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From the Message on Sunday

When a person sinned back in Old Testament times and broke one of God's covenantal laws, what was that person required to do?  He or she would go to the temple and offer a sacrifice so that they could get right with God. And what was that sacrifice?  A Lamb was often used. And what did they do the second time they sinned? That's right they took another lamb and another and another.
I believe that John calling Jesus the lamb of God is emphasizing the whole point of the Bible.  John is saying that Jesus, the Lamb of God came to take care of our sin once and for all.
For a new believer or for a new Disciple back in Jesus day this signaled a new way to be connected to God. A direct connection to God that did not go through the priests at the temple. This was hard for them to understand. They would end up spending three years with Jesus figuring out what this meant.

En Agape',
Rev. Michael Weeks

Next Sunday: The choir will not be singing 
Youth Sunday 2017

This Week's Calendar
Tuesday: Meals on Wheels - Sarah Jo Bryce
Wednesday: Youth Group - 5:15 p.m.
Choir - 7 p.m.
Thursday: Guests in Fellowship Hall - 10:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: Spring cleanup - 9:00 a.m.
Disciples Women - 10:00 a.m.
Youth Sunday:  Children's Choir- 9:45 a.m.
ONE Worship - 11:00 a.m.
Girl Scouts - 2:30 p.m.
Board Meeting - 7:00 p.m.
**Note from the office: Newsletter article deadline is Monday, March 20
Order forms and payment due MARCH 28th.
Again this year we invite you to honor a loved one and beautify our sanctuary for Easter. Daffodils, Tulips and Hyacinths will be available for $13 each.  During worship please place the order form and payment in the offering plate. You may mail or bring your form and payment to the church office.
Please take your plant home with you after Easter Sunday worship.

meals on wheels
The 2017 Meals on Wheels driver sign up sheet
is posted on the Disciples Women bulletin board.

~Joan Webb (friend of Tori Goodman; heart surgery)
~Robin Twaddell & family (cousin of Mark Highfield;dealing with a return of cancer)
~Amy Bates (former accompanist at Slash)
~David Brent (friend of Krystal Melton; hospice)
~Beth Harris (niece of Don and Helen Kersey; bone marrow transplant)
~Wayne Smith (brother of Beth Harris; bone marrow donor)
~Alvin Loving (Autumn Care; Autumn Wing, Room 312)
~ Scott Huddle (nephew of Jo Richardson; improving but will be in and out of the hospital during the next few months for two more surgeries)
~Dianne Jones
~Brian Cummings (friend of Sherri Smith; esophageal cancer)
~Lynn Merrick and family (friend of Heather Ostrander)
~Marilyn Heishman (friend of Dianne Jones; surgery on March 15)
~Iris (friend of Gail Hellermann; ALS)
~Pam Brown (friend of Gail Hellermann; liver failure)
~Bob Peters (cousin of Ginnie Caudell; receiving new pace maker)
~Sheryl Snellings (friend of Dianne Jones)
~Caleb Lambert (son of co-worker of Judy Pierce; cancer treatment) 
~George McCormick (coworker of Chad Baugher; cancer)
~Kayla (daughter of coworker of Leslie West)
~Bob and Barbara Henderson (Bob; blood clots in lungs)
~Carolyn Nash
~Dickie Tomlin (brother-in-law of Buddy Fowler; chemo)
~Norma Jennings (home)
~Michelle Bradley & son, Caleb (friends of the Ostranders; Caleb hand surgery went very well) 
~Jo Richardson (home)
~Vaughn Schmitt (family friend of the Weeks') 
~Polly Vaughan, Beverly Vaughan
~Bob Raiford (father of Michelle Weeks)
~Nancy Hooper (sister of Brooken Loving)
~Charlie Hunt (friend of Judy Pierce; leukemia treatments)
~MaryLee Jones
~Brooken Loving (suffering from severe psoriasis)
~ Faisal Saeed (coworker of Cathy Tillman) 
~Shot Mangum (brother of Judy Pierce) 
~Ann Graham (sister of Don Kersey)
~Jack McGuire (uncle of Michelle Weeks)
All military personnel, first responders and their families
Unspoken prayer concerns

~Congratulations to Anna West and Joey Oliva on their engagement
~Betty Pierce attended church with her daughter and son-in-law on her birthday
~Steve Harrison good test results

We will see you Sunday!
Slash Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
11353 Mt. Hermon Rd. | Ashland, VA  23005 | 804.798.4520 

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