Spring 2017
Surplus Book Sales 2017

Members Preview Sale
Fridays 5-7 pm

Open to Public Saturday 10 am-2 pm

Community Room

Fri and Sat Dates

April 7 & 8
June 2 & 3
Aug 4 & 5
Oct 6 & 7
Dec 2 only

Art Exhibits - 2017

Rocklin Fine Arts (RFA) Open Juried Winners

Feb 11-April 1

Rocklin Fine Arts Student Show Winners

April 1-June 3

Ongoing Children's Events

Doggone Good Reading 

2nd Tuesday of the month 
3:30 - 4:30 pm 

There will be two dogs with handlers for your child to read to. 

Reading Buddies

4:00 - 5:00 pm. Teens read to children.

Time for Twos
10:30 - 11:00 am

Bring your two year old, come ready to dance, sing and look at some great books.

Pre-School Storytime

10:30 - 11:00 am Preschool, ages 3 to 5 years

Wee Read Baby Lapsit

10:30 am - 11:30 am
Birth to two years

Book Club

Meets Second Thursday of the Month in the Community Room
2 pm

President's Message

By Michele Vass

Hello Friends! Since this is my first newsletter article, I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Michele Vass and I was recently elected to lead the Rocklin Friends of the Library for 2017. My family and I moved to Placer County in 2009, and settled in Rocklin in 2011. I have served on numerous nonprofit boards over the years, and I am excited to be working on behalf of our library.

I joined the Friends in 2016 because I wanted to support their mission and the good work they do for our community. I had no idea that I would be drafted to serve as a leader after attending my first meeting!

We started off this year with a focus on increasing our membership and becoming more visible in our community. My goal for 2017 is to grow our group to 250 members! Our "Love Your Library" Valentines themed book giveaway will be a great opportunity to give back to our community and talk to those who aren't familiar with our group about the benefits a Friends' membership provides.

At our March meeting, we will be introducing options for a new Friends logo and will be moving forward with updating our branding, website design, and social media presence. Developing a new marketing strategy will help us connect better with our audience, build awareness, and advocate for our cause.

Our organization is a 100% volunteer effort, and many of our members give and volunteer without the expectation of recognition. I am working on ways to create stronger relationships between our valued members, our donors, and our volunteers. The support you provide is priceless, and supporting the Rocklin Library would be impossible without your contributions!

As part of that effort, the Rocklin Friends are going downtown... downtown Sacramento that is! On April 18th at 10:00am, we are taking a field trip to the State Library for a guided tour and lunch. I'm excited to see the renovations to the building, get a California history lesson, and spend time with some of our members away from the busyness of our work at the library.

It has been a pleasure getting to know many of you over the last few months and to learn about your interests and why you serve our community through the Rocklin Friends of the Library. We have many talented members whose dedication, energy, hard work, and resources make our mission of supporting the Rocklin Library possible.

In closing, I am delighted to report that we recently presented our Head Librarian, Sophie Bruno, with a $2,000 check to assist in the children's collection development!

With your help I am looking forward to a busy year of increased membership, increased community engagement, and increased funding to our Rocklin library!
Library Hero 
 Francine Yorde

Growing up in Brussels, Belgium, Francine Yorde was brought to the library by her grandmother around the age of 5. By the time she was 14, she had read just about every book in the local library. Francine had established herself as a reader for life.

With her love of reading and books, it is no wonder Francine made her career path as a librarian. Her career started in Rocklin at Rocklin Elementary and Parker Whitney Elementary schools working as a librarian for about 11 years. Afterwards, she worked at Ponderosa High School in Shingle Springs in El Dorado County as a librarian for 16 years.

After retiring, Francine started attending the Rocklin Friends of the Library meetings. Although she has been a member for 25 years, she didn't become active until about 12 years ago. She has been secretary, vice president, and president. She was president in 2009 and 2010. Being part of the vision of the new library was important to Francine. All of her library career experiences helped in developing what the Rocklin Library is today. Besides being on the local Friends of the Library board, Francine is working on her third term with the Placer County Library Advisory Board, where she has already contributed 10 years with two more years to finish this term.

At this point in her life, Francine loves to read mysteries. Her favorite author is Lee Child, who writes the Jack Reacher series. What drew her to this series was her fascination about a man who traveled throughout the United States with only a toothbrush as his only luggage. Another point of interest to this series for Francine is the books are well written with a tight story along with a wealth of details about all the areas the main character travels.

In regard to the future of libraries, Francine feels that libraries are not going away. Libraries remodel their services to go with the needs of the times. Libraries are becoming more of a community, event, and entertainment place for kids. Libraries are another venue for kids to go and read.

As you can see, Francine has and continues to be a great advocate to libraries. We are lucky to have her in our organization.

Book Lovers Support Library Services 
by Gloria Beverage - Book Sales Coordinator

Thanks to book lovers, more than $9,200 was collected last year through sales in the Friends of the Library's book store as well as during the quarterly surplus book sales.

Our goal for 2017 is $10,000. To attain that goal, we will be holding our surplus book sales every other month. The remainder of this year's sales will be held April 7-8, June 2-3, Aug. 4-5, Oct. 6-7 and Dec. 1-2.

Members can shop during the preview sale, which will be open Fridays from 5 to 7 p.m. Fill a shopping bag for just $2.

Saturday's sales will be open to the public from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. Fill a bag for $5. Individual books can be purchased for $2 for hardbacks or $1 for paperbacks.

The used book store, located on the right at the front entrance to the library, continues to be our major fundraising success.  Adult and children's books (unless marked) are $3 for hardbacks and $2 for paperbacks. DVDs and audio tapes are also offered as well as a selection of book group recommendations.

Thanks to generous donors, we offer a wide range of genre - from fiction, romance and mystery to inspiration, biography, history, cookbooks and business.

Proceeds from our sales are used by the Placer County library staff to purchase adult and children's books as well as special materials for the library collection.

To become a member of the Friends of the Library (and obtain admission to the preview sale), visit www.rocklinfriends.org or pick up a membership form in our book store. Memberships start at $10.

We welcome book donations to keep our inventory fresh. Drop them in the slot just inside the library's front entrance.

We can also use some willing hands to help set up and pack up the surplus sales. If you can give us a couple of hours, please send an email to Gloria Beverage at [email protected] or call 799-7783

New Board and Meeting Changes

President - Michele Vass
Vice President - Mary Anne Sjoberg
Co - Secretaries - Alice Pennington and Pat Moore
Treasurer - Rita Peterson

Our meetings for 2017 will be held on:
March 14 
May 9
September 12
November 14

Meeting are open to the public and start at 10:00 am in the Rocklin Library Community Room

Love Your Library 

Our "Love your Library" event on February 14th and 15th was a success. Library patrons were greeted, given a book bag with goodies and received a free book from our bookstore. 

One young library patron questioned if he had to check the book out and was surprised to learn he did not have to return it either. You mean I get to keep the book? Yes you do!   It was a great way to share our love of the library and of our community.

Patrons learned about the Friends' mission and the event was a great opportunity to showcase our bookstore which is our main fundraiser for the year. 

Thanks to Lend a Heart and their handlers and dogs who were available for kids to read to.
How can you help to support us?
The mission of Rocklin Friends of the Library is to generate support for the Rocklin Library and Placer County library services and to promote community interest in libraries, reading, and lifelong learning.

Rocklin Library - 624-3133
4890 Granite Drive., Rocklin, CA

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