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 IFNA GLOBAL CONNECTIONS                                         February, 2017 
In This Issue
Family Nursing in The Netherlands
Family Nursing Practice News
Family Nursing Education News
Family Nursing Research News
IFNA Conference News
IFNA Family Nursing Community News
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Dr. Marie Louise Luttik (Netherlands) and her colleague, Dr. Wolter Paans, launched the first family nursing initiative in the Netherlands in 2014. The research group in Nursing Diagnostics and Family Care at Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen was granted 50,000 Euros by the Centre of Expertise Healthy Ageing. With this funding, efforts to build a collaborating network of care-, research- and educational institutions began which has now been named an Innovation lab. The objective of this Innovation Lab is to develop and promote family nursing in the Netherlands.

A strong team focus on family nursing education and research is being developed. The educational team offered a 6-day training in Family Health Conversations (FamHC) for 40 nurses in the participating care institutions. Three PhD students are working on three different family nursing research programs: family involvement in the hospital setting, the FamHC as an evidence-based family nursing intervention, and the role of family nursing in supporting adolescents who are living with an chronically ill family member.  [Read more]

There are currently 2 IFNA members from the Netherlands.

Dr. Marie Louise Luttik and Dr. Wolter Paans
IFNA Member Feedback Requested for Draft:
IFNA Position Statement on Advanced Practice Competencies in Family Nursing (APC-FN)
The IFNA Practice Committee is very pleased to announce the development of a new groundbreaking IFNA Position Statement on Advanced Practice Competencies for Family Nursing (APC-FN) which is now ready for IFNA member review and comment. This new IFNA Position Statement (APC-FN) outlines the competencies for advanced practice family nurses to guide the care of families in all settings and provides a focus for nursing education, theory, and research related to advanced practice family nursing.  The APC-FN builds on the IFNA Position Statement on Generalist Competencies for Family. Deadline for your feedback and edits: March 27, 2017.
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Dr. Ami Bylund (Sweden) defended her doctoral thesis, "Wait For Us To Catch Up" in which she explored aspects of family functioning following gastric bypass surgery. She is also involved in examining the usefulness of Family Health Conversations (FamHC) with families experiencing chronic illness. [Read more]

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e IFNA Practice News
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The National Academy of Medicine in the US recently released a Discussion Paper, "Harnessing Evidence and Experience to Change Culture: A Guiding Framework for Patient and Family Engaged Care" which highlights, among other elements, the importance of developing skilled practice with families in order to change the culture of health care to attend to families' physical, emotional, spiritual needs. This recommendation is supported by the findings of several family nursing transfer/translation research projects conducted in Canada, Denmark, Iceland, Spain, Switzerland (a), Switzerland (b), and Sweden

These family nursing knowledge transfer/translation projects have shown that leadership vision for family focused care, change champions, and intensive education of nurses to implement family nursing knowledge and skills resulted in greater family satisfaction with the care received and increased work satisfaction reported by nurses.  [Read more] 
For more IFNA Education News [Read more].  
Dr. Kit Chesla (USA) is a Professor and Shobe Endowed Chair for Ethics and Spirituality, Department of Family Health Care Nursing, University of California, San Francisco. She conducts interpretive phenomenology research in family nursing and is involved in multiple funded projects. She served as member of the Coordinating Committee that helped establish IFNA in 2009 and served as the IFNA President from 2013-2015. [Read more]   

For more IFNA Research News

IFNC13 Update: Check the IFNA website for information about conference registration and hotel reservations.

The deadline for submission of IFNC13 " Late Breaking Abstracts" has been extended to February 28, 2017.

For more IFNA Conference News [
IFNA Response to the Recent Executive Order in the United States Regarding Immigration and Refugees  
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