organisations to better understand the range of impacts to be addressed and develop effective plans at both site and organisation levels.  

For more information about this study, please contact Jackie Yip at or Angie Woo at

2017 is the Year of Climate Change and Health. 
Watch the replay of the Feb. 16 Climate & Health Meeting hosted by former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, APHA, The Climate Reality Project, Harvard Global Health Institute and the University of Washington Center for Health and the Global Environment with support from the Turner Foundation and other organizations. Read more
Code green: How we can decrease the environmental impact of our practices. Dr. Sarah Giles recently attended an ER conference where one of the speakers advocated for becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of ER practices. At the break following the talk, she was taken aback by the hostility voiced by fellow conference participants. Read more

Here’s how hospitals can heal through sustainability. In network, out of pocket, co-pays, deductibles — there’s no shortage of ways to talk about the costs of staying healthy. And while the current debates around health care focus on the financial costs, we also need to consider the cost to our environment. Read more
How to Select a Hospital Plastics Recycling Strategy. Choosing how to structure your hospital plastics recycling program is an important decision that can have dramatic ramifications on your outcome (see HPRC's  Chicago Regional Recycling Project for a real-world example.) Click here to read three proven approaches to help you determine what's right for your hospital.
Reduce the risk of lung cancer by testing for radon gas. Radon, a naturally-occurring gas, is the second leading cause of lung cancer in Canada – and the leading cause for non-smokers. Every building in Canada contains some level of radon, and the only way to know if you are being exposed to elevated levels is to test your workplace or home. Testing for radon is simple, and if necessary, elevated radon levels can be reduced!

T he Radon Action Challenge is a free, ready-made, health and safety program that challenges workplaces to test for radon gas and to educate employees. Sign up HERE.
Monique Keiran: Four food groups or four lobby groups?

It has been 14 years since the last update to the Canada Food Guide, and Health Canada is examining its healthy-eating recommendations to Canadians. This allows us to explore how political our food is. We have personal, cultural and social...

Read more
10 reasons health care needs sustainability treatments

Imagine a space where you feel good. Muscles relax, breathing is deeper. There is a natural feeling of gratitude and calm. Does this space lead to more positive interactions with others? Does it bring out the best in you? Hospitals have a mission ...

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Procuring for Energy Efficiency Workshop 
The Procuring for Energy Efficiency workshop is geared towards all staff, board members and/or elected officials, and others interested in learning best methods of procuring for energy related goods and services. It is applicable to anyone working in public sector organisations in Ontario. 

The dynamic and interactive workshop will focus on building and analysing procurement documents so that public sector agencies can evaluate products and services based on the entire life cycle costs of the item/service, rather than traditional methods of evaluation, which focus mainly on technical capability and cost. It will empower participants to use tools to understand the basics of life cycle costing, utilize take-home software to analyze energy related bid submissions, and shift focus toward products with long life and greater savings over time.

Cost:  $400.00+HST

Register HERE.
Greening Health Care Webinar: 2016 in Review

Wednesday, March 1, 2017
12:30 PM – 2:00 PM EST 

2016 in Review reveals the actual energy, water, utility cost and emissions savings for the full year, together with the updated savings potential for all member hospitals. Profiles of top-saving hospitals provide insights into common factors and unique approaches to achieving big savings. The full Greening Health Care program for 2017 will be presented and discussed, and the featured case study goes deep into the multi-year journey of one of Greening Health Care's most efficient member hospitals, detailing the projects and operational improvements made, the savings achieved and the team-based approach to measure identification, performance monitoring and continuous improvement.

Hospital Member:  No charge
Non-member Hospital:  $50

Register HERE.
Canadian Nursing Students’ Association Launches New Environmental Stewardship Award

The Canadian Nursing Students’ Association (CNSA) is pleased to announce the launch of its new Environmental Stewardship Award worth $750. This is an opportunity for a Canadian nursing student to be honoured for the advocacy work they have done in promoting environmental stewardship practice as related to their education, practice and future profession.

Interested applicants must submit an essay (maximum 500 words) on why they are deserving of this award, an explanation of their work, and attach a maximum of two supporting documents (fliers, leaflets, etc), that may aid the committee in their decision. All applicants and support materials should be sent to: no later than March 31, 2017. More info at

Calling all ENERGY STAR Participants
2017 ENERGY STAR Canada Awards are now open!

