District-wide Family Survey on LCAP Programs and Actions
A district-wide survey was created by a staff-parent workgroup team to learn about your and your child's/children's experiences in the Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD). Your participation in this survey provides important feedback regarding programs and actions designed to meet our goals for students in our Local Control and Accountability Plan. The survey is anonymous;  all current BUSD families are encouraged to participate.

This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete, and may be followed by a second section specific to your child's school.
 Each School Governance Council (SGC) makes a plan to obtain community feedback; many are doing school surveys, others are holding focus groups or community meetings to solicit input.

The high school survey is ready to go at this link in English, and this link in Spanish, with the elementary and middle school surveys rolling out later this week. Stay tuned for messages in the next A+ News and via school etrees and newsletters.
Meanwhile, to find out more about the LCAP, visit this page.
WE CARE Employee Service Awards
Each year classified staff members are recognized for demonstrating excellence in the spirit of Berkeley Unified's WE CARE customer service model.

WE CARE stands for:  Willingness, Empathy, Consistency, Aptitude (knowledge), Responsiveness, and Effectiveness (quality).

These 2014 recipients were recently recognized at the annual Classified Staff Meeting and by the School Board:
Miriam Feiner - Admin. Coordinator, Special Education
Ross Gohl - Maintenance Engineer
Zina Lindsey - Microcomputer Technician, Technology
Alicia Mayorga - Instructional Media Technician
Isabel Parra, Translation Specialist
Mia Villaneuva - Prog. Coordinator, Gardening & Cooking
La Ron Ingram - Custodian, Malcolm X/Operations
William Harris, Jr. - Nutrition Services, serving at BHS
Sonia Colon - Secretary, Emerson
Annette Johnson-Banks - Scheduler, Transportation
Steve Saunders - Safety Officer, Berkeley High School

Congratulations to each of the WE CARE award recipients! Thank you for your service to Berkeley's students and families.
Longfellow Musicians at Work and Play
With funding support from In Dulci Jubilo Inc. and La Pena Cultural Center, this year's Longfellow Chamber Music Concert included three original pieces written by Longfellow students in collaboration with local composers.

Longfellow Chamber Music Concert 2015
Click to view the 2015 Longfellow Chamber Music Concert
The middle school music program is made possible by Berkeley voter support of the Berkeley School Excellence Program (BSEP). Thank you, Berkeley!  
Summer Camp Resource Fair - Tuesday, March 10, 5:00 -7:00 pm Sun Icon  
Thinking about how to keep your kids learning, active, and engaged this summer? Join other BUSD parents at the annual Summer Camp Resource Fair held at Rosa Parks School and find out about local camps, programs, and resources available to you and your family.
Berkeley College and Career Day: March 12
The third annual Berkeley College and Career Day (BCCD) takes place  Thursday, March 12 .  The goal is to engage 10,000 students across the city of Berkeley through rallies, assemblies, and special speakers visiting the schools to talk with children and youth about their career and educational paths. Ask at your child's school how you can participate, or contact Charity DaMarto, Supervisor of Family Engagement & Equity for Berkeley Unified.
Save the Date: Parent Information Night on New State Test, April 9
Save the evening of April 9th for a district-wide parent information night on how the new Smarter Balanced Assessments are being administered and used in the Berkeley Unified School District. More information about these tests can be found here.  
New Great Kids' Books 
"'Run, Zulay, run!' my friends all shout, like I shouted for them."

If you'd like to find some new picture books with compelling stories and beautiful illustrations for you and your elementary age child(ren) to enjoy, look no further than the stories featured in the last few posts on the Great Kid Books blog. On her blog, Emerson School librarian, Mary Ann Scheuer, provides a rich look inside some of what's being read and shared in our school classrooms and libraries.
Family Art Day: March 14
Come out to the Berkeley Art Center for Family Art Day, and enjoy the current exhibit featuring work by our K-8 students! 

Family Art Day is Saturday, March 14 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. (Free)

The BUSD Exhibition is also open to the public until March 24:

Wed - Sun. 12:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Location: Live Oak Park, 1275 Walnut St. 

2015 Schools Fund Spring Luncheon: Expanding Opportunity
You're invited to the  2015 Schools Fund Spring Luncheon  on   May 8  at Hs Lordships Restaurant on the Berkeley Marina! This year's luncheon theme is "Expanding Opportunity", recognizing teachers who are successfully engaging students by reaching them outside the classroom. The Distinguished Educator Honorees this year are: 

John Fike, Teacher on Special Assignment, Berkeley Technology Academy (BTA), for his outstanding efforts to address the socio-emotional needs of students at BTA.

Matt Tsang, Growing Leaders Program Director, Willard Middle School, for engaging students through cooking, gardening, entrepreneurship, and mentorship.

Naomi Washington, African American Studies Teacher,  Berkeley High, for inspiring generations of students inside and outside the classroom through dance.

You won't want to miss this chance to join in recognizing these outstanding educators!