Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange
is all over WikiLeaks'
release, which he describes as a
"Cyber-Electronic 9/11". He does
a great job of summarizing the
main points that emerged today,
including degrees of creepy privacy
invasion, which many of us have
long suspected but which are now
- CIA Can Spy on You Through
Your TV and Bypass Your Mobile
Encryption Apps
- CIA Catalogues Hack Techniques
Used By Other Countries, Including
- NSA Whistleblower Edward
Snowden Believes Wikileaks CIA
Leaks Are Authentic
- Revelations Give Weight to
Theories about the Assassination
of journalist, Michael Hastings
If you don't have or want a Twitter
account, it might be worth getting a
temporary one, just to see the
fotonovela of truth bombs getting
dropped on
WikiLeaks' page, with
posts of schematics of how the the
agency operates and with WikiLeaks
almost comically crowing - with
documents to back up their claims
- "US Consulate in Frankfurt is a
covert CIA hacker base"
- "CIA hackers celebrated what they
saw as the financial largesse of Obama
towards them with 'Make It Rain'"
(Hip Hop slang for money dropping
out of the sky)
- "Don't want to pay for Windows?
The CIA's hackers have a pirate
guide to skip product key activation"
- "CIA illicitly hoarded 'zero day'
attacks, putting at risk industry,
government and even Trump's
Twitter account"
Posts from Edward Snowden, which
were either retweeted by WikiLeaks or
directed by him at WikiLeaks's account,
include: "The CIA reports show the
USG developing vulnerabilities in US
products, then intentionally keeping
the holes open. Reckless beyond
On Snowden's own account, he tweeted,
"Imagine a world where the actual CIA
spends its time figuring out how to spy
on you through your TV. That's today".
An earlier tweet about how one would
have had to have been read-in to a
particular program, in order to know
the details revealed appears to now
have been deleted.
Let the detractors detract. We've never
seen anything like this and it's a beautiful
(4 mins):
WAC: What You Need to Know About the Vault 7 WikiLeaks Release