 NRCan salutes all Participants for their commitment to reducing energy consumption and protecting the environment. The ENERGY STAR Canada Awards recognizes Participants for promoting the energy-efficient products and practices in Canada. All Participants are invited to submit an application now!

See winners from last year: 2016 Winners.

To find out more, visit NRCan's Awards page. The deadline for submissions is March 3, 2017

Energy and Environmental Stewardship Award - Deadline Extended!
Sponsored by Honeywell, this award recognizes a progressive healthcare organization that has implemented programs that demonstrate environmental responsibility through the reduction of energy usage, the preservation of natural resources and effective waste diversion solutions. Deadline to apply has been extended to February 27, 2017.  Access the 2017 Nomination Form. More info  here.
Registration for CleanMed 2017 Now Open
Anchoring Healthy Communities
May 16-18, 2017
Minneapolis, Minnesota

This year, CleanMed will introduce “Mind Meetings” through the CleanMed mobile app. Attendees can download the app and connect in 10-minute rapid-fire meetings on the expo floor with other attendees, speakers, coaches, staff, and others they may want to chat with. More information will be at closer to the conference date.

Make sure to secure your spot ASAP as there is a very limited housing block at the Hilton Minneapolis Downtown. To secure the special rate of $201 per night, visit

National Health Leadership Conference
Value-based healthcare: Embracing a patient and family-centered approach

June 12-13, 2017 
Vancouver, British Columbia
This conference is the largest national gathering of health system decision-makers in Canada including trustees, chief executive officers, directors, managers, department heads and other health leaders representing various sectors and professions in health regions, authorities and alliances, hospitals, long-term care organizations, public health agencies, community care, mental health and social services. As well, the conference draws participants from government, education and research organizations, professional associations, consulting firms and industry.

Webinar 3/23: GreenScreen and LEED v4: Healthy Building Materials

March 23 2017 1 PM - 2 PM EST

The Canadian Green Building Council will host Shari Franjevic and Michelle Turner of Clean Production Action for a webinar entitled GreenScreen and LEED v4: Healthy Building Materials. In this webinar you will learn how toxic chemicals can impact you and your business, and identify ways to be proactive in designing, specifying, or purchasing healthy building materials. You will learn about the two GreenScreen tools, how to obtain results, and how to use GreenScreen scores to guide your decisions. You will also learn how to earn LEED v4 Material credits using scores from GreenScreen.

Member (National or Chapter): FREE

Non-member: $19

Register HERE.

Webinar February 28: Learn How Top Companies are Using GreenScreen for Safer Chemicals
Become an expert in GreenScreen by taking the  Advanced Topics course or joining the  Authorized GreenScreen Practitioner Program™. Attend this free webinar to learn about the value of becoming trained in GreenScreen.

Leading companies use GreenScreen to minimize business risk related to chemicals and get ahead of customer demands and regulations. The webinar speakers are Authorized GreenScreen Pracitioners™ who will share how and why their proactive companies selected GreenScreen as an important tool, the value GreenScreen has brought to their business, and how the  training provided by Clean Production Action has helped them succeed.

Webinar 2: Febrary 28, 2017 @ 10 am PT/1 pm ET

Antonio Quinones, GOJO
Doug Eichler, Roxul
Teresa McGrath, Valspar

In-Person Trainings 3/15 & 6/6: GreenScreen List Translator 

March 15th in Seattle, Washington or June 6th in Portland, Oregon

Reducing Chemical Hazards: The First Move

It is crucial to make informed decisions when choosing chemicals in products, processes, and supply chains. Though it seems like an obvious step, identifying and knowing the potential hazards of chemicals is often overlooked or perceived as too complicated or costly to address. Yet companies face brand and financial risk if they are not making informed decisions about the chemicals they use. This in-person training on the GreenScreen List Translator provides a first line of defense against regrettable chemical choices and hands-on practice to ensure you can effectively use the tool in your organization.

Watch the recorded  free precursor webinar, which introduces the basic principles of chemical hazard assessments, why they are of interest, and basic tools to identify and screen out hazardous chemicals.
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